(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Not a side track bud, it’s an interesting topic. I just did some reading and not liking what I read. Check out the article I posted. If it works for you then great, I just am not liking what I am reading about the technology.


I will just fuck up the pollen , give it to someone who will not.

You got room to try some of the LC( WC x haze) ??? I have one going now , first one, looks pre historic, lol . 3 more as seedlings that look the same . Think it’s going to be something special . Super stout plant , huge fat fat leafs , she is her own it appears. Neither WC nor the haze throw wide leaf. So it’s coming from the AE77 Cali O orange in Ogahs make up …… should have great terps .

Would love to see you try it . The one I have in tent 2 will go to flower in a week or two , I’ll get to see what she displays. As of now, it’s not either parent , lol


Ya c02 can be dangerous in the wrong hands I’ve walked into the tin box where the C02 levels were over 3000 you can feel it immediately not a good feeling.


My house is very big and has 20 foot tall ceilings. I have three tents in one room I have a couple killer large dehumidifiers. In the summer with all 3/10 running all 3/10 running the humidifier ran nonstop and pulled 5 gallons or more a day out of the room my electric bill was astronomical.

I had to resort to large axial fans and a lot of air movement and I had to exhaust out of that room.


Lol the struggles of a hard core grower . 2000.00 dehum 10 grand mini split RO system lights from hell and that friggin hydro bill . They asked me if I was drying grain oh ya just what I’d want to do.


I read the link @DougDawson but I think there is some erroneous information in there that is directed at the home owner or the residential joe schmoe. Using with all the precautions one does for C02 supplementation… ie: sealed room, vent only to outside , system off and vented before opening. Ozone is no more dangerous because the user is not exposing themselves to the ozone.
anyhow… enough out of me…on with the show hehehe


I get it bud. Many things that can be dangerous can also be used responsibly. Not knocking it at all. Just don’t know enough about it with my minimal research to make an informed decision so right now, not for me. I will keep reading, I like reading, and am always open to trying new things. I appreciate you bringing it up.


Whoa… it does sound scary… ozone smog!!! What the what!!! Deffo not for me!! I was worried about co2… I have 2 - 20 lb tanks… 1 for when 1 runs out… so I can refill yet keep supplement going… it’s run off of a dispenser that is hooked into my trolmaster master controller… I’m not using it this time as I need to learn to grow without 1st… (simplify) but I can’t wait to implement it later… it seems to be on point… as far as co2 I think I read it would have to be above 2000 to start affecting humans… headaches nausea etc… so 1500 is the top benchmark… no need to worry too much as long as it is controlled… but ozone smog… that shit sounds really bad!! But like u said… even the dangerous stuff can be safe with proper knowledge and or training beforehand


So things are progressing fine. Got 6.6 grams of pollen today so better then yesterday. Keep it coming guys, lol.


Sure is a load of pollen! :flushed: Wow!
Your boys just keep on giving.
Amazing work! :v:


Thats why I nicknamed Doug the pollen king a year ago or so. :laughing: :+1:


I can’t get over the beauty of your garden @DougDawson
It’s gorgeous :green_heart:


That is a shitload of polen!!!



You are still killin it man! Beautiful work.


The grow looks great.


It’s been ruff in the south. The temperature is up and down. All this rain is insane.



Today …. Rain all day , low of 38 high of 39
Just a beautiful day in the neighborhood


Oh man I think you’re going to match that insane amount of Sour Bubble pollen you produced and collected @DougDawson!
The plants all look so beefy and lush :heart_eyes: keep up the amazing work mate it’s inspiring​:fist_right::fist_left:


That sucks @Jetdro , stay warm bud.

Thanks @Cranio


Dude , I’m good . House nice n warm , all chores done already , just a bitch in the 7 ladies outside in octopots . They have been poured on and cold for a week now. Yesterday , in the pouring rain at 49 degrees they were all praying ……they are trying .

Think it’s time to hit the narcotic cough syrup :sunglasses:

This stuff doc gave me is so strong I take a big swig of it and smoke a joint , it’s instantly 2 hours later and I’m seeing sideways .

Always did like opiates , once in a blue moon , specially legal ones when your sick :