(complete) BOG Blue Kush preservation run grown under a Mars FC 8000 de

Stellar run so far. Look forward to watching the finishing push


Beautiful site to see Doug! The females are looking grea! The males just keep giving! They all look spectacular brother!!


Good progress doug, do you spray the tent down with water after the boys are done spraying it down with pollen? You know to kill of anything left flying around, or you just let er ride?


I just let it ride till the end. The whole tent is one giant pollen pile so spraying would do something but not much since itā€™s all over the walls, lights, fans etc.


Solid point, I always have it in my head that thereā€™ll be some pollen that ends up in a corner of the room somewhere that ends up making an unintended cross during the next run, but I guess of you just channel Felix Unger and clean your shit spick and span thereā€™s no reason to worry


I cleaned as well as anyone could. Like six times. The next run, I still got a few stray seeds. It only takes one grain of pollen to make a seed.


Yeah, itā€™s always a concern. When done I will hose down the entire tent and room with a diluted bleach solution which should take care of any issues but itā€™s a time consuming process as the whole room needs to be done.


I seal up the rooms with the equipment and with the fans circulating at high speed I run an Ozone generator for 72hrs, followed by a peroxide wash down of everything.
Works very well at killing more than just pollen :wink:


Whoa, never heard of an ozone generator before, gonna have to look into that one

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If you get one donā€™t breath ozone for any period of time.


yes, most certainly learn and adhere to all the precautions.
Ozone is a rapid oxidizer of anything organicā€¦
including your eyes, lungs and especially your plantsā€¦ that said it is very safe to use in sealed environments for the purpose of killing organics from pollen to insects and thier eggs.


After looking into it I cannot see me using an ozone generator in my home.


How are you putting up and storing the pollen Doug ? @DougDawson

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Right now the pollen is thinly spread over a baking sheet in a dark closet with 27% humidity to dry. Once I am done collecting and drying I will package it up and start sending it out to other growers to have some fun with. Some will be kept by me in the freezer for longer term storage.



I see ,
80 percent humidity here , I canā€™t do that , pain here to keep pollen dry .


Yeah, I had issues on my last run. I collected over 1/4 lb of pollen and getting it dry was a pain. Ruined some of it. This time I have made sure to keep it all spread very thin and have not had any issues but my low humidity due to winter in Canada is defiantly a big help.


Here I CANNOT let it sit out at all. Gotta clean it and store immediately, which means itā€™s wet .

I do put it in bowls with desiccants but your way would work way better , lucky you got such low humidity. Been 95 percent here for an entire week .

I would like you to run a few of my Lost Cake seeds when you get room , if ever . Think you would like them , if you find time or room just let me know . I can spare some .


Thanks man, that would be cool. I can send you some pollen from these Blue Kush if you got a use for it. It will be good and dry so you would even be able to freeze it right away for later use.


15% humidity hereā€¦ from now till may most likely
Not to try and convince folks but the proper use of ozone is no more dangerous than supplementing C02 gas. As far as exposure goes anyways. there are safe ways to do a lot of things. I do a lot of breeding and the ozone is a necessity. It is the most efficient pollen killer I have found but itā€™s how I was taught a few decades ago hehehe
sorry for the sidetrack @DougDawson


Yo @Jetdro ! If you have a smallish tent, I find my Hafele dehumidifier works great to keep RH at the necessary levels here in the tropics. Right now itā€™s doing triple duty; drying seeds, pollen and buds!
