(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Beautiful work Doug. But one thing I would have done. You would get a huge bean harvest with just two plants, as well as leftover magic dust.
I would have taken one of the girls and run her for sinsemilla. That way you get the benefit of a great smoke as well as making a sack full of beans. But that’s just me.
Very nice garden.


I get that @BigMike55 but I just can’t. That would be removing that pheno from the pool. With viable BMR seeds being so hard to obtain, and this being a preservation run, I have to keep as many plants involved as possible. Removing 1/6 of the gene pool would be counter productive to the future of the strain IMO. If I was not shutting down in July for a couple months I would have taken clones but hey, I can always run the seeds produced.


I get it. Ain’t nothing like a great Sinsemilla tho.
I’m shutting down after the London Pound Cake Challenge for at least a couple weeks maybe a month or so. I need to do some traveling to visit family and friends for a while and have really no one dependable to watch my garden.


I have 4 full weeks of holidays booked between the first week of July and the first week of Sept. So two 9 day trips and one 2 week trip. Just is too painful to keep things going and causes me stress with equipment running while I am not home. All good though, this run is pushing my first trip. Inwill pass up 9n some bud for the sake of OG :slight_smile:


Maybe one of our fine Canadian members will gift you some good bud to tide you over. I’m USA. Or I would. After my harvest. I’m on mids right now. But I have some fine bud coming in about 3-4 weeks.


I have had one member offer although I declined at the time. Some great folk up here and we can legally ship up to an oz so life is good.


@DougDawson hold on so Canada lets you ship to friends? Also do they offer insurance in the package lol?

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I’d mail Doug weed any time, any day. Just say the word my friend.


I would think you could get insurance. They even sell smell proof Bubble mailers just to ship your week.

Thanks brother, I appreciate it. :pray:


The one in the back right is a true Christmas tree haha!


Sure is, and it’s going to be like Santa when it starts dropping pollen to make seeds. Can’t wait to see some beans starting to form and pollen being collected. It will be great to have an abundance of these beans out there. You really did a great service to everyone offering these up man, it’s greatly appreciated.


Doug give a shout out if your running low I got ya covered . Especially for your 2 week trip coming up if you need.


Thanks brother, will do. You’re the best.


Hey all, things are looking good in the tents tonight, males are stacking up nicely and we got some bud sites forming. Each day brings us closer to so BMR seeds.



Plants are looking awesome as usual Doug, getting pretty darn excited for the bmr bean show…

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Hahahahahahahaha! So funny, made my day. Thank you :grin::metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Here us the update I didn’t get to posting last night. Plants ate doing well.

Saw the first pollen dropping as well. Woo hoo. Pollen party in the BOG tent.


solid work doug!!!:heart:

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Looking great.

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