(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

That is one rad card @CADMAN. The elusive BMR is almost here… hip hip hooray.:grinning::grinning::crazy_face::crazy_face:
Thanks to @DougDawson for you countless hours to make this happen. Thanks cadman for putting together that design


Well, I am nothing if not a man of my word so here is your update. Plants are doing good. Really wished I had a few weeks more to veg them before I flipped but oh well. They should do fine. Here they are.

Also I did pick up another 5.9 grams of pollen so there’s that :wink:


Outstanding :+1:t4:!


Nothing wrong with the size of those Doug…I think we all wish we’d vegged a couple more weeks at some time or another.


Great work, it’s incredible the amount of pollen you are collecting.


I agree with CanuckistanPete, everyone has thought they should have vegged longer at least one time in their grow history BUT Im also with him and think they are perfect :raised_hands:

I love her colors too. Those beautiful lime green and purple crystalin flowers atop those deep green/purple leaves is absolutely gorgeous :green_heart:

Those buds are going to look amazing when they are dried and cured, and I can’t wait to hear how they smell and taste when that day comes.


So when you’re collecting that much pollen, what do you do with it till you inevitably break it down into 40,000 tiny bags to give out? Dry it on baking sheet for awhile, then into a jar with dessicant until you’re ready @DougDawson ?


That’s pretty much it except I keep in a low humidity closet, so no dessicant. To use a dessicant, I would need to seal the pollen in a container and find it better to leave it open.


I gotcha. Probably better to leave it on a sheet pan spread out than clumped together in a jar drying unevenly. Do you run a dehumidifier in there? Or just naturally low humidity in that area of the house?

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Just naturally low in that basement closet.


I am just accustomed to bigger plants, I just didn’t have the time. A couple more weeks would have really helped the seed count.

Thanks. I think they look good too, just would have been nice to be able to increase their yield. Still happy with how the plants are doing :blush:


after I flipped the plants for the shishkaberry 3 seed increase I looked at them and thought to myself… gee I wish I had vegged those a little longer LOL. The seed haul is impressive now that it’s all cleaned up. Probably 1500 to 2000 healthy seeds per plant. The tallest was 30.5 inches tall and shortest 24inches. It’s surprising how much seed they will produce when fully pollinated in an enclosed space and are well cared for.
you’re gonna kill it man :sunglasses:


Thanks. I am not concerned about getting enough seeds to cover the Co-op, but there is no denying I will get thousands and thousands less seeds than my last 2 runs. What can I say, I would have preferred 10k to 15k like my last 2 runs, Lol. I prefer 6 foot plants 🪴 :sweat_smile: Time just didn’t allow for that this run.


putting big plants to seed is hard for some folks and very daunting for others.
I hear ya on the many thousands of seeds but you are doing the community such a service and ya can’t take the shine off that.
I have 30 individual pollinations planned for this summer… gonna be fun times :smiley:
but “lots” of work.


I know bud, not trying to. What can I say, I am my own worst critic, lol. I am incredibly happy to be at this point after all the twists and turns this run has thrown at me and less seeds don’t take away from this being a success.


Ok, so a few pics tonight. Here are the plants firstly.

Here are the pants from second tent.

Now for the pollen. Got a couple more grams tonight. Now the weights I have been giving were for damp pollen. Now most of the pollen is dried. So there is less than I collected but still a significant amount.

So right now I have 32.2 grams of pollen. I will keep collecting but they are getting close to done. Soon the males will be chopped but for now, they will continue. Have a good night OG :v:


phenomenal work as always Doug! :pray: :100: :seedling: :green_heart:


Thanks my brother, I appreciate it :v:


“Scarcity creates value” sometimes :grinning:


“…still a significant amount.” Indeed sir it is lol
I could pollinate my tent a thousand times over with that much pollen :joy:
You are incredible dude :metal: