(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Ok so it appears that some BMR beans were shipped to me yesterday, such a great thing to hear, so the run will continue as long as they get here. I tried to buy some from an idiot on IG but he turned out to just be a total jackass. Got all pissed off because I asked him if it was a full breeder pack, apparently I am a clown for having the nerve to question him even though he never posted a pic of them or said it was a full breeder pack and not a partial pack or possibly F2’s. Also I am a scammer who is just trying to scam beans from folks because apparently there is no way those beans I had did not germinate. Now not sure how buying seeds from someone could be called scamming them. Regardless of that idiot things are still moving forward :slight_smile: I have left those autos to grow so here is a pic of them anyway. Hope you are all having a good day.


Autos are looking good, amazing the people you run into on the forums, like if they come from a different planet or something


Gotta love the haters! Thanks again @DougDawson for your efforts & generosity.

Autos are looking lovely.


There’s a certain ‘i can’t be stopped’ energy you have @DougDawson. Reminds me of a fighter I useta watch. Good stuff baby. Mek it happen!


Hang in there Doug!


Maybe fate is telling you to do the Lifestar co-op instead…:wink:!

Or some Bogglegum :drooling_face:!



Nope, it’s all sorted. 2 separate BMR shipments coming in, this is getting done. Now I have BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy sitting in the wings awaiting it’s turn but BMR is going to happen. Way too many people working to get this run going, it is not allowed to fail.


I’ve been asking around myself. BMR is a good one!


That’s the attitude Doug. Don’t let it get you down. Everyone knows you will give this your ultimate attention. I feel good is gonna come.


It takes a village!


If anyone is culpable here, it’s me for buying seeds from an unknown seed bank (Oregon Green Seed) and sending them along unverified. Shit happens with perishable goods, unfortunately.

I also bought some Iranian Fast Flower BX at the same time and now I’m wondering about those too…

I’m really glad to hear you have two more willing to step up. That is just wonderful.

I wasn’t scammed, shit happens. I have had entire packs not germinate before also. It’s rare, but it happens. Some seed banks don’t know how to store properly.


Haha what a pylon. Forget it bud… definitely don’t need to be chasing that crap down.

Anyway, I enjoyed the Chuck Norris stories but Bruce Lee is the fkn GOAT!

Hope those beans find their way home to you Doug.


I agree on bruce lee @NorthNorthNugs … wing chun style is banned in all ufc competitions… Jeet Kune do ( bruce Lee’s created style) also adopts wing chun… parts of it… so all in all… Bruce would have dominated any and everyone… despite weight I believe…


For me it was the rape thing that ruined his image the most in my eyes… Mike Tyson. (if you have ever watched interviews about his take on women is a very very twisted human being…) funny how fame makes things slip back under the covers over the years and be ignored. But yeah… you’re rich and famous… stop raping and cannibalizing … friggin animal… :laughing:



This is the attitude that will eventually oust the commercial industries tactics when it comes to marijuana… and how they attempt to abuse the consumer from ridiculous government taxes to quality and longevity of the actual high itself. Keep fighting @DougDawson all in all in the end this community will not allow failure either… it’s going to happen because OG says it will… nothing like a like minded community!!! I’m so proud to even be a spectator much more a part of it at all in any way… if not more than to just root you guys on… HELL YEAH!!! DO IT OG!!! :green_heart: :potted_plant: :seedling: :herb:

Reminds me of a pantera song a new level… during the breakdown… Phil Anselmo says verbatim… " no f…kin surrender… can’t lose… NO F…kin surrender CAN’T LOSE!!! WHOAAAAAA!!! LOL :laughing: love it!! :heart:


We’re with you Doug, never surrender! :+1:


No way man, you are a rock star in my eyes. You dug into your stash and offered up a full pack of very hard to find beans and asked for nothing in return. The fact that those beans did not pop is not your fault nor mine. It’s just one of those things that happens. I am very grateful to you for your generous gift.

As for that idiot on IG, he is just one of those stupid fools you run across from time to time on the internet. I mean really, saying I am scamming beans for offering to buy some from him, one does not scam someone by paying them for seeds. People here know me and know that’s total BS. Who cares what some random fool says, his options mean less than nothing. I will leave this here for that fool.


Damn egg heads…when will they learn. :cold_sweat::grin:


As a side note, seeds can also dry out. Too dry or too damp storage can cause seed loss. Ive been hesitant to post this as I don’t want to cause any heart attacks, but desicant storage can dry seeds out. I think it’s been mentioned that the most viable storage options are to store in deep cold (-100) or vacuum seal seeded buds into fridge.



Well I figure while we wait on the BMR seeds to show up I might as well update you all on those little autos. They are Grizzly Grape X Crème de la Chem (both Mephisto) from @BasementBeans. He has been generous in sending me beans that I have been gifting out to the community and I hope he doesn’t mind that this one time I grabbed a couple to use myself. I do want to make sure he got the credit for these. So they are developing great roots and I put the see through cups into the not see through cups to block the light at the roots. Going to have to up pot these as they are popping roots through the bags all over the place. Here are a few pics for you all cause I know you all like pics. Hope everyone is having a fantastic Sunday.


Glad more BMR are winging towards you. Look at all the
practice your getting for them…