(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Well I see many directions here so what I did was put the cutting in plain water with a PH of 6 after dipping it in Clonex. We shall see how it goes. I can always add some nutes but had to get it into something.


Thats a lot of leaf on that clone… I wouldprobably trim a bit of that off


Yo @DougDawson ! Like seed-popping, everybody’s got their own ‘tricks’! Just go for it!

With that said… :joy: One of the ideas somebody posted that’s worked out well for me was when you re-cut your clones w/the angle cut, to immediately put them into 50 ml. H20 + .5-1 ml. Clonex Rooting “Solution” (not the ‘gel’) and let 'em sit in that for an hour before putting them into the cloner. I’ve seen a marked improvement in my initial rooting!

Good luck bro!



My 2 cents: I use 1/4 of what I’m feeding my regular plants. That way as soon as roots show, they are taking up some nutrients. I literally take what I prepared for my normal size plants and dilute it to 1/4 volume and make sure pH is balanced after dilution. One issue with using the Clonex gel applied to the root in a cloner, is that the water is either going to wash it off and dilute it, or it’s going to stick there and prevent water from hitting the *stem which could cause other issues like drying out. That’s why I like that IBA-K hormone that dissolves in water.


I was taught by one of my mentors to always use distilled water for clones and seedlings.
Good luck .
So many ways to skin a cat you know.lol


Wow that’s what new foam pucks are supposed to look like think it’s time to buy some new ones .


Right now I just hit it with Clonex rooting gel. It perked up overnight. I have some Clonex CCSQT solution coming tomorrow which I can add to cloner water for nutrients. Not sure if this is the best way to go but it seemed logical to me, lol. What brand do you use?

Lol, I guess they loose their luster after being used a while. I ordered a pack of 192 of them this morning just so I have them.


They last a while mine are faded from being bleached probably washed them a dozen times now.


That cloning solution should work great. IBA is what Clonex uses in their products.

I just get my IBA-K unbranded online and add it with the nutes, making my own solution:


Nice, I will look into it, thanks. If I can get as good a solution for less money I am all for it. I had clonex gell, the solution to add for feed I just ordered. Never used a fancy cloning machine before, lol, so I just went with a brand I know has had good results as a starting point.


I’m with you on that train of thought. My 2 cents, is “I use excatly the same feed ratio on the clones as the mom I took them from” . If clones where at ec1.6 while on mom, once cut, dip stm in aloe water after cut/shock, then into ec 1.6 solution in cloner. LITFA for 10 days strait, then check for first time. I also make sure to double check initial balance. Imhe
Hapi growing


So @bluelizard uses 1/4 feed and you use 100% feed that you were using on doner plant, is that right @Hapi?


I’d also like to note that as soon as I see roots, I start moving toward a full feed until I transplant.


So yesterday the poor clone was completely flopped over, I am assuming because it was a few hours sitting before I go the cloner going and I didn’t have it in water.

However today it is looking perky and happy. Ignore the brown spots and such. The thing was literally squishing itself into the light so took a bit of damage but it will be fine I am thinking. I will continue to take some clones and fill up some of those other spaces.



Hey @DougDawson
Did your cloner come with a dome?
Do you have it going with no dome?
Curious :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It did come with a dome. I had it on but the clone was too tall and hit the top so I removed it. I found most cloners don’t come with a dome anyway.


I threw my cloner in a tent for best results to be able to control the humidity. I suspect this is the reason many cloners come without domes.


Mine is in a tent but the humidity is very low. When I was researching I found many just don’t come with them and in the Q&A sections the response was always that it was not needed. I got one with a dome anyway. I would have it on but the clone was too tall.


So a quick update, plant and clone seem to be happy. Picked up some Clonex CCSQT Clone Solution to feed the clone. Ended up getting it for free because apparently Amazon hires the mentally challenged or at least that’s what it seems like after talking to them.