(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Looking good!


This is my favourite thread currently. I think the repeated failures germinating gave this thread an underdog, I want to believe quality. Thanks for the daily pictures. Iā€™m on the edge of my seat watching your grass grow.


Great to see some progress here. Epic journey!!


I agree been dreaming about this strain since the start.

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The fact that it almost didnā€™t happen makes me want it more.


Part grow thread part soap opera!


Itā€™s the comeback thread of the year!


Hey there OG. So things are looking good and seedlings are still kicking it. I did notice that the RH in that tent is 25%. That canā€™t be good for them :scream: So I have tossed in a humidifier that will have that up to 60% in no time at all. Also added a heater to the room to keep them at 25c. So now the lights are dialed in, the heat is stable and the humidity is about to be put in check. I also watered them again as a couple were almost dried out. The higher RH should help some with that. Onward we go. Come the weekend I will put them into some bigger pots.


They are chugging right along, very nice doug


That male has great structure, great thread. Nice rebound.

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Been stuck in seed jail all day but here is a quick update for you all. Plants will be put in bigger pots tomorrow.


Yo Doug! Iā€™m still getting caught up but stoked to see you finally got the BMR project off the ground!


Transplanted 8 of the seedlings into larger pots yesterday. 3 still to be moved but they are growing very slow and have been since the start. The 5 seeds are definitely in much better shape then the 6 from anothersource. I didnā€™t want to disturb the last 3 until they get stronger. Pics coming tonight.


Ok so here are the babies. Itā€™s pretty easy to tell which 5 came from @Ottafish as they defiantly stand out beside the others. Been having a hard time keeping the humidity up even with the humidifier in there as it runs out of water before I while I sleep or am at work. Turned the exhaust fan way down and with the added damp medium in the tent itā€™s much better today. The move to bigger pots didnā€™t seem to bother them one bit so thatā€™s a piece of good news.


Canā€™t wait until that roomā€™s a jungle.


How many litres is the humidifier Doug? I gotta get one but I want it to last at least 24 hoursā€¦and take up as little room as possible.


Itā€™s a 4L. The problem was my exhaust fan was set to high and the room is around 25% RH. Now with my exhaust turned down and the added damp medium it should last 24 hours.


Yeah the babies love humidity. The ones I just started went ballistic with 85 Fahrenheit and 85% humidity. Which is way higher than I was trying to be but weā€™re dialing in the room and it got away from us. There was water dripping off the ceiling :flushed: I prefer keeping humidity around 72 and temp around 78. Thatā€™s seems to be the sweet spot for me to prevent any mold growth.


I am holding steady at 25.5c so thatā€™s right on 78. I added a heater to the room, lol. The humidity is now hanging around 60% so itā€™s much better. Thatā€™s our dry Canadian winters, lol. You can tell which are the 5 from you, they are the good looking ones :slight_smile:


YeH man I bet your spidey senses are tingling.
This has been an Epic journey Sir Doug. I have full respect for all you do here. I have never grown any BOG gear. But you have, and this run you are doing is gonna have you second guessing those other beans. Pretty sure other OGers can feel it too. I am 100% confident you will make the correct decisions to ensure exactness in this run.
This is also gonna be a test to determine seed storage and handling techniques as well. I myself will be eager to see the outcome of this. Sounds like @Ottafish has his shit together. He probably preserved those seeds much more than the others. But who really knows we can only speculate. There is one thing that is for certain and that is DD is a man we can all trust and have full faith in.