(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

This plant is a little messed up because the soil was too hot still when I planted. You can see how short and squat it is. I believe (and I just realized this) that the lower the VPD the more compact a plant will grow and the fatter the the leaves will be. So…. I’m going to try and grow some lanky sativas for the next project. I’ll keep the VPD under 1 until after the plants are done stretching. Maybe sativas can be controlled this way.


Well another day and the fan adjustment worked perfectly. The humidifier is keeping up fine now and is lasting a full 24 hours. The babies seem to be happy with it now.


So here we are and I got to say I am not feeling good about the 6 seeds I got from @DrGonzo13. The 5 from @Ottafish are doing great, the 6 from @DrGonzo13 and horrible looking. They all got the same medium, same nutes, lights and space. There is just something wrong with those seeds that is clearly visible. Here are all of them.

These are from @Ottafish

And these are the 6 from @DrGonzo13

Going to up the nutes on the 5 growing as they should be tonight. Now for those of you still wondering what that trick is I had up my sleeve, this is it.

I think I am going to start a few of these just as a backup. Not ideal but at least I will have them going in case they are needed. If all goes well with the 5 healthy plants along with the big male I got then I will just grow them out to smoke :slight_smile:


The Dr strikes again. Sorry Doug.


Sadly it appears that way. 6 healthy plants will complete this run so I am not worried, just a bit disappointed. I have no idea what the heck those seeds are or what is wrong with them but the look horrible. I think I will start some of the Fems I bought anyway. I mean if mother nature decides to play a cruel joke and give me all males at least I will be able to finish by hitting a few of these Fems with a mix of pollen from all of them. One way or another this run is going to complete successfully, lol.


Yeah, I will leave them for now but clearly they got issues. I have marked them all with a clip but that seems pretty unnecessary at this point, lol. I know some who got seeds from him will be happy as they will be seeds he scored from others on OG. Now that I think back I am pretty sure he said he got these in a trade and then said he got them from his uncle :thinking: Meh.


Sadly that would not surprise me.


Don’t count out those ones yet, even if they are struggling now because it was old stock - I’ve seen plants like that grow out normal later in veg, or even better from clones. :pray:


Those seedling stock you got from @Ottafish look amazingly healthy brother!!


That Gonzo13 guy, I just shake my head. WTF is wrong with people


While I have not killed them yet Danny I don’t have any faith in them. I will let them try to come around but I don’t have weeks of extra time to deal with them. I have 13 weeks left in my season so they need to get their poop in a group. They look ridiculously bad compared the other 5.


oh right! I keep forgetting your timeline. At least you got a couple nice looking ones! :pray:


Yeah, I got 6 including the one I nursed to health from the last 3 packs. I am soaking some of the Fem seeds as a backup so I am confident I have more then enough to get this done, even if those 6 don’t recover.


Seeing the difference keeping seeds in a seed fridge has proven to me that this is the best method for long term storage.


Well hopefully those other ones snap out of it. There’s still a chance they might. At least a few anyhow.


ya that drgonzo guy said he was sending me some NL1 x HP… after the shenanigans and theivery, there is no way I can trust that they really are what he claims. They will go in the trash when they arrive… if they arrive.


Well, let’s just say I am not confident but will still allow them to continue on the chance that they turn around. One of them looks better than the other 5.


Dammit how shameful that is… I’m surprised by this… especially here on OG

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What seed fridge are you speaking on? I’m curious as what to use besides my home fridge


I have a dedicated mini fridge. I think the reason for a dedicated fridge is that the other perisibles might speed up the seeds decay with the increase gas from produce decomposition as well as the potential for pathogens. I had a mini fridge already for mycology in my lab room so that’s where I stored my seeds too. I have seeds of 3 years plus in there and I usually get full germination.