(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

I’m not a pessimist, but my concern now with the DG13 seeds is the potential for something like HLVd.
If an infected population is present, (and to be clear, seeds only represent about 8% transmission likelihood) it would be awful to see those go into the community.
Not sure how much HLVd test kits cost, but maybe worth considering if these survive their seedlinghood.


or if they are even what they are supposed to be… I missed some things around here it appears, but something here isnt like the others


If I recall correctly he popped one of those beans and posted a picture of it. Looks nothing like the beans Doug started. And we all know who is the better gardener. Anyways it just irritates me to the core. The problems he has caused is uncalled for. He was on my dm almost from day one asking about what seeds I had and what not. Never did send him any and obviously never got any either. He was wanting to trade me some shishkaberry seeds he said his uncle or something had and I was pretty close to biting as I really wanted some shishkaberry seeds. Just thankful there are so many generous people here showing the love that this will soon be forgotten.


They probably were the ones I’d sent him chances are he’d of sent something totally different then when you grew them he’d blame the sender he got them from saying it wasn’t his fault .
Glad he got vaporized.
I’m definitely not his uncle lol


I doubt it’s that, simply because they’re all looking so terrible so early… one of the ugliest things about HPLVD is that it’s latent. The plants will look mostly fine until they encounter enough of a stress to trigger it, at which point they’re duds. That’s worse because it gives people opportunities to pass it on to their whole garden, but in this case it tells us it’s probably not that specific issue. That said, I’d also toss these plants and maybe even get rid of the medium you’re growing them in. They certainly look infected with something… apparently this has been an issue before with the Azad Kashmir seeds from @Worcestershire_Farms. Not sure it ever became clear what it was, but I don’t think any of us want it or any other viroids, and they certainly can be passed through seed.


Too much, lol

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No, the medium is fine. All the plants are in a coco/perlite mix from the same bin. If it was the coco it would be affecting them all and not just the specific 6 from DrGonzo13 IMO.


I think he was implying the sketchy seeds could’ve infected the substrate with something

I wouldn’t have thought of that but tbh sounds smart. It’s cheap to replace. Expensive to replace a garden, even if it’s 1/1000 chance


I don’t reuse my medium, so that’s not an issue. If these plants go, it will be with their coco as well.


Also I did some digging. Drgonzo offered these seeds to me in April of last year after I gave him some critical mass seeds. After being told they were sent half a dozen times he finally sent them and I received them Dec 22nd, lol. He speaks of his buddy that he got them from. Now fast forward and just a few weeks ago messaged me stating his uncle was going to give him the other half of this pack. So he could not even keep his own lies straight. I have my doubts about their legitimacy. I figured to grow them and compare to the known good one’s but they are, as you can see, having some kind of difficulties. Fem seeds are soaking and the other 6 BMR are doing fine. That’s the main thing.


This is what you’re looking for:

hlvd testing: $25
fusarium testing: $25
pythium testing: $25
full screening: $40

They are US based but this is the kind of resource you would need to find for testing.

edit- I recommend everyone read their hop latent viroid information page and best practices guide.


The seeds carried a nasty transmissible pythium, and may have carried hlvd or hemp mozaic from an infected stardawg cutting in the same grow.

Viroids and other pathogens definitely can trasmit through seed and dried plant matter. HLVD is transmissible through dried leaf and bud.

So be careful not to expose plants in your grow to commercially purchased flower, or bud from other growers. It could be an unexpected vector of transmission.


My seed fridge(Just a mini) died recently and I’ve been keeping my seeds vacuum sealed with desiccant in the freezer. It works well enough but you have to let the seed pack come up to room temp to prevent excess moisture if you want to take anything out. Which is annoying.

No, someone was asking what a test kit would cost and it is very expensive. I know there are labs that would have testing here in Canada but these plants honestly don’t seem to fit the symptoms as they have been showing issues since germination and HLVd seems to start to show in veg from what I have read.

To be honest as much as I am letting these go a bit to see what they do I will not be sharing any tools between them nor are any needed at this stage. If any do recover I will manually pollinate them separately and not be including any seeds from those plants in this run just to be on the safe side. This has been too long a journey to end up with seeds that may carry issues to others gardens. The 6 good F1’s I have growing will be good enough to attain my goals and I am planting a few fem seeds as well. Seeds from those will also be kept separate from the seed run so only the seeds from the 6 F1’s would be included in the final batch. The others will just be for giving out and kept separate.


They look like the mac1 x grape stomper og I have going.

These are testers. I don’t know if DrGonzo13 was part of the test group.


If they were offered anywhere on OG you can bet he had his hand out for them so could be.


I know, I sent him a few, never asked for anything from him. It’ll catch up to him, karma is a bitch.


That’s always best to be cautious with anything that could impact our gardens. The risk trading clones is high right now, and the risk with seeds is probably getting higher as more large scale grows become infected and transmit it to private gardens.

I’m not in the loop with this thread / project or the plants in question, but keep testing in mind as the plants grow into veg. if they don’t recover from that warped growth and mottled color by the time they start putting out their first 5 blade leaves you may have a problem.

It’s not unheard of for weak seedlings to show strange ugly growth until their root systems develop, especially if that particular plant or strain doesn’t do well in a certain soil mix. If that’s the case they’ll recover quickly as the plant establishes.

Without knowing for sure, if there is concern of contamination keep in mind that dropped leaves, and runoff water is also a transmission vector.

Good luck with the grow, and good call taking precautions.


Thanks bud. There is no fear of runoff contamination and they are not big enough to be dropping leaves yet. I will be separating them from the group and if they don’t start to recover I will just dump them and bleach the pots. It’s more morbid curiosity at this point but I will not threaten the genetics of this strain.


I think I’d have the urge to sprinkle a bit of magic dust on at least 1 out of the 6 .

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