(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Might wanna toss those Dougie. Ain’t no telling what the hell kind of bag seed that guy sent you.


Well let me say this, I have not burned them yet however, no matter the outcome, these plants will not be used for this seed run. They were really planted out of shear morbid curiosity but as has been mentioned, the source has turned out to he very untrustworthy. He also told me he got them from 2 different sources. First in a trade to someone, then from his uncle. I will not risk putting unknown genetics into anyone’s garden and calling them BOG genetics. To me that risk is not acceptable. Only the 6 known good BMR will be included so we can all know the genetics are as described. This is disappointing but it has to be this way.


And I have no doubt that we all agree :100:%!


The good news is that BOG genetics are generally stable and consistent, so a smaller OP doesn’t have a big impact on outcome.


I agree and with the ever dwindling number of seeds out there we have to work with what we got. Here’s hoping for a good male to female ratio.


…and my first thought was… Hugh_Glass?? :hushed:



dipshit13 prob has a buncha hermie seeds he just repacks and sends out while keeping the good ones lol. as much as we all know those plants arent gonna be bmr i too like doug am curious to what they produce.


Holy shit I spent a couple hours last night reading that whole thread. Super messed up! I feel bad for everyone that got screwed on the gg4


It’s bad juju just having those plants Doug
Burn them fuckers , let the fire clean your BMR grow .

Your sure a persistent son of a bitch , I’ll give you that . :+1::+1:


So after sitting here this morning and reading 1690 posts, that was a surprisingly shitty twist. Why would someone intentionally screw (the whole project you’ve spent months trying to make happen) you on something like this? Pretty not cool in my opinion.


Not exactly defending him, but I don’t think he set out to intentionally screw Doug or the project over. He was just seeing how many people he could scam into sending him seeds, and Doug is high profile enough that it made him look good - at least temporarily - when people saw him receiving the seeds that had been promised. He used that to get some more seeds, then pulled the rug on everyone he’d been buying from and fled to Seychelles. Not sure why, since he’d get more seeds from just sitting here being a good member for a year than he ever could from two months of dedicated scamming. We think maybe he’s an addict who was selling them, but who knows… and really, who cares? His reasons for being untrustworthy are his own. From our perspective, he’s proven he’s untrustworthy to too many people and so he’s gone, full stop.


That sounds pretty lame. I’ve always assumed people that can do that kind of thing and then face themselves in the mirror everyday just completely lack empathy. It takes 10x more energy to be a dick than it does to just be a regular human being. I’m glad he’s gone then. I’ve been digging all the positive vibes the last couple of days I’ve been on here. And until last night, hadn’t seen anything negative (I’ve read over 200 threads in their entirety, like 25,000 posts). Then I ran across the gg4 ril thread and that was a real bummer. Then last 100 posts in this one. Definitely a buzz kill.



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Good thing is, given enuff time, they usually get run off or they tend to out themselves. At any rate. I say the vast majority of folks here are great people. There are a few tho… Just saying.


Now that I am done packing seeds for the spring box I will have more time to spend in my garden. Still got a ton of Blue Kush to shuck. Due to time I just took a top cola off each plant so I could mix the seeds up for the Co-op. Looking forward to getting that all done and seeing what I ended up with.

So back to BMR, got a couple pics yesterday. Plants are doing fine but I am seeing some rust spots one one of them. Going to calibrate my meter tonight and verify the PH of the nutes I am feeding. Then will likely flush that plant pot to reset the coco. In the end it will be fine. The mutants have not gotten worse, lol. I got some rearranging to do. I want to move the big BMR to my 5x5 and take those mutants down to my 2x2 just to get them out of there. Here are a couple of pics from last night. Have a great day everyone.


Hey there OG. So a quick update. First let’s start with the tent.

Now a closer look. Here are the mutants that I must say, are better then they were, lol. Not saying much but it’s something.

Now on to my better plants. The rusting on the one seems to have stop progressing after a good flush with fresh nutes.

Now for the big boy. Ok so he is not as happy as he could be but he has grown into the light again. He is also so big he is blocking the light from getting below the cannopy. I will be getting him out of there soon and moving him to my big tent.

So there you have it, hope you all have a great evening :v:


Beautiful plants…except the runts. Those look underwhelming at the moment.


I’m running some God’s Space Needle by JOTI I have three nice plants but sex is undetermined.


They looked similar to yours about two weeks ago. They are almost ready to put into flower.


Holy moly!!!

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