(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

No, not making fem pollen. These were started for one simple reason, what if I get all males, lol. That is my concern so I figured as a last resort I could hit these fems with pollen from the males and make reg seeds. As long as I get 2 or 3 females from the plants growing all will be well but one way or another, there will be seeds from this run. I will call the fems my hail Mary. If all goes as planned they will just be grown for some smoke.


Sounds like a plan👍

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Hey there OG. So was looking at my plants today and I got to say, things are looking ok. The one plant that had the rust spots is looking much better on the new growth and the older leaves don’t show it progressing. Seems flushing the pot out fixed the issues. Here are the Fab 5.

Now on to the fems. All 4 seem happy after being put into coco yesterday. One seems to have it’s seed membrane stuck on it but I will leave it for a day to see if it corrects itself before I take it off maually.

Now for our little mutants. I must say they are actually starting to come around. Going to up pot the ones in cups just for the heck of it. What can I say, I still have a morbid curiosity about what they turn into, lol.

So there we have it, our BMR are coming along. Going to mix up some new nutes for them with a little more kick as they seem to be big enough to handle a boost. Have a great day OG. :v:


They look to have the same leaf structure!


Yes they do. I just wish I could trust the source but unfortunately I can’t.


Id knock em up anyway. Just keep them seperate. Never know when a jewel might appear.


That’s the plan. We shall see how they look. If there are any males they will be killed but if the females look right I will pollinate them and keep the seeds separate from the run. Waste not, want not, lol.


Hey all, don’t miss out on the epic BOG giveaway. There will be 2 winners and each will receive 130 BOG seeds consisting of 5 different strains and a pack of Blue Kush pollen. Also a collector card for Blue Kush and Sour Bubble.


My grandmother’s favorite saying.:green_heart:


Looking good Doug! Even those mutants seem to be growing out of it like the big male did. Unfortunate it’s hard to trust the source on those. Maybe you’ll be able to tell more once they mature enough.

It’s great, after everything you’ve gone through, with the BMR, that your on track now!

Continued success bro!


Thanks brother. I have to agree, it’s a real shame about the mutants. I am sure they will come around at this point but just cant in good conscience include them in the run. If they do look like the right strain I will still pollinate them but will keep the seeds separate from the seed run as I don’t want to screw up the BOG gene pool by adding the wrong genetics to it.


It is truly a shame buddy, but Completely understandable, I believe I’d do the exact same thing with them. The ones @Ottafish sent look great and believe you’ll have good ratios! :crossed_fingers:

I am hoping so. Got the 4 Fem BMR going too and they seem happy. So I know as a last resort I have 4 females, lol. The seeds from @Ottafish are a life saver. If 3 or 4 are females that would be amazing.


Super cool!


Your Blue Kush pollen just put some of my girls in the family way I’m hoping. I have no idea how long it will take to know it worked but I erred on the side of too much pollen so I’m betting I’ll be surprised in a good way. Thanks so much for giving this out to so many people. It’s my first pollination and I’m giddy as a schoolgirl lol.


It’s my pleasure @FirstCavApache64 . Here are my Grape Punch that I hit with Sour Bubble pollen to make my Sour Grape seeds. Nice clean pistils.

Hit with pollen.

Now here it is 2 days later. You can see some of the pistils have turned brown and started to shrivel back in towards the bud site.

Now after 9 days.

You can see the progression there bud. 2 days and pistils were reacting and at 9 days you can literally see seeds. Hope that helps bud.


Perfect example Doug, the pistils show success


Thanks for the pictures, it really helps to see the change. Come on brown pistils!!


You will notice each brown pistil will be coming out of a seed kind of like the stem on an apple. You got this bud, it’s going to be cool.


just got caught up with this thread and everything is looking groovy. That male is huge LOL time to tame that beast!!!
The mutants are beginning to look interesting. They all seem to share very similar emergent leaves and a couple of the more mature leaves do kinda resemble the bmr but I dunno. Did one of them have variegation? or it looked that way in the pics anyways.
Had a few total runted out mutants myself with seeds I really needed to grow. Nursed them along and they eventually turned into really nice plants.
Ya just never know but being thier provinence is in question you are making the right choice in exluding them from the main event.