(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

just wondering dude…do you ever smoke males in process of selections or have you in the past?..I’ve seen a fair few breeders adopt this approach and wanted to know the value of doing it?..is it quite common?

and that is some might fine looking green garden young sir…excellent work…!!!


I dont smoke males, they don’t produce buds. While they can smell good I don’t want to smoke pollen sacks.


Doug stop lying! Smoking male plants is the only thing preventing you from reverting back to troll doll form! :wink:


@DougDawson lolol…yeah same here…I always thought it strange when I heard it…but it seems some breeders seem to like the idea!!!:rofl:

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I had a mrnice g13 hashplant Male with visible trichomes I did try once I cut off pollen sac off and took mostly tricrome. But on a norm I would agree with doug.


Yeah, I have heard of it but it never really made sense to me. I suppose you could wash them after collecting pollen to make hash but I can’t be bothered.


I suppose if you could get a refined detail on the oil with that method you discuss I can imagine you may get an earlier look at what was going on with the male high but it seems really overboard in value in real terms…that process of selections with breeders seems based on mostly visual appearance from what I see reported…no one really has any version of the males high at all until its bred and reveals its power…its a long winded and probably narrow road to try and attain a males high properties smoking or collecting dust for hash but there’s some interesting findings I bet when you gather enough time and patience in a breeders life to do it…just it doesn’t seem many if but a few really strike a chord in doing it these days…the market hasn’t time for patience in today’s world…lolol…

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The thing is that males produce much lower levels of cannabinoids including THC. But hey, if someone wants to take the time and put in the effort, so be it. I still figure making Hash and even pressing it afterwards would be the way to go. At least you could concentrate all the goodness that way.


Making hash from the males is what I’ve heard… Reeferman (most likely) talked about having done it 20 years ago or so. I don’t know that I’d bother.


seems common ground is its not widely used or reported…I just saw an established breeder talking of doing it recently and wondered thoughts on it…doesn’t seem worthy in practice but thankyou for input guys.!!


tbh seems like a lot of work for a small yield of hash. Or you’d need a giant frosty male?

Much easier to just grow out to progeny and see what the male actually passes on.


Ok so how about an update. Things are looking good as they start to stretch. Here are the freaks.

Now on to the fab 5.

Ok, so on inspection we seem to have 2 confirmed males.

So there you have it, your Saturday night update. Have a great rest of your weekend OG. :v:


Nice! They’re starting to get big! I can’t wait to see the finished product :muscle:t2:! Good work Doug!


Thanks bud. They are coming along nicely now. Here is hoping the other 3 are females :crossed_fingers:


For sure! Would be pretty weak if all five were males :grimacing:! I’m sure they are females though. Would be a great ratio :ok_hand:t2:


This has been the most epic grow diary ever.


And in this case, that word actually applies!


The freaks aren’t so freaky any more ! Looking good.


It has certainly been an adventure, been great having you all along. Certainly had its share of bad but with a little determination it looks like it may end up a win. Woo hoo.

I know, right. They are actually looking pretty darn good to me now. They sure seem to have that Blue Kush look to them.


A while back I noticed the similarities in them.