(complete) Cobra Lips co-op seed increase šŸ

Broke Boy Tech, ingenuity at its finest ! Great Job @budderton

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Packed and heading to Mr.D. on Monday. Once he has received them safe and sound, weā€™ll start to organize the overflow wiki. :grin::v::canada:



Thatā€™s a lot of artisan birdseed bro. Godspeed little ones


Thatā€™s a lovely sight To behold :slight_smile: thank you @Budderton for all your hard work and dedication :slight_smile:


Peace All. @Budderton I was here since the start and work messed my chance of getting on main list (eh, it is what it is). Therefore , Iā€™m asking that i be kept in mind for some if I cant make the list. If tagged I may be able to catch it. Thank you for your time and patience with all that U have been doing of late. U are appreciated my G. :muscle:t5::fist:t5:


Hey @Budderton , I received the Cobra Lips seeds today, thanks bud.


Good news!!!


Overflow Update

Well as you can read above, Mr D has the co op commitment in hand and I have a lot of seed left, so now itā€™s time to start organizing the overflow. Iā€™m willing to donate flips and washers and envelopes but I donā€™t want to get stuck with all postage associated.

So Iā€™d like to call out to any Canadian members that are willing to send me a book(s) of stamps to help facilitate the distribution to OG members that missed the sign up. In return I offer, a flip of Cobra Lips F2s, Biker Slush F2, Ice Cream Cake S1 x Biker Slush F1, SFV OG BX3 f2 x Biker Slush F1, for every book recieved. All stamps recieved will be used to get seeds out to OG members.:pray:
I was thinking Iā€™d wait to see how much postage I can drum up before I open a Wiki, in order to avoid anyone being disappointed.
Anyone willing to help, send me a PM for details and a big thank you in advance!!
Edit: Ten hours later, I had a horrible discovery. The half full bowl of seed I left on my seed fridge, has been ravaged by rodents that I didnā€™t know I have. The overflow has been forced to be reduced. Continue on for the sad details.:slightly_frowning_face:


For any American members wanting to pitch in, @Mrgreenthumb found a link where you can purchase Canadian stamps and have them sent to meā€¦

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed so far!! I appreciate your help in getting the extra Lips out!!


Stamps are on there wayā€¦ do what I can to help overgrow the world


Thanks @Mrgreenthumb ! I appreciate your help!:pray::v::canada::snake:


I just went down to start packing up the Cobra Lips seed Iā€™ve had chillin a bowl, on the top of my seed fridge and found thisā€¦

The bowl was about half full of plump, fresh Cobra Lips seed. Now all thatā€™s left is a bunch of halfed seed, the victim of a rodent problem, I didnā€™t know I have! Itā€™s only been down there since Monday and I had not seen any sign of mouse at all. I really feel the egg on my face from this oneā€¦:slightly_frowning_face: I should have checked the seed before I posted this morningā€¦ I feel like a big shit. Iā€™ve never expected to have the seed eaten!
I am deeply sorry towards everyone that has been patiently waiting for the overflow. I let you down. And to all the genourus members that stepped in to help out, I apologized to you. I feel like an asshole. Anyone who donated, I will gladly refund your donation. If youā€™d like to still donate and I will use the stamps to support my giveaways on OG, Iā€™ll honour my seed comment I made with you for your donation. If youā€™d like me to refund you, please donā€™t hesitate to message me and I will. Iā€™m sorry everyone, this really makes me feel (and look) like shit. I humbly apologize to everyone involved.:disappointed:


Ugh! Ouch!


Hey! Stuff happens, you have been so generous to so many. Itā€™s all good my friend! :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh noooooo. So sorry for ya bud.


Agree, canā€™t imagine anyone wonā€™t grant you some grace here, one of the most generous people out there, itā€™s just bad luck, hope you at least had some others tucked away


Fuckin curve balls. Chin Up Brother!!! If it wasnā€™t for curve balls, I would never learn anything. Sucks sorry man.


Holy cow! You need to track down their stash. You know thereā€™s a bunch of good ones still in their midden. Damn mice!

Sorry that happened man! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


@Budderton you hardly owe anyone an apology. Not your fault, and weā€™re all freakinā€™ lucky to have you on here.