(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Double Jam is excellent from.what I’ve seen and heard. If there is Indica in there…and I don’t doubt there is a touch…you can’t really tell. Maybe flowering triggers a bit quicker? Hard to say, but it’s a great strain. The TLT Jamaican triggers fast too, but then takes 16+ weeks.


Definitely it seems a well worked strain to make the hybridization not really visible at all!
Here are some DJ I have:

They seem pretty sativa, but until the flower comes I cant tell more about the indica heritage, maybe as you said its a quicker trigger, or even a quicker flowering time, we’ll see, also these ones are going to flower outdoors so we will se the stretch too, I’ve got to move them to the soil they are on top of, so we’ll see if they become monsters


Zealanders are known as “Kiwis.” I asked one if that was offensive and he said it wasn’t.


Update on the Lambsbread…and one I’ve been delaying to give. For a couple reasons I’ve decided to do the seedrun with cuttings from the female plants I have now, which are successfully rooting as we speak. The 5 males have spilled their pollen, (which I collected) and are re-vegging with the exception of a late male that is still in full flower. I’ve been dreaming of Lambsbread flowers for years ( 15 or more) and I am nearly out of Sativa smoke. The Lambsbread flowers have been looking mighty fine and this is my only chance for a year to smoke sungrown Lambsbread harvested when the sun is as strong as it is( was) in Jamaica at harvest time and these plants are the only prospect I have of getting some jars filled for mid summers projects, of which there are many. I’m sure many of you have been patiently waiting for seeds and this is such a long run I hate to make it any longer, but the prospect of going thru even part of the summer without any Sativa to smoke has forced my hand. To ease my guilt I am adding 3 plants to the run. 2 females and one male.
I’ve learned that the males kick off almost a month before the ladies are ready so I will induce flower on the men a few weeks after i start 12 /12 with the ladies, just in case the pollen I have now is not viable when the time comes for the latest plants.
I hope i didn’t ruffle too many feathers. Again, sorry for the additional wait but It will be nice to have a smoke report to give before the seeds are ready. I will get some updated pictures soon.


You’re more than fine in my books! Love what you do and your generosity! Smoke one of your dream sativa! But give us a smoke report!!


no worries @Upstate in time we will see them seed but, in the meantime, when you do start smoking that, enjoy it as it is one of those that you can not put down. you will know soon enough im guessing.
i appreciate you and your time you have put into this


Lambsbread getting close.

these are the 2 new females tlt Longflower female. Just about done. tlt longflower male. These were the 2 normalish plants.
Last photos all Lambsbread. One is about done at week 18. 2 more will go 2 more weeks maybe and my early favorite will go a week or 2 more. This one went thru an unstoppable yellowing phase with onset of faster floral production… She shed all her fans. Not sure I have a good picture.
Ive decided to skip using the runt for the seed run. Noticeable difference in vigor and we still have 5 males and 5 females. Males are all revegged or in process. Female cuttings have roots.


very nice @Upstate, you did a wonderful job, im drooling here cause i know what it will be when you finally puff on some. really nice job


They look like they want to give you a big hug. Beautiful plants.


Mmmm happy plant!


Beautiful development on those plants, nice long structure on it!! Hope you get everything you’re looking for out of this run


Thanks. I hope so too! It’s a long wait! Here we are week 19 maybe…since Feb 18 they’ve been in flower. 2- 4 weeks more. Or more😁

The two new ones…last 2 photos. The very last plant looks lethal. Earliest resin of all of them, wide canopy, multiple bud sites and so far, compact


You should be damn proud of those! Beautiful plants :star_struck:


Just gorgeous! Well done! :v::green_heart:


My Double Jam about 7 weeks in… hopefully a little under halfway there.

I have to say… a photo does no justice for these plants. It’s so hard to capture how large and beautiful they are. I think it’s quite interesting mine kind of looks like the one Upstate recently posted that has the same yellowing leaves. Otherwise they both look healthy to me!


Wow that’s flowering fast! Of course some start fast and take forever to ripen . Looks like you’re in for some massive colas😁
Definitely nothing can be done about yellowing leaves when it comes to sativas. I try to think of leaves as fertilizer pellets now so I don’t get disappointed when they fall off.


It’s actually kind of cool to see them suck the nutrients out of each leaf day by day. Suck the leaves dry and give me some flowers baby! :crazy_face:

I can say though on the resin department yours look like they have a ton more. Hopefully we’re motivating other hobby growers to take the plunge and grow these beautiful Sativas, especially you since you grow so many varieties!

Keep on keeping on. :smile:


where did you find the double jam seed? i looked and could not find them, any help on where you found them? looking really nice


There’s a link for ya! I got 13 seeds in my 12 pack so I decided to germinate it… that’s the one I got going now… so a freebie! I think it should turn out pretty ‘ok’ for being a freebie. :wink:

EDIT: For what it’s worth, the price was much lower than I would have expected for these genetics. Angus (the guy who runs the site I guess) didn’t have any useful information for me on what phenotypes were selected but I’m fairly certain the blue mountain phenos were selected since they typically had larger flowers and didn’t take as long as the Lambsbread. I would guess it’s a 14-15 week strain. At F4 it seems really stable. I transplanted mine 6 weeks into flowering and it’s been loving it.


right on thank you for the link, ive booked marked it so ill hope to grab some and perhaps something else, cause you know i had to see what other strains i think i need