(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

“Just like a Bobsled needs a breaker, me need the lambsbread From Sweet Jamaica.”

Loving this thread, beautiful plants :peace_symbol:


Pretty plant!


@Upstate - Kind of ashamed of myself on this one… I don’t really know. I had a scribble sheet with a bunch of random notes on it…which included the day I began flowering cycle (12/12).

I believe DJ was born on Mar 10, and I began flowering it on May 9 (I believe). The parent DJ just showed her first pistils herself, so I’m thinking this is pretty accurate compared to the Drunken Bastards in there. They definitely look like they’re 2 weeks in, so that’s what I’m going with.

In hindsight this may be a good thing… last run I pulled 3 of my plants too early. They still needed a couple more weeks. I’m hoping without knowing the ‘official’ first day of flowering maybe now I can stop focusing on the number of days and focus more on what the plant is telling me when it’s ready. Although I’ve never grown out a sativa like these before, I do want to give them the full opportunity to blow my mind :laughing:

Is that most recent photo one of the TLT Longtime’s or is it MPG’s version? Either way that’s one pretty plant! :star_struck:


Haven’t seen any updates lately so I’ll kick one off! Another few photos of Double Jam F4 from Kwik seeds. It’s almost week 5 into flowering. Excuse the mutants.

She smells like tropical paradise to me. I can’t wait to see her really develop. I’ve considered putting her into a bigger pot. 1 gallon just doesn’t seem like it’s enough to keep her watered throughout the day. I have to water right at lights on and right before lights off otherwise she’s constantly thirsty.

Also, this lady is NOT finicky about nutrients at all. I’ve been hitting her with 1800 ppm nutes consistently and she just keeps asking for more. It’s also strange because she seems to want an equal amount of nitrogen and potassium. I’ve read that I shouldn’t overdo a pure sativa on nitrogen so I’ve been trying to give her enough without causing major deficiencies. All of the new growth appears wonderful green and flower development continues daily, so I’m just continuing to let her do her thing.

That said, I need to do something about her height. She stretched to about 5.5-6 ft tall when I forgot to turn my lights up a couple of days. Now she’s gently bent over and I’ve got her propped up with string but that’s just a temp fix. Thinkin about some kind of tomato trellis for her.

Any advices for me? The other jamaican plants I’ve seen on here have looked MUCH heathier than mine does but I still cherish her. I will keep her clone going.


Maybe try a perlite bed underneath the pot so that the plant drinks as it wants, idk if they like wet feet though.

You can do some cut up soda or water bottles inverted in the top of the pot or they sell them like little water bulb things to stick down in the soil for going on vacation.

That thing is awesome haha. Doing great :clap:


Sorry, just seeing this. Been very busy putting in a garden…Will have more time after its finished. That pic above is of The Monkey Puzzle/ Vibes Collective Lambsbread. Will give a proper update soon. Screenshot_20220616-063649_Gallery

@crunkyeah the f4 is looking fast. )how long was the veg cycle?


@Upstate - From my notes I germinated her on Mar 10. Looks like around a month of veg time.

All things considered I expected this lady to take longer to show herself. Blue mountain definitely seems dominate in this cross.

Your MPG Lambsbread looks lovely!


speaking of blue mountain lambs bread who has tried this? grew this? @Upstate i would love info on this one, from what i think i remember, blue mountain is a strain of its own? crossed in to the lambs bread or is it a pure lambs bread?

@crunkyeah do you have any info on the blue mountain?


Far as I know the original Blue Mt is a landrace Sativa from the Blue mts of Jamaica. Separate cultivar for sure but may also be referred to as the Lambsbread. It is Long flowering. No one has it pure. Well i do lol. Not many though. Will be sharing that one too.


Wheres that Laghitan thread? I know you have me a link…cant find it.

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off subject i grabbed those jalisco ill send sum your way after i run them no doubt another magical strain. but yes lambs bread is a real hitter, makes me appreciate what you running these
yes i thought i remebered the blue moutain right, was foggy but thought id ask


I posted some pictures earlier in the thread of Jamaican - Blue Mountain x Orange Hill by El Aleph

I have heard the Blue Mountain strain called Marley Reserve


Nope, in a icmag Thread the “inner cyrcle guys” from Cannabiogen confirmed that jamaican blue mountain was hybrid between a Jamaican and something called rose, cant remember name…
So yeah the one that @blendmedmedman asks about lineage, from Realseedcompany is Cannabiogens Jamaican Blue Mountain x the Vibes collective Jamaican.
It includes Hybridized Lineage in the Blue Mountain side.


Blue Mountain Lambsbread - Strainly
have you seen these?
they say from the old rose seed collection
anyone know if these could be somthing?


@blendmedmedman thats pretty shure the one from cannabiogen, as Exotic Alchemy reproduces other Snowhigh and other Vendors Lines!


I’ve been looking for Vibes’ JLB for years.

PM me for a trade list if you have it. Im also down for Double Jam

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Yes, the Blue Mt that is available from Cannabiogen is hybridized. Mine is older and different and is the original. Only one other person (that I know of) has this one. Mine is from a friend that got it from old rastas while living in Jamaica. His quote was…" Cannabiogen wish they had this one":grin: this one grows into a tree.


wow. i can only imagine.

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As far as I know, the DJ blue mountain could be hybridized with some Northern Lights, cannabiogen developed that strain in Spain, and at that time Spain was full of Northern Lights, though I dont think its a bad cross at all hehe