(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Thats exactly how i look at it. Which is also why i dont defoliate.

I have a theory that when leaves wilt and fall off they are adding K and Mg to the soil, which helps cycle N. So the plant will drop leaves to make the soil more productive.

Nature is fucking cool as fuck.


If your looking for
Some d jam try underground seed collective
Cristlin is a great dude and has some killer gear

I just got there amnesia I’ll be running it next run

They have a coljam I want to try

They seem to be out or stock everywhere but if you email him he directly he will send them to you

He’s also very reasonably priced

If interested if your on ig you can reach him
If not let me know I can get in touch with them


Windy at photo time, sorry.
The smells are picking up!


Its slow ripening, looks sorta indntical to previous weeks, thats a good sign !

OOh these white yellow hairs against the purple green Buds is a Van Gough


You’re absolutely right about the old strains having rainbows of colors. Both the Oaxaca and this Lambs bread are beautiful. Pictures hardly do it justice.


This is how I hopefully picked up their last pack of double zamal


Wow. If my double jam turns out anything close to as nice as that looks I’ll be quite content! You’ve done a marvelous job with her!!! As someone who also has a Jamaican going that’s like this I can concur, pictures can’t do justice… the internet has no idea how beautiful the whole plant really is. That photo is just a highlight of 1 set of flowers. Marvelous!


I’ve often wondered how patient I am and last night I discovered that my patience lasts about 19 weeks. I took a sample bud off the Lambsbread pictured above and sundried it on top of a black plastic bag. The result? Immediately I felt the first toke as if a belt were tightened around my head. The second toke had me feeling like someone was pushing back on my forehead and I found my head leaning back. The third toke was more of the same. I Immediately felt the effects, with more pressure on my forehead and now a noticeable buzzing sensation ensued, very pleasurable. My head was vibrating. This effect morphed into an awake but trancelike high, perfect for daydreaming or movies. This is good stuff!
Oh yeah…forgot that I smoked a little immature Oaxaca just before i smoked the Lambsbread. Going to have to hybridize the two as they really compliment each other well. :grin:
I can’t wait til these are finished. Looks like the two biggest plants will be the best and most potent, but my early favorite plant may still surprise me. It’s a couple weeks behind. Still a couple weeks or more needed for even the fastest two plants, likely more. They ripen very slowly. Hoping they continue to gain strength. :pray: If they do, the smoke could be epic. Cuttings are well rooted and ready to plant soon.


for me this Lambsbread looks somehow “good mood” or “lightheaded” mood. In the same time a tiny bit of scaryness. atleast i heard it can get you pretty out there in a “alert” way.

But yeah, i love when you mention “nice for movie watching”. For me Sativas exite your own fantasies, it became more clear to me.
Cannabis Fantasies are “authentic” or “straightforward” in their overall “fantasy-induction” mixed with a bit controll-loss… or dont know how to call the sideeffects, its not my interesse.
well i need to try a pure Sativa, still i have the Vietblack outcross as my stash at times…

But i think if i had to choose another Sativa region, it would be middleamerican mexican, sometimes i just want a sexy panamaise, these look so unbelevable special, the winecolorations with hints of blue on them. Snowhighs version is pretty nice, alltho ive seen a cooler looking panamaise, less strong, but with a blue shine like the slight sheen of a “meaty” flower. (sorry english).

Do you think this Jamaican is kinda different then other Middleamericans in a very special way, or just rows in?


Is that the tlt long flower?


now i just remeber , i think ive seen slightly yellow resin on this vibes collective Jamaican.
It shaped my view that Jamicans have a yellow tendency, cause ive seen very few old jamaican pics. Is that true for most of them?


@romanoweed - I haven’t seen anything or read anything about yellow resin from Jamaican plants but if you find anything let us know! That would be interesting to see. So far my Jamaican is all ‘normal’ if you will. She’s a monster but no yellow resin. As far as I can see it’s all white.

Here’s a few of my lady. The last one will be the most recent. Not all pictures are Day 72 but the last one is. The others are just a few days older.

Most current:

Jamaican strains are the only strain I’ve ever seen which the buds literally cast a shadow… can your bud do that? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’d love to find myself under that bud rainbow. (deep sigh)


No, this was the purple Vibes/ Monkey Puzzle Lambsbread pictured above.

Getting close… everyday I Ponder whether I should pick or not. Definitely the final stretch.
@romanoweed a rainbow of colors with these plants. I hope you get the chance to try it someday. I haven’t been able to find my mini microscope to look at the resin up close.

It definitely seems different. I’m reminded of some of the Colombian gold pictures I’ve seen, but there is definitely more to the story Genetically speaking imo. The smells align closely with India, specifically South India. Sometimes I catch a whff that reminds me of Kullu landrace which is from Northern India, but I’m pretty certain I know the exact Indian landrace the lambsbread in part descended from…


Wow! They got beautiful! They should be done soon right? Also it would be awesome to dna test them, probably it will show what you said, could you give more info about that indian landrace? Shit, as more as you dive into sativas, even though I love caribbean ones, the holy grail of sativas seems to be India!

Also I was checking recently on hempdepot, and they have there a lambsbread from richard williams, looking at its description and knowing the history of the banks here in spain, it could be that those seeds where the ones where Steve from MPG got the redstem pheno. He says he got it from a spanish seed bank owner, probably Cannabiogen, as they did the Double Jam with USC(the vibes collective). This is my theory, but it would be awesome to check it, doesnt seem to far away. Would love to see both ones growing and then comparing between them and even more, compare them with indian landraces!


@Upstate - Your posts are very humbling to me and show me I have a ways to go! It looks like if you give them enough time they do actually ripen :laughing: The resin content on your Jamaicans blows mine out of the water! I’m not sure if I’m just not as good as keeping them happy, or if it’s a genetic thing. Either way though every time I see your Jamaicans I look at mine and think it’s a bit on the lacking side. Your plants looks spectacular. I would imagine caring for them daily is getting to be a task, not for the tasks themselves but for having to look and smell and see her without being able to enjoy her yet. I hope my Jamaican lady turns out half as nice as yours look!
Like Ras, I too would like to know which Indian cultivar you believe lambsbread to be part of. I’ve been really curious where the “Jamaican flower structure” comes from.
Anyways, thanks for sharing!


I picked one plant already just this Friday due to the start of formation of a male flower on one of the buds. This is the plant with low vigor and of the 4 females was the one I decided not to clone. The plant was definitely finished, but still had some White stigmas. There is a photo up above a little ways. It turned out to be the same phenotype as my early favorite, which is the first Bud/ plant pictured in the new photos.
Today is day 150 of flowering, so call it 147 days for that one. An even 21 weeks flowered from seed. This makes me think of the days when I was a younger man, back when I started this grow​:rofl::joy::rofl::grin:.


Resin often forms late on Sativa plants and the resin glands are usually, but not always, on the smaller side. I’m sure the resin will come in at some point. If grown correctly they will definitely ripen correctly. Too much nitrogen after the halfway point of flowering can cause the plant to produce fresh leafy growth in the buds. This ruins the flavor and the excess nitrogen can prevent resin formation and prevent or delay proper ripening. Harvest by the look of the resin glands with sativas. The stigmas often die back well in advance of maturation.

Lol. The Jamaican grass is always greener on the other side of the tent😁. Yours is looking pretty sweet from where I stand😉. You’ll be smoking on those buds for quite some time.

I’ve had a couple more recent accidents with scissors. She has been enjoyed lol. Honestly it’s the best way to judge when to pick. You just don’t want to start judging too quickly.


Wow that’s some good information to know! Thanks! I have noticed there are resin glands but they are tiny like you said. Hopefully the resin is kind of like a “best things in small packages” because the plant itself definitely isn’t small.

Good to know about your accidents haha. I may trim a bud in a few weeks and sample it. Would 13 weeks be too soon to sample or should I wait until week 15?


I don’t start to sample until the calyxes have started to get swollen.
Week 13 might be a little early. I would wait till there’s some resin or you will be disappointed. Don’t forget that long flowering sativas often require a long cure to bring out the goodness… including both flavor and potency. As you know they have more Leaf than modern hybrids but once the Cure has occurred it’s extremely smooth smoke and The Taste is often amplified.