(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

I had decided to hold off pollinating either of the two newer lambsbread plants but I happen to have a window for pollination right now and one of the plants is ready. I’m hoping the pollen I collected is still good. I’ll be giving it a shot here in the next couple days whenever this humidity breaks.

It’s my belief that this plant will be the most potent of the bunch. It has excellent numerous budsites that are close together , excellent early resin, and it’s a compact plant. Three wins for this one. The other plant is not ready for pollination


She’s on Day 80 from flower. Over the last week I hit her with 1200 ppm of 10-30-20 nutrients with a little epsom salt mixed in. It looks like there may have been a little more nitrogen than I would have liked because she put out a lot of leaves. So I think moving forward here I’m going to give her plain water for the remaining 3 weeks of her life. In a few days I will also turn back the lights to 11/13 to encourage her to finish. I expect with this boost of nutrition she’s going to get REALLY good in the next 2 weeks. I’ve also noticed she’s drinking quite a bit more. I need to water her twice daily now otherwise she’s getting thirsty. Buds have started developing quite a bit more, and resin is starting to become noticeable which is awesome!

If anyone has any critiques for me I’m all ears!


No critiques, other than she is looking great!


Only critique I have is, that is one baddass looking plant. Excellent, thanks for sharing.


Looks great your half way lol
Well worth it


That’s got some funky style :+1:

A couple weeks of water sounds good.
You’re right, keep an eye on the water uptake, it will tell you a lot.

I don’t think that plant is going to be done in three weeks but I’ve been wrong before… :grin:



@Gpaw - What will the water uptake tell me? She seems to be increasing with time like much of the other high yielding varieties I’ve grown. If she’s similar to those she’ll continue to be more demanding as buds get bigger. A problem I am quite content to have :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@Rhinobucket1 - Oh jeeze you think she’s going to take that much longer too? I’ve heard 14-15 weeks is the norm with this strain and on day 80 now I have a little shy of a month to go. Seems like you’re thinkin she’s going to go closer to the 120 day mark?

Thanks everyone for the support! Glad to share her with everyone. Truly a wonderful strain to grow in my opinion. She’s my irie girl. Nothin’ but good vibes and growin’.


Last 3 plants chopped yesterday. Almost had to force myself to do it LOL. I think I have postpartum depression…:grin:
Edit…didn’t hit send. This was Friday I pulled them. Still drying

I left the bottom couple branches to reveg. Whichever grows best, cuttings or reveg, Ill use for the seed run. Looks like the mommas already have some new growth…


She has well over a month of flowering left. Looks like an 18- 20 weeker.


Oh jeeze well thanks for the heads up! I wondered if she would finish by day 105… she seems like she’s just starting to really dig in. Should I continue with some kind of nutrient schedule or should I just give her plain water for the rest of her life? For what it’s worth, I use a sterile peat moss/vermiculite blend for my medium, so nutrition is handled with salts nutrients.

After seeing yours, I can see why you’re saying they need a lot more time. Yours look fantastic! Wish I could help ya trim. They look like magnificently sticky flowers. You get kind of attached to these plants huh? At least you’ve done things so that you can continue growing them either via cutting or reveg. The Jamaican legacy continues! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Keep feeding normally til about week 15/16 is my guess…then plain water… looks like she is just catching her stride. Some plants chunk up really quick at the end so you never know… maybe it will finish quicker and surprise.

Absolutely. After such a long time flowering them you really miss them when they are gone.


Thanks again! I did notice resin production has really kicked in compared to a few weeks ago. I’ll make sure to post updates weekly for everyone to see.

I definitely understand that feeling.

On a side note, I ordered a brix refractometer that I’m going to test out once the sun comes up. I’ll let everyone know my findings. Going to trim a few of the still-green fan leaves for sample material.


Sometimes the plants can be a little deceptive in late flower (especially ones you haven’t grown before), monitoring water uptake is a good indicator of where she is.

If water consumption is increasing, it’s ‘early days’, she has a ways to go.
Normally at the end, the water consumption will have been holding level for weeks and then will begin to tail off.

I see you’re growing in coco so you ‘need to feed’. Going water only isn’t a good idea (works with dirt).



Phenomenal mate! Please put up a detailed report once it’s ready, I an really curious to hear how it goes for you, from effects/odours and taste. Much respect on your dedication :clap:


Yes around 120 spot
But well worth it if done right
Wish i could do these all the time
But way to long


Glad you mentioned that. Then @crunkyeah 2-3 weeks before harvest stop feeding. After week 15 cut n in half and taper down all nutes from there. You want the plant to feed off itself after the “rapid” floral production phase ends.


@Upstate - With the new growth my plant is showing, I think I may have given her too much nitrogen. How will I know when the “rapid” production ends? Because up until now, she hasn’t slowed down not even for a day. She’s taken no time off in developing to the best of her abilities!

Everyone else, I’m reporting some changes. I’m a little concerned, so I made a couple of tweaks. First off, trying to get distilled water where I’m located so that I can calibrate my refractometer; it’s nearly impossible right now. I will have to distill my own. Been busy so that may take a few weeks.

Second and way more importantly I’m finding this plant is a beast. I wondered if I was giving her too much nitrogen because she got a bit more leafy. Well now, a week after getting fed quite well at every watering (1200ppm down to 900ppm), she’s gone nuts. I would like to say in a good way but honestly this means flowering is definitely going WAY past 15 weeks. We’re at week 12 right now and she just threw out a bunch of new flowers like it’s week 3. It doesn’t even look like it’s flowering anymore because there’s so much new growth.

The plant food I was using was a 10-30-20 mix. I bought some 1-34-32 mix that I intend on giving her in much smaller doses now (thinking around 450-550ppm). After week 15 I intend on giving her straight water. It seemed like she may have finished in 15 weeks a few weeks ago… but now she looks like she’ll go 18+.

Of course I’ll post updates next week too. Just want to get some feedback first! Anyways here’s the queen:

edit - I realize pictures do this lady no justice whatsoever. I have taken videos of her which fully highlight how awesome she is, but I’m worried about hosting. I need to find a platform which allows us to upload plant videos while being completely anonymous. If anyone has any ideas I’m all ears!


It’s a beast for sure, better watch out that thing doesn’t eat you.:open_mouth:


mmmhhhmmm and he still has 6-8 weeks to go. Do I hear a howler monkey in there?

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as they saying goes, “its done when its done”. after coming or getting this far into growing this strain, the last thing you want to do is harvest prematurely which will affect both potency and yield negatively. be patient, this is your turtle strain, she will show you when she crosses the finish line.the wait for the finish will be so worth it. hold the course steady as she goes. plant looks nice!