(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Lookin great
Love it

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Looks like Godzilla. Dankzilla!! I’d probably let Dankzilla catch me.


It’s funny a few weeks ago I had debated naming her “Girlzilla” but haven’t really thought about it too hard. She’s definitely fitting the mold for a monster though. Sheesh. She just won’t stop growing :grin:

This is a 5’x3’ tent that she basically fills from one end to the other. I’ve also noticed that this plant can take an insane amount of light. I bet I could have 5x the amount of light in there and she would thrive even more. She’s really an insane plant!


More like broke the mold, lol.
Shit’s crazy :crazy_face:
Amazing plant :clap:


What light cycle are you using for that plant? Looks like it’s growing vegetatively. If you haven’t already, cut the light cycle to 11 hours on or Less. You want the plant to know that the growing season is coming to a close which means no nitrogen for growth, and low light hours. A similar situation happened with a Goroka Highland @George had. I’m not positive what the cause is but my guess is surely too much nitrogen For the flowering cycle. I Meant to post this When you posted the other photo.


She’s definitely flipped back into veg. Jamaica’s in one of those latitudes Where the days have similar lengths year round. I think the longest days of the year are only 13 Hours+. With as much nitrogen as she wanted at hand , she may have assumed the days would begin getting longer And felt the need to take advantage of the situation. You may want to consider harvesting some of the original flowering.
@George You will want to see this.
I think that means the flowering time that was listed was accurate. She Might have been ripe A couple or a few weeks ago


I’ve never seen Jamaican in Jamaica, maybe it does this naturally and takes other cues.


If the daylight remains the same and the flowering cycle just continues and continues It sends a message to the plant that it can grow again. Only plants from extreme Tropical latitudes Will do this. Its called, oddly, reflowering, as far as i know.


You’re pretty spot on with the Jamaica part but if you’re asking my opinion, my plant did not go back into veg. It took my clone almost 3 weeks to revert back to veg and it’s still just barely showing veg growth. I can easily tell the difference between new veg growth and new flower growth. All the new growth you see is new flower development. It was REALLY leafy about 5 days ago. Now the pistils and everything else are starting to catch up. It’s like a second ‘extreme floral production’ stage imo. I believe she’s right on track to finish around week 18. I also believe what she’s doing is completely natural and I haven’t messed anything up… yet :wink:

I was also checking out the calendar and it appears I actually may have miscalculated how long she has been flowering. Right now is Day 87. Still 12 days to go until the ‘theoretical’ earliest flowering at 14 weeks. After looking at some pure lambsbread over on icmag I do believe this pheno leans towards LB over the blue mountain.

I did harvest one bud, if you will. Of all the flowers on the plant, it was the ONLY one with semi-amber pistils. Everything else is still white like it’s just starting flowering. Here it is:

It made my hand sticky setting it up to dry. The resin smells sweet and tropical. It smells 10000x better than it did a month ago. It’s got me excited to try her now!!!

Oh, and btw I dialed the lights back down to 11on/13off. I was going to wait until week 13 but I would like to see a bit more flower development in the next couple weeks as she closes the corner!


It may or may not have flipped back Into veg mode but I think that plant is going to take a long time to finish. Surely much more than 2 weeks. Been wrong before of course but she looks too lively to be close to harvest. You may have to harvest in stages, Picking the 1st flowering and then the 2nd. What I think might have happened with lower nitrogen content and lesser on hours is that the 1st flowering would have ripened in a couple weeks, but with stable light hours and plentiful N, she’s giving it another go and now you are into another flowering. I have seen this habit with Thai that seemed natural and it might be unrelated to N here too. I don’t have enough experience with Jamaican strains to be sure. In my case the new branching was part male instead of all female. Extreme tropical plants often ripen in stages. The harvest time for your Jamaican that was listed is probably the Ripening of the 1st flowering, But it might have another 2 flowering in it. Some never truly finish. The trick is figuring out the proper harvest time before the older buds are too degraded and after the new buds are mature enough. I f’ed up my Thai harvest last fall waiting for new stigmas to mature…It was Waaay more potent as a clone picked earlier after the first ripening. I waited too long to harvest. In your case you definitely have some time left, seeing the close up of that cola that you picked.


You can just see the beginnings of the new vegetative growth coming out of that cola. That wouldn’t have happened Imo with a lessened “On” flowering cycle and less nitrogen. Foxtails, The looser floral growth that comes out of Sativa and some Sativa dominant buds in the latter part of flowering, come out of a Bud as a Bud. Those are new branches starting out of your cola, not flowers. I’ll check my old photos and see if the Thai plant behaved similarly… You might just have an extreme tropical expression on your hands…


Yep. I pretty much knew that when I clipped the bud but I couldn’t help myself. This baby has been sitting in my tent too long for me to not know a little bit about her flowers. I agree that it’s going to take a long time to finish. I believe I’ll be ok at the 18 week mark come the end of Sept. Especially now that she’s on 11/13 schedule.

I think you’re right about the flowering phase and her N consumption. Unfortunately I don’t have anything other than 10-30-20 plant food. It’s impossible for me to leave out the N. That said, I should have been tapering her down instead of full strength. Ultimately I think it’s just going to amount to increased yields. At least I hope anyways…

When I was in the collection phase looking at the Jamaican strains I came upon one that’s since sold out. It was on Hempdepot listed by a seed company called Whish seeds. They had a Jamaican F4 which the listing said 14-15 weeks typical with LB phenos occasionally showing up and those go 18+. Now the interesting thing is this plant came from Kwik(RealSeedCo) seeds. They don’t have ANY information on the cross, and Angus told me it finishes in 9-10 weeks. Come on man…

After looking at jah’s thread over on icmag about the pure lambsbread and also the DJ, I do believe the crazy bud branching is a trait that Jamaican’s can carry. I’ve seen some other lambsbread photos where the central colas also have branches coming out of them. Here’s one:

If you ask me, my pheno is quite similar to this photo. That was a DJ taken at week 15. Grown by jahgreenlabel over on icmag.


In case you need a reminder of a true screw up…

Here’s the same plant in the ground…
This is the landrace team Jamaica long flower I messed up. Finally figured out what happened. The new soil I used was high in sand content and my garden soil at home here is high in clay content. I mixed them. Clay and sand make bricks. I turned my soil into a brick and the roots could get no oxygen, which stunted the plants. THAT is messing up And I did it splendidly if I say so myself.
Growing something new and not nailing it 100% the 1st time is not messing up, it’s learning. Mixing clay and sand after 30 years in the building trades? Well, what can I say LOL


All I can say is moments like that make me happy I can load up a bowl and puff on it a couple of times and then laugh at my stupidity. I have had more than a few :stuck_out_tongue:

One of those moments where all we can do is say “Live and learn.”


The Revegging Lambsbread plants are starting to make small branches. In about 30 days there should be a decent canopy forming. Around then the plants will begin the switch to flowering with the shortened days. Buds from the harvest remain untouched and continue to cure.
@crunkyeah Looking at the pictures of my Thai plant It looked very similar to what your plant is doing. It might just be an extreme Foxtailing.

Mine did it week 10 or so.


Fantastic looking LB specimens @Upstate! They look like quite resinous specimens. Are those pollinated or just making another flower run? I don’t know how you can have the patience to not sneak into the proverbial cookie jar. I sampled my DJ lady and all I can is…

I underestimated my DJ lady! I’ve never seen a sativa flowering until I grew her. What I thought was low resin content was definitely not the case! When I starting pulling apart the individual strings of calyxes I could see how frosty they were. It’s just small glands! It’s extremely sticky and tropical smelling. I got one of the tropical phenos. It tastes of pineapples and like sipping on a tropical drink on the beach. I mean really I have no other ways to describe it. :man_shrugging: But it is simply delightful!

The high though…the high is incredible. For one, I smoked this stuff when it was 92F outside with the sun blaring. First thing is, I felt it behind my eyes unlike any of my modern hybrids do. But the high was sooo pleasant! It’s strong but not too strong. Every experience became a bit more euphoric and the sunlight began to feel like a warm blanket instead of a desert. To make sure I got a full dose of the experience I smoked 2 full bowls of her and I kept getting higher and higher. There’s no drowsy comedown after about 2-3 hours you just feel normal again. If you smoke another you get back up to that pleasant contentedness and the ride continues. I smoked about half of the flower I posted earlier, the other half I will cure for a couple of weeks to see how much better it gets!

All I can say is, expect my mutants to bred into sativas and not modern hybrids. No wonder you love these magnificent sativas. I think me, along with many others, eagerly wait to read your reports on your Jamaicans compared to the other sativas you’ve grown.

Before I gab on too long I just have to say that on 11/13 my lady is starting to feel like flowering is going to progress more normally now. A large majority of those veg leaves she made have begun to yellow and die off naturally. Now the pistils are really starting to show.

Really really tempted to snag some Lagkitan pollen and hit up a few of the lower branches of the DJ lady. That’s something I’m pretty sure is going to happen :wink:


I hope you’re tempted to snag some pollen, put it in an envelope, and mail it to me so I can hit Oaxaca with it​:innocent::grin:. Been thinking about that cross for a while now. That scorpion phenoype hit on Old Silversides progeny…damn! Sounds great.
I would surely pollinate that Jamaican of yours. Would make great babies! The high you describe sounds similar to oaxacan. Sativas are extremely euphoric. They literally make you feel better. And as you say, the high just fades away…blaze again and you are right back up there again, high as the first time.

That’s a Thai plant from last summer. Unfortunately I didn’t get a male, but still have an epic lady in clone form. The plant pictured actually wasn’t very potent. Loaded with CBD I suspect. A test was performed on 1970s thai stick and it came back at 15% thc, 15% cbd. Shocking To find any CBD at all in a strain from Thailand. No wonder King Rama the 5th and the University of Bangkok spread the genetics all over the country in the 1800’s. Very medicinal stuff. And imagine a plant that was THC dominant. Up to 30% THC!


So far I have held off smoking Lambsbread. Trying to do this one right


ive seen like three, four THC Analysis in my Time as Thaihunter, none of them had any CBD, or 0,3 Percent maximally.
It shaped my View that SE Asians can be fatleaved, but have no CBD really.

Im pretty firm on that, but yeah, its still a small slice, who knows.

Also your sample was from 1979, Chocolate Thai Timeframe, right? So… To see this as original would be questionable

I absolutely love this about these NLD types! I used to just think all weed had a heavy sleepy come down to some degree. Nice report and details.

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