(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

3 Samples i could find fast from SE Asian:

Chinese - ACE Seeds

Thai Ace Seeds:

Vietnam Black (Vietnamese x Chinese Type) :

Im not saying your CBD in Thailand finding isnt true. But ive never seen anything like that before or after, its like an alltogether different Strain . Like if they imported a Afghani first Generation, no outcrossing.


No. The Thai Weed was from the mid or early 70’s and was flash frozen for 40 plus years at purchasing time. 1973 perhaps. I believe through selections over time, and certainly since the 70’s CBD phenotypes have been largely bred out of Thai weed, but it makes sense that there would have been very large percentages of such a cannabinoid, which makes the plant very medicinal, the reason the University of Bangkok and King Rama v were adamant about spreading the genetics around in the 1800’s. It was medicine. Don’t forget the samples from Ace seeds and others are the result of extensive modern breeding work and the sample i speak of came from raw landrace pot bought in Thailand… Thai Stick gathered in the 70s. The Strain was Squirrel Tail if I recall correctly. I don’t think CBD can be formed from any sort of cannabis storage. It’s either in the pot at harvest or it isn’t. This is the only such study( old sample tested) I have ever read about and naturally I can’t find it on YouTube anymore. I gave a link( well…screenshot…my version of a link back then lol) probably a couple years ago somewhere here on OG.


I love the stuff you post on here, I’m trying to learn about some of it myself and I have some landrace beans I’m scared to drop. I’m in CNY, do you just grow those outside, upstate long enough for seed production or is there a way you have that outdoors long enough for finished bud in some type of way? I just know upstate ain’t usually the sativa landrace heaven haha it was like 49 waking up this morning where I live, I got mostly NL work going outside this year.


You have to force flower outdoors to get sativas to finish here in New York. Previous few years I began Force flowering after the solstice but this year began flowering about 8 weeks before the solstice. I was thinking the extra Sun intensity would be good for the buds. I flower these until the buds are finished, not just for seed but for headstash. Mid October is the cutoff for sativa flowers to properly ripen. After that the sun is not intense enough and you have to finish the plants indoors


Awesome thank you for that info! I’m always nervous for height with this type of stuff inside because I don’t know exactly if I’ll be able to contain the stretch, possible over thinking. And I always thought I didn’t have a shot with them outside but I got plenty of room to try outdoors. I’m definitely gonna give it a shot next year thank you man I’ve been reading your stuff on here, and I will continue paying attention to it. :+1:


I love growing indoors especially with our long tough winters here, but I think there’s something special about sun grown bud especially with old school landrace beauties


Small containers = small plants. I have grown and flowered 20+ week sativas and none got taller than 4 feet. Most are 2-3 feet at harvest. Keep plants in a 1 gallon container or smaller until they are 4-8 weeks into flower and then up pot for the finish. I used to do multiple containers and multiple transplants but I think I have it down now to just three containers. First a solo cup, then 1 gallon, then 5 gallon. The trick is not putting them into the big container too early or you’ll get a tree. Plants are like goldfish. They will grow relative to the size container they are in


Ah ok do you try to spread the plants at all or let them grow with that natural middle top? I have some pure Nigerian seeds from exotic alchemy but I’m checking out the guys Instagram you mentioned earlier on here. Your stuff looks like some awesome true landraces you see in those countries with the calyx’s and all that. I’ve grown many flavors but nothing like this just mostly average kushy stuff or skunk#1 crosses and what not.


Depends. I like to see the natural form of the plants but often top once…sometimes even during early flower if height is a concern. If you pinch a top back after the flowers have started to form, it stops almost all height gain.
If i let the plants get too wide i don’t have enough room to fit them in the dark room.


Awesome thank you. Makes me feel a little better. The average information online about the way these grow isn’t usually for people up here tryna grow em outside or in a tent haha

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One other thing, do you start them at 12/12 if you wanna finish them indoors or flip when you bring them to the 1 gallon or something?

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I’ve been starting them at 12/12 but did a 3 week veg earlier on. If possible as the season progresses drop the light hours by 15 minutes every month. If you can’t don’t worry about it, they finish with 12 12 unless it’s an extreme tropical from latitudes 0 to 15. These might need a little nudge to get them to properly ripen from what I have read. The Lambsbread( latitude 15 or so) was grown with 12-12 cycle all the way through, however, with no issues.
If you have the room, time, patience, or all three, let the plants vegetate for a while first. Everything I have read says that the longer the veg. the stronger the finished product. I read that Colombian plants continued to increase in potency all the way up until a 10-month veg! All we are doing flowering these plants from seed is getting a taste of what they can be. When you find a keeper, grow it properly the second round for a truly spectacular smoke


Thank you X100 beautiful advice written out well. I’ll update on here down the road I’ll check out some other strains of these sorts as I read around on here.


Do you use a light dep greenhouse for this purpose? I was curious about that because I believe I’m 5 degrees N of you where I’m at. Currently I don’t believe my plants are going to finish in time. I can’t even imagine bringing my DJ lady outdoors, if there was a way to do so.

As always, thanks so much for the wealth of pure sativa related information. You can’t find that easily these days without learning from experience. You shorten the curve for a lot of us adventurous souls who wish to walk the same path. :v:


No not yet. I really want one, but don’t want the attention it would bring. For now i carry the plants in and out each day. Pain in the ass, literally, as I have a bad back. I have a couple rooms i use, but a tent can be used for this purpose, even outdoors in decent weather. A basement works. A corner of a garage with a black tarp stretched from ceiling to floor and corner to corner. Just set up some ventilation. As long as it is dark enough once blacked out that you can’t read a newspaper the plants will consider it dark.


Update time folks! So I have to apologize folks. A lot of the time I’ve posted updates I’ve been fried af. I’ve gone over this several different times in different states of mind. Right now I’m on day 101. Most of the recent posts regarding flowering day was off a bit! But I know 100% for certain that today is day 101.

I’ve been tapering my lady down on nutrients, removing nitrogen completely from her diet. By week 16 I intend to have her on pure water and that’s it. Sept 24th will be Day 141. No matter where she’s at by then, she’s getting pulled. 20 weeks is enough :sweat_smile: I do believe 5 weeks will be enough time for her to finish. I’m finally starting to see calyxes swell and mature. Last but not least, I’ve decided to name her “Wildflower” for obvious reasons.

Last photo is the veg mom. I’m not letting this lady go anytime soon!


SUPER cool plant! That’s a whole lot of smokables right there​:grin: You’ll remember this plant the rest of your life, guaranteed. I don’t see any flowers that are in the final stretch yet. Still some time. Don’t put a time limit on that beauty. You have a lot of time invested and you don’t want it to be wasted time. Small difference between " Haze and Hays" with the Long Flowers. Sometimes just a few weeks can make a massive difference in potency. If you do reach the 20 week Mark and you are contemplating harvesting a plant that is unfinished, ask yourself if you would be willing to wait just one more month to harvest a mature Sativa. :wink:
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that .


Aaaah. The summer of 92. Spent jamming out to The Cult Electric Album while smoking Blueberry. Love that Wildflower song. Yeah, that plant’s worthy of the name.


been growing 45+ years and it happen to us all. i call it having an “attack of dumb ass” even at this point of growing. thats why they say when you find something that works stick with it. it is usally when i try something else/unproven , only to end up later asking why did i do that, i know better. oh i must of had another attack of dumb ass. lol. smoke one live and learn. making the mistakes is all part of being a better grower.
she still looks like it will be a while to me. lots of white hairs. remember it is the “turtle plant”. i have had a supposed 9-10 weeker go 18 weeks. the listed time is only a guide at best or worst.the plant will let you know she is done. you can def cut the nute strength down she most likely has what she needs to finish up in her by now.

edit; got thru to the end and see you have the plan to finish. good work!


If she’s not done by week 20 well then I can wait a few more weeks for her haha. I do believe she’ll be done by then though. The changes I see daily are making me think she’s trying to finish now. With what’s already grown, I do believe 5 weeks of time will be enough for her to complete properly. I really hope she steps up the game in potency but to be quite honest with you if she doesn’t get any stronger she’s still a beautiful plant.

On that note, I do plan on outcrossing her so she will be a big part of my breeding efforts for several years. I’m hoping she has many valuable lessons to teach me along the way! She will be a big part of the next several years of my life that I can assure you I won’t forget! :wink:

@mainerJ - Thanks for the kind words and support! Ironically when I enquired about the flowering time for this strain I was told 9-10 weeks :rofl: but I knew better with the genetics involved. I did my homework and knew this could be a 18-22 week pheno. I’m trying to let her tell me when she’s done. Of course everyone here will get updates along the way.