(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

That’s what I call sativa porn


Wow! Impressed!


Wow, it’s morphing into a real monster.


Very cool. You don’t see many plants on IG that look like that. Be patient. I know it’s easier said than done but you’ve come this far. Well done.


It looks like a plant caterpillar reaching for the sun. Very well done @crunkyeah


just wanted to post this album cover from 1979 (sorry but couldn’t find a better image of this cover)
I imagine that the ganja photographed was Lamb’s Bread
very thin blades on the leaves



That’s cool cool1|nullxnull, there’s a drawing in the back cover, really thin blades … troncho6dh|nullxnull


Day 108:

On the left lights on; on the right lights off

Pulled a few more buds off (mostly because I want more Jamaican haha)

Some notes: some calyxes have begun yellowing?

The plant is looking a lot more ‘done’ to me, although she’s still drinking quite a bit of water so I’m not sure how much longer she’ll hold out on me. Starting to think she won’t make it to week 18. I’m just doing tap water from here on out. Any thoughts?


She is a monster!


Beautiful plant you got there. Going to be a tough one to judge proper picking time. There are still lots of new flowers coming out. Pick when the flowers are yellowing off faster than the new ones are ripening. When you see some Amber resin in the middle flowers it’s time to pick. Or maybe Amber resin in the earliest flowers, cloudy resin in the middle flowers, and early Peak potency in the newest :grin:Very common for the first flowers to yellow before the plant is finished. Here’s a Oaxaca plant that was ready to pick but due to a nice forecast I left it for one more day of sun. It got flattened by a thunderstorm and lost a lot of resin so I decided to let another batch of flowers come out and ripen and this is what it looks like now 3 weeks later


Yes she is! I wish I could smoke her with the fine folks here but first we need a teleporter! haha…
Thanks for your support!

Thanks Upstate, your encouragement means a lot to me! I will harvest the lower flowers which are looking ready where the top of the plant is still pushing out new, like you say. I will pull her when the huge central colas are starting to look done.

Beautiful Oaxaca plant you have there! Very sativa flower structure that everyone seems to want one these days :grin: By chance is that the Oaxaca that you want to hit up with Lagkitan pollen?

Also, could we expect Jamaican strains to behave similarly to this Oaxaca in it’s natural environment? (yellowing leaves/calyxes) I have never seen a photo of an outdoor Jamaican that’s finished. The indoor photos that I have seen, look nothing like your Oaxaca or my Wildflower, so :man_shrugging:

Oh and btw you have the patience of a saint! There’s no way I can help myself to her flowers. Some well get cured past 12 weeks but I can guarantee you this lady is my favorite smoke. I even like her more than my 24% THC hybrids. There’s something about these sativas which are truly special!!!


Sorry it took me a while to update folks. I have pulled the DJ beauty at Day 118. She looked ready and started flopping over. The last couple hours in the sunlight made her really sticky! The buds almost feel almost wet to the touch but when you take your fingers off them and touch something else, you realize how sticky it is.

If I had to guess weights, I could not tell you haha. :rofl: each branch weighed about 2-3 lbs wet. The thing is, there wasn’t much moisture to lose since the buds are so airy. The central stem contains a lot of the weight I’m sure. I’m really excited to see what the final yield will be. I will likely process her in the next few days. All I can say is damn she makes a lot of leaves. Will try to breed her into a higher calyx direction moving forward. I want to keep those foxtails though so this may be an impossible task :grin: On a positive note, the ABC lineage I want to use had foxtailing buds so there may be hope after all.


Wow beautiful :heart_eyes:! Nice yielder too. You’ll be smoking that one for a good while!


Holy cow! That’s an amazing huge bud! Wish we had smell-o-vison :star_struck:🥹:green_heart:
Nice work! Fun to follow along on these cool journeys through Jamaica’s plants


Oh my damn! Hope you used your legs when lifting those buds.


Wow, massive buds on that one. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a bud that large.:+1:t2:


@crunkyeah Damn! Jam :grinning:


She getting dry yet @crunkyeah?
Lambsbread reveg progressing nicely. Plants are bushy and nearing one foot tall. Taking their sweet long time.
One of the 2 remaining ladies from the late started plants hermed and was chucked. The other i attempted pollination and got almost nothing. Pollen was no good. I literally dipped my hand in pollen and completely covered the plant. The hairs half turned almost overnight and then nothing more since. That was over a month ago. That plant was sacrificed. I left it outside under natural light after pollination and it stopped flowering and is in limbo land now, neither vegging nor flowering. The only positive side is that neither plant was as good as the 3 original females and there are still 6 males going too. I’m going to let the other 3 original female plants keep going outdoors until the cold hits ( typically) sometime in the next 5 or 6 weeks. They will be in flower by then naturally so when they are brought in under the lights they should flower much quicker than round one.
The male plants…are STILL, since March or April, in HALF gallon containers in a window! 6 months and STILL green and relatively content. The big ones (in the window) are 5 feet tall now. What a rugged landrace. They will go into one gallon pots to gain some flowering sites as soon as i get time.


She’s dry and jarred. Some notes: due to the foxtailing nature of the buds, it was extremely easy to ‘trim’ this plant. I didn’t use my snips at all, except to cut the flowers away from the central stems. For the most part, all I did was start at the base of each stem, cutting the flower bracts away from the central stem. Then I would remove the dead fan leaves with my fingers. I did leave a lot of leaf material because I did notice that the small sugar leaves coated with resin, they smoke real smooth actually. The smell is sublimely tropical and old school sativa. Total yield comes in at 334g dry.


Nice, I leave the heavily frosted leaves too,
My kids think everything should be trimmed and buffed like store bought. Nope too much frosty goodness to trim off.