(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

The indoor males. 3 in a 1 gallon, and the big man, later than the others, batting cleanup in a 2 gallon.


The females… Nice purple stems on all of them. Seems to be a dominant trait, as I mixed the Reds and greens together last year, and the females all have purple stalks.


Wow :flushed: that’s a dark purple too ! That’s cool


It’s going well…next pollination this weekend


LOL, Now that’s my kind of breeder’s pack!! :+1: :grin:



The plants have been thoroughly plastered with pollen over the last few days. There are going to be seeds this time😁.
Here’s the ladies at conception. Any faded leaves were due to a late transplant.

If you get into height trouble with a longflower, Pinch that main tip once you see 5 or ten stigmas per flower cluster. Note the short plant that I did this to.


There’s a couple really minty plants in this batch


Very cool! Love watching your work . Always helpful tips as well. The seedling tips are genious! My mentor digs out around the base and puts a tiny fan on it on low and slow a few feet away, once he sees new growth he will add dry fresh soil/coco and spray it lightly, he’s saved many as well. Great minds!


Wow, I learned a lot here. I just literally had the taproot on a seedling still in a shell 50% break off. I tried to let it do its thing, and it did, survived and now growing well. Wish I had read some of the stuff here earlier and saved a few swear words and panic.

I got some Jamaican blue mountain x lambsbread if you want @Upstate



Oh nice! From RSC? @420PyRoS


I’ll have to ask someone like Raho on IC. I’m not sure exactly who donated the seeds to the seedstore I grabbed from but I have no doubts they’re good genetics from where I got them.

I’ll fire him a msg over there and get back to you.


blue mountain x Lambsbreath , same lineage once relased by, oh just a speanish company… i read the thread and relatively late in the thread the blue mountain part it turns out has nowingly a foreign indicagenetic in it X blue mountain… just incase this is same lineage…

sorry if i bust bubble eventually. not my intention


Well that sucks.
Glad to know if that’s the case. Jeez.

I haven’t heard back about their background as of yet but theyre others I’m sure might know that I haven’t asked.


Looks like Swami just released a pure 1960’s Lambsbread for $200 on his website

@Chara It’s going to be free here soon. Tons of seeds forming. Signup coming. That ( this) Lambsbread is Holy to the Rastas and is not supposed to be for sale, as per the request of the Vibes Collective and the person that gifted it to them. Freebie only strain. @Roms , one of the Vibes members that preserved it for us to enjoy, has it as a freebie now if you purchase another strain from him. Please give the person/ people responsible for preserving it all these years the business first.
$20 a friggin seed! Bob Marley is rolling over in his grave about that one. Greed lives.
I’m hoping some of you are too impatient to wait til fall for this one. Roms has a beautiful Swazi from Afropips, and it’s half the price as that Lambsbread. Snag that Swazi or another of his strains and get that Lambsbread from him as a freebie. He deserves the business. Show him some love. He could be making $20 a seed, too, yet is doing the right thing. I can’t imagine how he’s feeling about this. Makes me sick. THIS is the reason strains like this rarely see the light of day. Try to imagine how it feels to freely give, only to have someone make a profit off it. Bullshit! Give it away as a freebie if you are a breeder. Breed with it. Bond with Bob Marley. But don’t profit off this one. Bad kharma for any that do. At F8 or F9 the Vibes work with this Lambsbread represents 4-5 YEARS work/ love growing just one lineage, and there are many.
I think Roms Lambsbread is a slightly different lineage from the one I have. Go snag that shit!


@US3RNAM3 Thanks for the correction. Friggin tick bite/ Anaplasmosis has had me half brain dead for 9 days.




Looking great! Loving the burgundy stems. What’s the ballpark finishing time for this? My guess is 16-18 weeks.

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Just a Pinch here… pinch there

Morning @Upstate, that really is a delicate set-up on the branches