(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

I think I’m just feeling the weight of this important preservation. The fact is, I would have never put that seed into my little 20 seed preservation stash if I wasn’t 100% sure of what it was at the time. Out of an unnecessary abundance of caution, I might still leave it out of the preservation, but it doesn’t look any different than the other plants at this point. Everything is spot on, except for those barren 6 inches of stalk.
Today the second batch ( red pheno)plants go into 2 gallon pots. Pics coming at transplant time.
Happy Mother’s Day😁


I got a tri-force seedling in my Vibes Lambsbread (Atao Seeds) drop. :nerd_face: It’s sort of like finding the four leafed clover.


Keep up the great work brother, these preservations are super important! Much respect :facepunch:t2:


Hey neat! I found a triple Durban

Three Red Lambsbread females. A little damage on the lower leaves from a heavy Neem spray. I wanted to make sure all the bugs from winter time were gone, which they are now. Looks almost about like calcium deficiency but all the new growth has been normal, and I haven’t added any calcium.
I accidentally uploaded a picture of an Ilaqai Nasal plant with damp off. Usually I dig around the base of the plant and it recovers after exposing the stem to oxygen. This time it was too far gone when I caught it, so I pinched it off right above the rot and stuck it back in the dirt. I have had plants survive this treatment and it hardly slowed them down. It’s on day three and still kicking. Updates on it in the Tirah thread. It’s a great trick for helping save expensive plants


A little nugget on how to save dampened seedlings.


I actually tried this awhile back when I read that and it completely worked.


It definitely works. I saved my most potent heirloom line using this trick. I was desperate, and had nothing to lose. Day 4 and the ( Ilaqai Nasal)sprout still lives. I never tried covering the top and making a little greenhouse for it. Then it would be more like a cutting and would probably stand an even better chance of living. I don’t baby it at all.
The crazy thing is I don’t swap the soil either. I didn’t even pull out the rotten portion of the root.
If you catch stem rot on a seedling before the top of the plant has at all withered, it will probably live.


I’ve found this to be absolutely true.


What a great trick my man. Thanks


I did this after setting @Upstate mention it a while back, and my MaMaHaze seedling survived! :seedling:
But then I overwatered again. So it died anyway. :sweat_smile:


What a rollercoaster of emotions.


Happy to share tips and tricks. I probably do lots of unique things, having learned thru magazines, books, and trial and error, lots of error😁


It’s been a while since an update. I got another high male count with these. 4 females (5 with the reject) and 7 males.

I collected pollen from the first 3 males, and they are back on a long light cycle now. (outdoors light cycle) they will keep dumping pollen for 2 or 3 weeks, and then begin to reveg.
The late( 4) red lambs males are indoors and just about ready to open some flowers. I’ll keep these away from the ladies until they make some flowers. One earlier female had her first flowers pollinated. Maybe 100 or 200 seeds so far.



That Ilaqai Nasal sprout that got damp off, and had its taproot pinched off to save it, is still going. Starting to grow again now.


That’s amazing. In the past I had wondered if this was possible, but I never thought to take the risk and actually try to save a seedling by turning it into a cutting.


@zephyr That’s a last resort, but it does work. Most of the time, just exposing the stem is enough to fix the issue, but this one was “eaten” about ninety percent of the way through. You have to catch them right when they tip over or preferably just before they tip to avoid pinching. I have about an 80% success (survival) rate digging, and 66% pinching.


Great methodology and documentation, thanks again for sharing this.

By the way, did you and the other 2021 freakers receive my cangshan seeds from the distributer yet?


Happy to share tips. This is a good one for sure.
Yes, I just received the Cangshan seeds last week, thankyou. There are some big ol’ coconuts In there! Looking forward to trying them out someday.
Here’s a few more male photos. These are the first 3 males. I have lots of pollen collected now, and will get more today.