(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

For what it’s worth, I don’t think there is any evidence of a virus causing the variegation in the Kashmir Azad line distributed by Worchestershire Farms. I’ve grown out dozens of Azad Kashmirs from WF, and some have variegation and some do not. I have used the line is crosses and some of the progeny are variegated and some are not. I have never witnessed it spreading from plant to plant, even in overcrowded conditions and with reused coco.

My observation is that the variegation shows up much more in males than females, and that the females that have it tend to be faster finishing stockier plants. In my opinion it is a trait rather than viral. I breed gently away from it, but it isn’t a deal breaker at all, particularly given it’s possible linkage to other desirable traits such as compactness and quickness.

Also, if memory serves, it has been observed in stock other than WF’s - somewhere on here is a grow of the Generic stock, and some minor variegation was found there too. Point being, toss 'em if you must, but I wouldn’t be too worried about the whole virus thing.

In any event, have a Happy Holiday season everyone!