(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

Oh, sorry. I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s on the to do list. All I know is that it’s semi domesticated. So the flowers and plant will be stouter than a feral line, but not so big as a commercially cultivated landrace line. Buds can get pink. We’ve only seen the seedrun plants so far. This is a new Kashmir line from Shiv


Dispensary bud? I don’t think many commercial growers cure their pot. Flash dried with an industrial dehumidifier and its dry before it has a chance to cure. Some strains are good this way, but those commercial strains are all thca and no or little delta9 thc. Needs a good cure. Surprising about Mothers Milk though…I know it’s reputation


this Kashmir(on the right next to the male dread bread) stinks. It is a rank plant that gets all over my hands. Really funky and incense but kind of putrid not skunk. I just flipped the tent. Thanks for this


You’ll be crossing them?


Kashmir looking good! I’ll be giving some of these a shot outdoors this summer. Glad to see one growing. Nice work passing these out @G-paS. Someday soon there will be a new worked Kashmir line (or hopefully lines) for us to enjoy :wink:
@MikeyMeteor should pair well with Dreadbread


Yeah, Im going to cross the dread bread with whatever’s female. If the Kashmir ends up being male I will try to isolate and collect pollen. I have a bunch of clones of that one already since the smell is really strong.

I also have a smelly heime Rks and the most beautiful of the 4- Head gasketx88g13/hp Bodhi in that tent.

I wanted to use this dread bread male since it was my last seed and a female we grew out last summer was really special.

Interesting light smoke, like incense, but a tasty clean one, daytime happy sativa high. Really postive cheerful medicinal. That one of course got lost. So this male is the last remaining dread bread and will play around. I have a couple clones and just sent one to the community if it makes the holiday travels.


If she’s female and turns pink. I might have to getter bigger pots for those clones.


Kashmir is male and getting the chop. Everything is male this run out of five plants. Decided to clean the tent and move some clones and seedlings in there. To be continued… (I kept two males clones of the kashmir and will pop some more kashmir seeds)


Hello @Upstate

I am concerned about this because I just saw that @Shiv9545 may have received these from the crowd source test

Which all were infected…

Is this a different ascension than the infected one? Just curious as not much information in this thread except that it was worked there. Probably nothing but just wanted to make sure.


Very good question.

Last year i chucked my seeds of worchestershire farms’ Kashmir and it’s crosses, because of the virus issue i had read about, and spoke w others here about.


Ain’t no way.

All the big kids were involved in that “event”. Gpas and Doug for sure I remember. Doug refused to distribute the seeds in Canada.

There is also shivamgrower. Maybe that’s the Shiv?
I stand by ain’t no way.


Yeah these are direct from Kashmir, South of Srinigar. It’s a new one.
I grew worcestshire farms( barefrog) kashmir and had no issues, but dumped the line out of fear. I see f3’s available on Strainly. Worcestshire Farms was past f3 when infected. I bet he orsomeone else backtracked a generation. This is why thousands of p1 seeds are made the first go. So there is always a backup should disaster strike.

Grover Shivam is a different friend of mine. I’ve been trying to talk him into starting his own seed company because he’s so knowledgeable and has a passion for the plant. He is now going to be heading Parvati tours for Zomia, and is trying to talk me into going. I hope to go with him someday. He is the one that got me into Indias landraces. Still think about Telegana Orange strain he told me about. Says it’s great.
Shiv is Indianseeds97. His genetics are legitimately what he says they are ime so far. His ONLY business flaw, and this is conjecture on my part as to why, is that he gets buried in orders and shuts down entirely sometimes. Happens to me too. So much to do I don’t do anything. Just overwhelmed. He told me he doesn’t oversell his stock, but I think sometimes he might worry about germ rates and await fresh seed instead of selling what he is sitting on. I talked to him about that. Landrace seed stock is so variable. I don’t want a different batch of seed. I want the one he smoked that was :fire:…not a new batch that may not be as good.

He has a wide web of people that help him collect. Buying kilos and pulling seed.
It’s a good gig. Seed pays for the weed. It’s a no brainer.


I think these are great I just germinated three more and one seed popped already in rockwool. They’re vigorous and alive


I’ve got clean batch of Azad K seeds from barefrog, and I will be dropping them in soil this week for a new expansion of this strain. I’ll tag you in the thread once I kick it off


Thanks for the clarification!


For what it’s worth, I don’t think there is any evidence of a virus causing the variegation in the Kashmir Azad line distributed by Worchestershire Farms. I’ve grown out dozens of Azad Kashmirs from WF, and some have variegation and some do not. I have used the line is crosses and some of the progeny are variegated and some are not. I have never witnessed it spreading from plant to plant, even in overcrowded conditions and with reused coco.

My observation is that the variegation shows up much more in males than females, and that the females that have it tend to be faster finishing stockier plants. In my opinion it is a trait rather than viral. I breed gently away from it, but it isn’t a deal breaker at all, particularly given it’s possible linkage to other desirable traits such as compactness and quickness.

Also, if memory serves, it has been observed in stock other than WF’s - somewhere on here is a grow of the Generic stock, and some minor variegation was found there too. Point being, toss 'em if you must, but I wouldn’t be too worried about the whole virus thing.

In any event, have a Happy Holiday season everyone!


I also agree. I’ve done 3-4 runs of them, and would occasionally see some variegation, but never any signs of sickness at all. No wilting plants, no reduced yields. In fact, they were always among the most robust plants I’ve grown.

However, just due to the severity of the risk, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

That’s why I’m gonna distribute a fresh batch of these seeds in a couple months :+1:



This is great to hear, and if you think of it tag me when a distribution list materializes. The KashAz is great on its own, very unique, but really shines in an outcross to form some nice hybrid alternatives to the doughy mainstream weed widely available.


If you could swing the trip, what an incredible experience that would be.


There you go. It’s not worth the risk, if indeed there even is one. I noticed no issues of plant health either, but talk of this potential virus spreading thru soil and Infecting other plants made me too edgy, especially since I reuse my soil. I think it’s probably just a natural mutation,but then I always circle back to the " what if" part.

I’ll be all over those beans like flies on shit if you pass some out😁 It’s a nice line and it was bred by Diggy towards uppity effects rather than narcotic effects, so that can be done again. What generation @firehead ? New Year’s sprouts coming soon?:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: