(complete) Kush 4 x Sunshine Daydream Coop run

Great job on the seed run, you definitely killed it. Thank you so much for doing this for the community. Totally epic move


@Kyumonryu Have you tried any early samples? :grinning:


Oh don’t worry about it growmie. Shit looks banging I’m just a new guy making sure I don’t miss the happenings.


Yeah, really happy with it. High is great body buzz while being functional. Its about a 7.5 on potency. Flavour off the hash was a clear sour kush note, not complex, but strong and oily. I sampled a mix of plants 7 and 4 I think that had similar aromas. They all are in the same ball park with some variation.

I’d thrown the cuttings in flower a little while ago for sensi, bud fudged a big batch of soil and it was to hot. So I just started 2 of the cutting again, with any luck should be able do some proper reports.


Damn. She sounds lovely :raised_hands:

I too messed up some things not to long ago from hot soil. Don’t know how I messed it up.

I’m glad you were able to take more


Sounds nice.
Thanks. :grinning:


Morning @BudWhisperer

I just came across an old talk we were involved-in about SSDD bx1, and I was wondering how your SSDD Grow(s) have been doing in those regards…

MY own next-attempt is just now Capturing more and more attention, as she is proudly standing tall and the chest is out. We’ve had Steady on/off rain for weeks here, but with @HolyAngel’s help, it was pointed out that the Starlite’s influence can be seen in this Cross, by the large Fan leaves

Thats the latest on the SSDD journey at this end.

Happy Growing :sunglasses:

This view shows the side with a big branch loss a couple weeks ago. Absorbed no prob

(w frankenstein in-back)


Starlite bro, starlite. Not triforce lol

And it should definitely have the nerve pain relief still. There is a chance it won’t, but most of those ssdd f2 bx1 do.


I’m amending a lot more than my Soil



Beauriful plants! It’s good seeing them out in the sun.

For many diff. reasons, all related to my life circumstances, plus poor grow environment, i did not bring the SSDD f2bx1 to flower.

But i don’t give up easily.
So i have another pack thanks to @HolyAngel ’s generosity. And it will be the next thing i grow when i start up again.

Then these Kush 4 x SSDD are also sounding like winners thanks to @Kyumonryu .


Great to hear, and I’m pretty sure there will be one (SSDD) involved in each session. I’ve got a few people checking in on it as well, so thats great to get a wider opinion / response…

Best Wishes @BudWhisperer


Yeah, really happy with it. High is great body buzz while being functional. Its about a 7.5 on potency. Flavour off the hash was a clear sour kush note, not complex, but strong and oily. I sampled a mix of plants 7 and 4 I think that had similar aromas. They all are in the same ball park with some variation.

I’d thrown the cuttings in flower a little while ago for sensi, bud fudged a big batch of soil and it was to hot. So I just started 2 of the cutting again, with any luck should be able go some proper reports.


Great thread, and great job on the seed run! I’m currently growing out two females of this cross (didn’t take cuts) so if anyone is interested in seeing some flower pics let me know and I can post a few up here.


Please do, I tend to think the more info, the more likely people will grow them.



Alrighty cool, they aren’t finished yet but getting pretty close. Day 53 from flip.

First up, this girl was so vigorous and fast growing I thought it was a male. Huge leaves, and stretched about 2x. She actually had completely broken one of the main branches from where I topped since I didn’t stake her up and the buds got heavy fast. I taped her up and staked her and she didn’t seem to care at all. smells I get currently are that sweet&sour acrid funk with some lemon in there. Fairly frosty.

The other one im not a huge fan of the structure and she isn’t too pretty but we will see how she smokes… smells more like perfume/kushy soap not as funky. Similar stretch about 2x. not as frosty.

Sorry about the pics, it’s a phone through grow light glasses & HPS light. Really would like to step up my photo game.


Plants look great. Thanks for sharing them with us, I love the look of that 2nd shot!


Those rails! :star_struck: She is a frosty girl! :grin::+1::fire:


The photos are great showing the frost on the girls.


No apologies required with shots like that @Tessellated
Wonderful subjects


Plants are looking very frosty, great job on those @Tessellated