Compound Genetics La Bomba (Wedding Cake x Jet Fuel Gelato)

LB1 is all aldehydes and vintage perfume. It’s fucking rank and beautiful at the same time. The yield was on the low to average side, though not complaining a single bit. It grows on autopilot too, not one bit finicky and surprisingly self supporting. All others have trouble keeping up without support.

Haven’t had the chance to sample them all properly, but from what I’ve tried of LB2 is fine herb. Super chill and sets the mood up bright and good, without hammering you to the point of knockdown, which is fantastic and surprising at the same time. Flavor wise, some of the best chem/sour d/cookies blend I’ve had. It has that mouthful taste of sour with sweet and earthy notes. I can keep toking and enjoy its flavor without induced coma. Not to say it doesn’t stack, but you can sample a whole Mighty capsule without being broken after. You want to go for more and it keeps stacking, lovely progression.

Contrary to that, LB3 (the sweeter/jam smelling one), after just one capsule made my partner sleep for 1h in the middle of the day, before waking up with her phone ringing, following a cycle of 3h more of sleep just after that. She’s been caught of guard. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Cya soon!

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Hey OG!
After the previous La Bomba test cycle last year, I was able to discover that #1 is my favorite out of the four, and definitely worth both a second run and an honorary place in my library.
Figured I’d share her once again with you peeps, as I was able this time to give her better conditions to spread and develop.

Like I was telling a friend recently, she has the perfect winter vibes: cozy warm over the blanket feeling without throwing you down if you want to indulge a bit more. And you will want to! The creamy and sweet pine-nut aroma drenched on loud aldehydes (similar to vintage perfumes) is extremely addictive and you can find yourself worshiping her jar several times a day, even if sometimes you’re only looking for catching a whiff of that lovely perfume. The aroma translates pretty well to taste, with an added linger on the palate layer of earthy fuel.
Eventually you’ll find also that her effects do stack and she can sunk you a bit, but gently and over time.

On top of that, she’s the easiest thing to have growing, and practically does everything by herself, tolerating an ample range of parameters (as far as I’ve experienced), such as tolerating (and making use of) high ppfd, low/high EC, heat, cold and moving air.

She’s the least yielding among her sisters, but still yields pretty decently, and fortunately that aspect concerns me very little. She does require barely to no manicure and that’s awesome.
I’d tell you that if she was twice as hard pull, particularly finicky and yielded half, I would still gladly grow her. Thankfully that’s not the case.

Some of the lower shaded nuggies are pretty coated too.

It would be cool to see yours too, if anyone ran La Bomba. Feel free to share them here.
It doesn’t seem this variety got much traction. Barely to none online reports from when I last searched. In my experience all four turned out great and #1 is just wow.
I’d gladly sift through more if they were more affordable.


Flowered LB3 again, had a spot available as the sole seed that germinated from Nanda Devi (Himalayan landrace) turned out to be a male. Took around 60-65 days (lost exact count) and flowered under 11/13 for the last month.

Turned out different from last time, perhaps the cold as most other parameters are more or less the same. More gas and foul, there’s some sweetness still but the strawberry jello thing from last cycle is pretty gone unfortunately. Still, LOUD.

Has anyone ran this variety? Curious what other phenotypes are out there.


Man those turned out great, I’ve heard and seen great things about compound and want to run some of their gear when I get chance considering their seeds are pretty pricey. Which one did you end up keeping?

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Thanks mate, they practically grow themselves tbh. I’ve been enjoying the more since last cycle, they ended up even better. To answer your question, I still can’t decide which ones I should let go, so I’ll be keeping all four for now. My favorites are #1 and #3 though. Best odds I’ve ever had.

I’ve acquired a pack of their High Society at the same time, also a Jet Fuel Gelato cross but with Biscotti and more recently had the change to snag a pack of Bling Blaow (Glitter Bomb x Gastro Pop), complicated lineage with all the naming but its: (OGKB Blueberry Headband from Norcal x Grape Gasoline #10) x (Apples & Bananas x Grape Gasoline).

I’ll be running that last one asap.

Yes indeed, costs are prohibitive but definitely worth sifting through. I’ve tried reversing LB1 with S1 and sib crosses in mind, few cycles ago but to no avail. The anthers didn’t shed pollen. Completely dry.
I’ll attempt to reverse them all again using different silver concentrations. If I’m successful, I’d be happy to share with you some seeds, if they end up producing viable pollen.


That #3 is looking beautiful. Are you using colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate for the reversals?

Last time I used a 12h brew of CS. This time I’ll make several STS solutions with different [] and I’ll run a shorter CS brew to, using several cuts of each to test each solution.

She’s a solid beauty indeed. Strange aroma of sweet funky strawberry yogurt. Pretty cool one, but I prefer the effects of #1.


Nice! Hopefully one of the solutions work for ya so you can play around with some crosses. If it ends up working out, I’d love to see if you’re up for a trade!