Congo trip with kidete

I’d like to start sign ups for the Congo trip. Honestly I should have done it a week ago, but I just got back to work after my knee injury and I’ve been playing catch up again. This time I’m looking for 30 volunteers at $150 a piece. It’s an expensive trip, but the end result could be epic. Mike will be going after none other than the Black African Magic strain of lore. Said to be the most potent smoke DJ Short ever smoked and he is not the only one to have said this. Of course that doesn’t mean every plant is knock your dick in the dirt potent, but it means extra potency can be found, and when found, the plants will be special.
This time Mike is headed to Goma, in East Congo next to the Ituri forest and a short distance from Virunga National Park, home of the Mountain Gorilla. Goma is frequented by Pygmies, the keepers of the Black Magic.