Oohwee whats up with that!

Is this a magnesium deficiency? I am not experiencing this with the other plants. I am using AN micro, grow and bloom along with a cal/mag supplement. I can’t figure out what is going on.


If your using AN ph perfect bottles you still have to adjust ph on that shit. I dont care what the bottles say. Overpriced junk.


A follow up, the water and soil pH is 7.

It is the pH perfect from AN. So if none of the other plants are experiencing an issue and water/soil pH at 7, what should I do for these three plants?

First I would think about separating those three from the others. Then, go from there, that is just my pondering on the subject.


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Indeed, water. water, water…Dry Nutes would serve you better, IMO…SS/BW…mister :honeybee:

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Two other points worth mentioning, the plants are six weeks old and from day one they were lime green.

Looks like Magnesium as you say, I also use AN pH perfect and forget about my pH pen (only use it when flushing) Mines don’t look sick, how much are you giving them? :sunglasses:


Step 1. Check that runoff pH, specifically those 3 pots. That looks very low at first glance.

I say this all the time, it is usually not a deficiency. Usually the problem is pH which is causing nutrient unavailability. It is rarely a single element. Many people report issues with AN pH perfect.


If AN chelates all the nutrients and make them available for the plant independently of the pH range, what’s the point of measuring it? icon_e_confused|nullxnull. I did it in my first grows with AN and was driving nuts until Colanoscopy explained me the chelating thing and gave me the advice to throw away the pH pen. That’s what I did and since then I am a happy man: my plants look better.

You only may have problems with AN if your water is not in the sweet spot, too acidic or too alkaline, mine is 7.3 and it works without correcting it … :sunglasses:

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I had big PH probkem using the AN 3 part. Only on 1 plant out of 6. Up until that issue I had never checked any PH. Then @vernal told me to check my runoff… I was at about 4.5. Now I check and adjust the ph of everything I put in to zbout 5.5-6.5. After the correction my plant took off


I still have half full bottles of ph perfect. Its snake oil. Way over priced and i still had issues using it unless i ph adjusted the feed. And, its results were subpar compared to other snake oil nutrient lines. I dont even use nutrients marketed toward cannabis growers anymore. And, Im growing the best product i have ever grown.


This contradicts the statement you make later in this post when you say you may only have problems with AN if your water is too alkaline or acidic. Some reason it would not let me quote you twice in my post. Sorry for paraphrasing.

Well, it is not a contradiction, I don’t know what’s the AN formula and components and how they work, only pointed that because it might be an explanation for why it doesn’t work for some people. I remember reading it somewhere and just wanted to share it in case Tejas tap water is too acidic or too alkaline. Maybe there’s a pH range in which AN works out and if your tap water exceeds those limits it doesn’t work as it should.

I am not trying to convince anyone using AN, it works for me and that’s all, not wanting to start AGAIN another discussion, to each his own … beer3|nullxnull

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But if the way AN chelates the nutrients makes them available independently of PH range. Why would the ph of the water being used matter? Its all marketing gimmicks to sucker new growers and lazy growers into thinking they found the magic product that does all the hard work for you.

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I have been giving them 4ml/gallon with nute feedings, not with water. I will start adding it to the plain water as well.

I did not pH the run off, but I will add report back.

Again my water pH is 7.0.

Since AN perfect pH is not good, what is a better product that works?

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Hi there my friend I do agree that the ph is causing the issue 7 is too high I keep mine between 5.8 to 6.2 @vernal is correct it’s always PH what ever you use check the ph after you add the nutrients to the water correct if necessary
Recently my ph pen was broken and was not giving me a true reading it really messed up the plant until I figured it out


So you think I’m one of them? I was advised to use it by a reputated member who also was successful with it and I am very grateful to him as all my previous problems finally disappeared.

If Tejas has pH problems ALL the plants would have deficiencies and look similar, but that doesn’t happen. I don’t think changing nutes brand in the middle of the grow is the solution, If unbalanced pH is not the problem, stressing the plant with other nutrients intake would only put things worse.

I would go more for what Papalag said: measuring the pH, putting it on the right balance as if AN magic didn’t work and checking also runoff.

You just have to use what it works for you and if it doesn’t, find out why.

I have five different strains in that tent, you won’t see any symptom that something’s going wrong. Maybe I am pushing them too high, but that is the proof that AN works for me without checking pH, as it did in my previous grows since I began to use it, an image is better than thousand words, my tap water is pH 7,3 …


I checked the run off and it is 7.0, so pH down is in order for these three wee ones?

At 7 you are on the top end of being in the range

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