Cool Runnings

Cool Runnings (2)

Part Two

So now we fire up the old DeLorean, pop a banana peel into the Mr. Fusion canister… and… 1.21 Gigawatts later…

We are Good to Go for a quick trip back in time to circa 2007, when Swe-Can gathered seeds from from all over the island of Jamaica.

Swe-can has documented his trip and the plants in this thread

So, Brother and Sister Stoners… what are we going to do with the progeny of part One?
Yup, you guessed it… Preservation seed run!! {the practical training exercise}

After digesting Marijuana Botany by Robert Clarke I realized that the text could be a great teaching exercise (primarily for me!) This is an excellent and very readable text, I recommend it to everyone interested in cannabis propagation.

I would be totally remiss if I didn’t reference a great thread by @Sebring that popped up on my radar this summer. Great read!

Cannabis crosses are not F1s, so says science!

As this is my first pass at just about everything… - please, pile on if I’m heading off into the weeds,
I sure need the help!

The Plan

While the seedlings are in Veg, I will clone all of the plants to preserve the parental lines. These clones will become bonsai mothers/fathers and will be kept in vegetative state.
With the developed seedlings, I will do controlled and documented crosses between the males and females. The aim being to get a good volume of seeds with reasonably even and traceable genetic representation. A portion of these seeds will be reserved and the balance distributed to any folks that are interested. More on this later (see seed distribution in Part two continued).

Like an old K-tel knife commercial, “but wait! - there’s more!

What about those clones you ask? Now, I’ll grow those out to see what the parental stock looks like and quantify and document them. OK, and most importantly, smoke them too.

So where does this leave us?

  • We will have characterized the parental stock
  • We have controlled crosses and a good quantity of documented seed stock

Well, that’s enough to chew on for one sitting…

Time to meet the gang…

{…and just wait for the next installment…}