Copa Test Grow of (Karma SourD Bx2 x GSD F5) [reg]

Sharing with each other is why I’m here. Otherwise I’d be talking to myself in the basement again!


@Emeraldgreen I know the words to that song…haha
I appreciate you sticking around!

I imagine a bunch us know that song :joy:. Happy to be able to stick around for the show!

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I’m looking forward to these!
Testers(SourD x GSD F5) are top two rows, 11 of them.
Bottom ten are GSD F6’s running with the testers.


It’s been a couple of weeks since the last update, and things are progressing nice.
Still haven’t seen any signs of male or females, but that should start anytime.
11 testers(SourD x GSD F5’s) are looking healthy, and there seems to be quite the diversity in vegging phenos, really excited to see what’s to come.
The GSD F6’s that are running along side the testers, are also looking great, all good solid vigorous plants so far.

These should be entering the flower room in another couple of weeks.
Will update soon!


How did they turn out? I too grew out 2 of these and have been smoking it for a bit, some my favorite smoke lately.