Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)

Nothing much changed since last update. Took down the Frankenstein at 9.5 weeks as planned, just finished up trimming it… from here I’ll basically be leaving things on autopilot for the next week and a half, then taking down the next Frankenstein and Blueberry at 9.5 weeks as well. Hopefully I’ll have help with trim jail in another 3 weeks, so that should work out nicely if so. As usual, a group shot to start things out:

Blueberry at week 8. Next time I’ll try dialing in the cal-mag; so far I haven’t used it, but I know it’s more nutrient-sensitive than the others so I’ll probably start it at about half the rate. Hopefully it won’t burn or herm from that.

Spirit Train, also at week 8. Was originally thinking I’d take this down at the same time as the Frankenstein and Blueberry but I’ll probably wait and take it once they’re trimmed. Just gonna be made into RSO anyway.

Frankenstein at week 8. Colors are turning a bit earlier than usual, it’s been getting cold at night lately. Two nights ago it was down to about 6 degrees, and the furnace couldn’t even keep up.

GG4 F1s. Still doing quite well for week 6.

GG4 F2, week 5. Not sure if it’s just the timing, but this one smelled even better than the F1s when I sniffed them the other day. Seems to be breeding true on everything I’d expect; branchy, lots of stretch, frosty as hell with dense buds that smell like sweet glue. Still no real obvious sign of balls, so I’m assuming I was wrong and that it’s stable. If it’s seeded, I guess I’ll know I was wrong.

Last three OSA3 at week 11; probably leaving these till week 14 again since they’ll just end up as RSO. They’re potent, but nobody here likes the pickle taste.