Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)'s+good+guys&adgrpid=70684060311&gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDa59UJLzWdlaAguruYSjMKaHSGzDVzzybF8J93O20fGXKrtO_VVBXhoCRhsQAvD_BwE&hvadid=338385425655&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007229&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11975552712083716438&hvtargid=kwd-297549549825&hydadcr=4283_9617758&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_12il5w1exf_e

Yeah, sounds like you had them already. This is what I’m doing…

Release 1500 ladybugs per tent, hydrate a dozen raisins and place in a jar lid and a misting of water on the vegging plants. If flowering just a shallow lid/plate with a bit of water. Keep the box they arrive in… dump the bag into it… gives them a habitat. Some buy the “house” for them.

I have released 4500 so far… will drop the $20 every two to 3 weeks till I can shut down in spring. Then turn on heaters and cook the room at 100+ for 3+ days


I think I’d rather lose the crop than buy a ton of ladybugs, honestly… I’m assuming you have 4x4 tents packed full. I’ve got a 20x12 room for them to get lost in, and only 5 plants even somewhat far into flower. Only the OSA is showing any sign of mites or any distress at all, and I’ve got 3 more clones of that vegging and 3 cuts starting to root; even assuming everything downstairs has mites, I could harvest the Blueberries and the Frankenstein in 2 weeks and just make RSO from them, then leave the room empty for a week before moving the vegging ones downstairs. If I get them in the veg tent despite spraying neem every week, then I’ll panic and buy ladybugs. :wink: I’d rather not drop $100 a week trying to nurse along those few that are just starting flower until they can get to the finish line, then decide I don’t want to smoke spider mites and end up making RSO from them anyway…

Two weeks later, and I still haven’t seen any other signs of spider mites anywhere except on one of the GG4 clones that were already quarantined. There’s stippling on some of the leaves and I saw a few brown spots on the underside that, if my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me, might have been mites under enough magnification. I’ve stepped up my spraying - they’re getting sprayed with neem once a day for the next two weeks. I’ve never tried it at this rate, but I’ve also never successfully gotten rid of spider mites without killing plants before. If it doesn’t kill the plants, hopefully it will kill the mites. We shall see. :crossed_fingers: I’ve also stepped up how often I’m spraying neem in the veg tent to 3x a week, which I’ve done before and hasn’t killed any plants, and am trying to keep it as close to a clean room as realistically possible. No hazmat suits, but showering every time before going in naked or with freshly washed clothes. I’m continuing to flower downstairs because I haven’t seen any more signs of mites; if they start taking over in the flower room, I’ll let them all die before spending too much more to save them. I don’t even know what I’d do with another harvest the size of the last one; I’ve got a drawer packed full of bud, I can’t smoke enough or extract enough to keep up with the plants, and I have no plans to sell it even if I had anyone to sell it to. I really don’t, though. Anyway, in the meantime flowering goes on. Here’s a group pic:

Two Blueberries, week 9.5 and 2. Chopping the first one in a week or two at most.

Spirit Train, week 6. Seems like it should be longer. I might have messed up this one; dropped lots of sun leaves over the past two weeks, and I didn’t give it any more nitrogen because I thought it was already heading towards week 8. Guess not. Oh well, the bud’s getting extracted anyway, so I don’t really care how well it does.

Frankensteins at week 9, 3 and 0. Chopping the first one in a week at most, possibly within a few days. I’ll check the trichs again Wednesday if I remember, it was pretty close.

Fresh OSA3s just starting out. Kept them small this time, though they’ve already reached the top of the cage and probably haven’t even started stretch. Hopefully I can at least support them without having to lean them across the aisle onto the cages of the other plants, though. 3 is easier than the other two OSA phenos I’ve seen because it has small but dense buds. 1 had large, dense buds but didn’t cut it as far as potency, and 2 was just terrible in general. Large, but wispy buds, no potency and a tendency to herm. I’ve extracted the first OSA2 plant already and got 15g of RSO from a whole gallon jar full, which is less than I’ll usually get from two 32oz jars full of mediocre bud.


After another four weeks with no sign of mites, I’m ready to declare victory. :slight_smile: I’m not going to stop spraying the veg plants, but I’ve cut it back to three times a week rather than every day; I don’t think they’re particularly distressed by that, based on the past. Let’s see how it works out. Certainly I’m not going to keep spraying every day. The GG4 are looking pretty beat up… it’s good that they don’t have mites, but a few leaves are toast, presumably from the spraying. Hopefully it’s not from deficiency; the oldest ones are going first, but they were sprayed for nearly three weeks straight, and two weeks intermittently before, so it’s not surprising. The flowering plants all look healthy, and no sign of mites down there since that one OSA two months ago. Here’s the group shot:

Two Blueberries, week 6 and 1. Unfortunately, the largest branch of the one at week 6 got chopped last week along with the other Blueberry that was at week 12 or 13; fortunately, I was chopping that other one late to experiment in the first place, and chopping one extremely early and extremely late is arguably a more comprehensive experiment. Not like I can test for cannabinoids anyway, but I can at least see what I like better - before last year, nothing I grew was even remotely worth smoking so it was tough to tell what techniques worked better. I didn’t exactly keep a control plant, but I have Blueberry from another harvest that’ll come close enough for these kind of fuzzy methods.

The last two Spirit Train crosses, week 10 and 1. She’s being retired after this. It’s decent, but not great; if I’m gonna grow mediocre bud, I want it to be in the process of pheno hunting while looking for spectacular bud, so no point continuing to clone this one.

Frankensteins at week 7, 4 and 1. First one’s jarred up, looks and smells pretty good despite overdrying it slightly. I got another humidifier for downstairs, so that should hopefully keep it more stable for curing in the future. Cured properly or not, the smoke is definitely excellent. Another keeper, not that I was expecting less. :slight_smile:

OSA3 at week 4 of flower. Crazy stretch again, probably too much. :frowning: I’ve cut down to only one clone of this one, and I’m not sure if I actually want to run it again; the smoke seems like it’s starting to get worse as time goes by, rather than better. Considering it was a 12 week flower in the first place, and part of its shine might have been from harvesting early anyway… dunno. I’ll see how I’m doing for space with all the seedlings being up-potted, as far as keeping the last clone of this one. Luckily it’s very easy to keep happy, so I won’t have to work very hard to keep it around even if I don’t want to actually flower any.


Hi buddy
Great show as always :1st_place_medal::trophy::+1:

I’ve seen Santeiro do a study where he picked his harvest at various weeks example week seven same plant at 8 a same plant at nine weeks
And he did see a noticeable difference in the quality of the high weather one be a little more clear for another one to be a little more couch lock I feel it’s a great way to determine which one you like better. That’s why I try to grow 2 to 3 of the same plant and I keep two in 2 gallon bags just so I could pick them earlier than the main plant you never know what you might like best

I see you finally got rid of the insects. We should throw a party those little buggers are a pain in the ass.

My Frankie mom is looking real good but she’s still small, My port wine cheese mom is ready to give up some cuts
But I do believe Frankie needs a little more time before I clip a few snips

Hey if you could wait like another three weeks or so for cuts I’ll meet you at the diner and we’ll have some lunch and trade for a blueberry or a gg4 cuts

Your garden looks great as usual

Hay have you heard from @Nagel420 ? Hope he’s well


Yep, it’s a solid strategy. I wouldn’t normally have chosen to harvest at 5 weeks for an experiment like this - more like 7 or 8 - but the branch was already cut before I could say anything. :frowning: So, might as well make the best of it. And yeah, as far as I know the mites are gone. I’d assume they would have showed by now if they were still here. It’s a lot harder to prove they’re gone than to prove they’re around, though. I’d still quarantine any cuts just in case, and give them a week or two with no IPM to see what happens…

I can easily wait three more weeks. In fact, if you wanted to meet any sooner I might have to decline. My flower room is full(ish), my quarantine closet is full, and my tent is very definitely full. Those seedlings are still on their third node, so it’ll be at least that long before I’m ready to transplant them and move them into flower. As for clones of the GG4, I foolishly only took one of each and they aren’t even rooted yet after two weeks. I might have to take more before moving them into flower, after some emergency cal-mag supplements. The Blueberry just got transplanted into a pot a few days ago so she should be ready in a few weeks, nowhere near it now though.

And no, not a peep from Nagel. Looks like he hasn’t been on for two months. If you particularly need to get in touch with him, I should be able to, though.


I was Just curious when you don’t hear from people for a while or you start to think there’s something wrong just making sure everybody’s OK yeah when you’re ready for cuts let me know we’ll hook up go have some lunch and smoke a joint or 2 or 3 lol

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Chopped another few plants, moved another few downstairs. The merry-go-round continues. Next set of plants will have a few males to deal with, so I’ll have to quarantine them when the time comes, and since it’s a pheno hunt I’ll probably end up with mostly trash females to extract for RSO; for now, doing a full-on bud run with the few keepers I have. I might make a few seeds with some more of the RIL pollen I have in the fridge, assuming it’s still viable. Should be, I haven’t removed it or left the door open for longer than ~15 seconds at a time, but we’ll see. Anyway, here’s the group shot:

Two Blueberries, week 8 and 3. Should be getting close on the first one, maybe next week. Got a clone in veg upstairs, as always.

The final Spirit Train x whatever at 3 weeks. Lots of leaves dropping already, probably wants cal-mag but screw it. Not worth using it on mediocre bud when I’m trying to stretch this bottle to last until I get unfiltered water to the flower room. I also need to figure out whether the chloramine is a big deal or not; I vaguely think it isn’t, but would rather know for sure.

Frankensteins at week 9, 6 and 3… apparently I didn’t take a close-up of the one at week 9, and it’s lights-out already. I thought I did, but guess it didn’t work. Anyway, nice fade going, pistils starting to go mostly red, and trichs are mostly milky. Maybe another week, maybe sooner. Just potted 3 more clones of her, so the next round is already started. :slight_smile:

Probably the last three OSA3 I’ll run; they’re nice and potent, but no better than my other keepers at this point, and the growth pattern is a PITA. Tall and stretchy and huge internodes, a tendency to foxtail at the slightest provocation and I dislike the pickle taste & smell that all three of these ended up with. I do still have a clone around just in case I change my mind.

GG4 RIL F1s at day 5, as well as a F2 freshly transplanted and moved into flower. Tossed the F2 male; that’s one more free pot! Oh, wait, it’s already full with another Frankenstein. :roll_eyes: I have a bunch of cuttings of the F1s, which seem a lot healthier after a nice dose of cal-mag and fish oil last feeding. Hopefully they don’t just seem healthier, but actually root this time. If not, I have more seeds. I’ll figure something out once my jars start running low, that’s for sure. :stuck_out_tongue:


Chopped one more Blueberry, and there’s no more plants coming down here for at least a month. I just topped all the plants in the veg tent down to node 2 or 3, sterilized the cuttings and put them in the fridge. Even if they don’t survive, we have more seeds of all this stuff, but it’ll be good if this works just to know I can do it. On the off chance we find a unicorn, at least there’ll be a chance to recover it from the cutting too. Mostly just seeing if it works though, and if it doesn’t hopefully figuring out how to refine it a little bit so it will. Now we wait while things continue to flower… here’s a group shot, cause why not.

The last Blueberry in flower for right now is at 5 weeks; there’s a mother in veg upstairs and two cuts in the cloner. One’s already started rooting after less than a week, can’t complain.

The last Spirit Train is also at 5 weeks. Still haven’t used up the bud from the clones of them I ran before, but eventually I guess I’ll run out of RSO and do something with it. Either that or use it for fertilizer eventually. :man_shrugging: Not gonna smoke it, that much I’m pretty certain of.

Two more Frankensteins, week 8 and 5. It’s massively obvious how much of a difference the OAC cal-mag is making when you compare the Frankenstein at week 5, which has been getting it, to the Spirit Train at week 5 which hasn’t. Clearly I wasn’t feeding them properly before. Maybe I’ll even try a run with BBP soon to see if this makes it more useful rather than actively self-destructive. Also gonna arrange an experimental run using unfiltered tap water from someone else’s house rather than installing a line to bypass the filter here; if it actually works, maybe I’ll get that done. If the OAC is better I’ll just stick with that. I suspect it will be but always like to confirm. Having it be between clones will be far more useful too, though I’ve seen a few Frankie grows without cal-mag already and they don’t seem to do nearly as well as with.

GG4 RIL F1s and F2, at week 3 (19 days) and 2 respectively. I’ve got clones of the larger, healthier F1 (#6) rooted and will be up-potting soon. Still no roots on the 5 clones I took of #8. That makes 16/17 failures on attempting to clone this particular pheno, and 2/3 that seem successful (so far) of the other pheno. Pretty sure I’m about ready to give up on this bitch and work with #6 instead, as if I have much of a choice. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll be pollinating in another week though, and I’m unlikely to use much pollen on #8 at this point. If I’m gonna make F2s, might as well be from the better pheno all-around.

The last three OSA3s at week 8. I’m probably just gonna keep the clone around to practice with, until I’m satisfied that I can reliably transplant into and keep a mother alive in a solo cup. If I change my mind about wanting to deal with another 12-13 week flower for pickle weed, it’ll be ready to grow.


The plants continue to flower; I continue to give them water once a week and LITFA, along with the occasional kelp foliar. Not too exciting, but it’s been another week and I guess I’m updating. Pics are from last night, got distracted and didn’t end up getting around to posting them till now. The group shot looks kinda funny at this point. The left side of the room is nearly done with flower, and on top of that has never gotten any supplemental nutrients. The right side is 4-6 weeks in and has been getting supplemental cal-mag, iron, etc. except for the Spirit Train. Pretty sure even I can tell which ones are happier here. :wink:

Blueberry at 6 weeks. Probably gonna take this one a few weeks earlier than the 10 weeks we’d been giving it before. As usual, there’s a clone upstairs vegging and a cutting in the cloner rooting right now. I’ll be taking another cut in a week or two, since I’ll be giving away the one that’s currently rooting.

Spirit Train, also at 6 weeks. I guess we’ll probably take it at 10 weeks for consistency, though it doesn’t matter much to me. All just RSO waiting to happen… or hash, maybe. I’m thinking I might get some bubble bags and try making my own carts, eventually.

Frankenstein at 9 and 6 weeks, respectively. Closer to 9 and a half weeks, really, since that one would’ve started flower on a Friday or Saturday… whatever it is, I’ll be chopping it tomorrow. Already scoped it this weekend and it’s ready, just waiting so it’ll hang for a week and a half rather than 2 weeks. The one at 6 weeks is finally dropping some leaves, but still seems much healthier than most of my plants are at 6 weeks. This, apparently, is what fade is supposed to look like when they aren’t starved for trace elements.

Three OSA3 at week 9, just a few weeks left. I haven’t smoked much of this lately, might end up just using it for RSO despite being strong enough smoke. It tastes like pickles, but all the foxtailing makes it leafy and too harsh… and pickles isn’t something I would’ve been looking for in the first place, even if it weren’t harsh. Also annoying to keep under control in flower, as you can probably tell from the pictures of branches flopping all over the place. For now I still have a clone, eventually I think I’ll get tired of caring for it and let it die.

GG4 RIL F1s at week 4. The first picture is the same plant from my first GG4 run, which I already have F2s from. She’s been a real bitch about cloning. I still have three cuts alive, but obviously at 4 weeks in without roots they aren’t doing too hot. I had five but two turned to mush in the cloner, which I would worry about more if it had ever happened to any other strain. Second picture is a different pheno, to the extent there are phenos of the RIL. I’m expecting the bud to be the same, but she certainly grows faster and clones easier. Seems to be less precious about nutrients as well, I’m not seeing yellowing leaves yet whereas the first one I am. I’ve got a clone in soil and doing well enough, so I’ll probably hold off on pollination until I can run one in a 3g pot. They’re easier to isolate, since I can actually carry one around without staggering or needing a handtruck.

GG4 RIL F2 at 3 weeks flower. Stretch should be over by now, roughly doubled in height. For some reason I’ve been getting a hermie vibe, but I can’t see any real signs and neither did anyone else when I posted it in the ID thread. Anyone here seeing anything that says I’m not crazy, or am I just borrowing trouble because it’s GG4 and hermies would be expected?


Nothing much changed since last update. Took down the Frankenstein at 9.5 weeks as planned, just finished up trimming it… from here I’ll basically be leaving things on autopilot for the next week and a half, then taking down the next Frankenstein and Blueberry at 9.5 weeks as well. Hopefully I’ll have help with trim jail in another 3 weeks, so that should work out nicely if so. As usual, a group shot to start things out:

Blueberry at week 8. Next time I’ll try dialing in the cal-mag; so far I haven’t used it, but I know it’s more nutrient-sensitive than the others so I’ll probably start it at about half the rate. Hopefully it won’t burn or herm from that.

Spirit Train, also at week 8. Was originally thinking I’d take this down at the same time as the Frankenstein and Blueberry but I’ll probably wait and take it once they’re trimmed. Just gonna be made into RSO anyway.

Frankenstein at week 8. Colors are turning a bit earlier than usual, it’s been getting cold at night lately. Two nights ago it was down to about 6 degrees, and the furnace couldn’t even keep up.

GG4 F1s. Still doing quite well for week 6.

GG4 F2, week 5. Not sure if it’s just the timing, but this one smelled even better than the F1s when I sniffed them the other day. Seems to be breeding true on everything I’d expect; branchy, lots of stretch, frosty as hell with dense buds that smell like sweet glue. Still no real obvious sign of balls, so I’m assuming I was wrong and that it’s stable. If it’s seeded, I guess I’ll know I was wrong.

Last three OSA3 at week 11; probably leaving these till week 14 again since they’ll just end up as RSO. They’re potent, but nobody here likes the pickle taste.


Greetings Cormoran,
Your Frankie looks just like the ones I grew when they hit 8-9 weeks flower. I bet most trichs are cloudy with amber on the sugar leaves, and mayhaps some new white pistils? Frankie never stops in my experience.

I let my last Frankie go nearly ten weeks as an experiment, and I don’t think it improved the chems or taste…

Thanks for sharing this interesting grow.

My :Late Harvest Frankie near the chop


That was three months ago, so I honestly couldn’t tell ya… fairly sure I harvested a week or two after that last photo. Since then I haven’t had anything in flower, just transplanted a bunch of Skunk seeds and a few clones of the keepers from last grow into 10g and been vegging them out. My partner wants to try getting bigger plants, and I want to get to the point where I can actually keep plants alive and happy for a few months without needing to turn to chemical fertilizers. If you followed the link to the post above, you’ll notice some arrogant idiot decided I needed a “re-programming” to his growing style because no others are acceptable. He’s right that I needed to figure some things out, though obviously wrong that I didn’t realize it - or that I want to grow with chemical ferts and paclobutrazol and give myself liver cancer because I’m too much of a moron to read, like him. :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as the figuring things out, I might be almost there. :slight_smile: Won’t be doing real updates until I put them into flower and need to keep track of weeks, but here’s a pic for everyone in the meantime. They’re pretty healthy, and much bigger than I usually let them go:


Great job brother
Looks great as usual

KNF if I’m correct there’s a good deal of
Fermented liquids of all types ( food scraps ,beans ,corn , bananas peels , egg shells ,ect) that will cover all the nutrition needs throughout the whole grow. I’m just too lazy to deal with it.

Composing and worm farms are a huge help !

I definitely respect :fist: this it’s just way too much for me

A friend has a ton of mason jars with things fermenting I don’t have the space any longer

Have you tried adding mushroom compost?
Some people swear by it
I’ve used it when I was organic with great results

Bird and bat guano are an amazing natural fertilizer and kelp as well

Kelp can be harvested after a storm at the beach

Kelp is the shit loaded with goodies

Ok I’m done rambling lol


I guess it’s time to start writing updates again; switched the lights over precisely 7 days ago, so they’re now beginning week 2 of flower. I top-dressed worm castings and gave them 1/10 tsp/gal cal-mag as usual last week, and they seem happy with that. I’m going to be buying some gypsum salt soon, since they appear to be having trouble with calcium deficiency and excess of basically everything else when I push the cal-mag. Working on whether to just pay up for the soluble Diamond K gypsum or whether there’s some way we can use pelletized, since the pelletized stuff doesn’t have to be shipped across half the country and thus is about 20% of the price - 40lb for $15 compared to 50lb for $70, or 10lb for $30. Unfortunately I can’t get a small bag of the pelletized gypsum from Lowes, it’s 40lb for $15 or 2.5lb for $15. Just need to choose something, there’s not gonna be a perfect answer. I’ll figure it out. Anyway, in the meantime here’s some pictures! Starting out with the group shot, as always:

Blueberry’s just all over the place. A little bit of stretch going on here, but she’s already at the lights so there’s not much further she can go other than vining out into the reservoir. :stuck_out_tongue: Not really for me anyway, my partner likes this one more. I don’t mind more yield though, even if I just end up having to make it into RSO.

Three Ancestral Skunk F3 fems from @middleman. I think. I’m :100: on who they’re from, not on what they are. I know they’re Ancestral Skunk fems, just not sure on the generation. I originally had 4 growing, but one of them has been prematurely retired because she started flowering 2 months ago when I switched the lights to 12/12 for a few days and then back to 18/6 for a sex test. The others apparently did too, but they took nearly two months to actually get fully into flower and kept growing in the meantime, so they’re big enough to be worth growing out. The other one was barely a foot tall in a 10 gallon pot, so we replaced it with a GG4 clone that’s already grown a foot in the past few weeks. :slight_smile: I have no idea what week of flower to call this, but it doesn’t much matter I guess… we’ll see how they look in another 10 weeks or so. The tallest, stretchiest one already has a skunky smell, but my partner took one whiff and dismissed it as “that’s that sweet Skunk, not the roadkill.” I guess it’s kinda sweet. :man_shrugging: Not my department, I’ve never had the real Skunk anyway.

Silver Mountain F2 from @twistedinfinity. I also had 4 of these growing originally, but one died in early veg to what may have been a cal-mag mishap or possibly overwatering. I can’t remember and I’m not sure I ever knew. The other two turned out male and I’m not looking for a seed run right now, so we’re left with just the one to sample.

Original Skunk #1 from F1 genetics, or at least that’s what they’re called. I can’t vouch for anything, but foolishly bought them before I found this site and we figured we might as well run them. Well, he did, mostly. I highly doubt we’ll get anything special out of it, but at the least I can say they’ve all been fairly uniform and tight internodes in veg. Again, had 4 originally but 2 males were discarded.

Neville’s Skunk from Hazeman, two diametrically opposite phenos. If I had a gun to my head, I’d say the first one is a Skunk leaner and the second is a Haze leaner, though it’s not the veg characteristics that are important so much as the bud. We shall see. :crossed_fingers:

Four Frankenstein clones. I already have more Frankenstein in the drawer than I really want, but I kept taking clones and they kept refusing to die so I kept planting them… so I guess I’ll have even more Frankenstein in the drawer. It’s not bad, obviously, I just like the GG4 better when I’m looking for a really hard hitter. Frankenstein’s got a nice fruity exhale, but is much harsher on the inhale comparatively. Of course, it all extracts just fine for cookies, so I’m not gonna complain that much. :stuck_out_tongue:

PWC clone from @Papalag, still very short and stout compared to all the rest. Clearly heavy indica, though I already would’ve guessed that from the little bit of the smoke that I had.

GG4 RIL, expanding nicely to fill the available space and then some. I foresee droopy branches in her future…


That’s top 3 best grow setups I’ve seen on OG. Dayyum! @Cormoran takes his growing seriously :100: :metal:

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@Cormoran wow blowin up in there

Pwc stays compact but buds do pack on the weight in the last few weeks she’s good at 9 but better at 10

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Awesome! Best of luck with the remaining Silver Mountain F2! Hope she does well for you.

Great looking plants and set-up.

Keep up the amazing work. Drooling over here.


If I put it off any longer I’m gonna start forgetting shit, so I guess that makes this update time. This makes week 3 of flower for the main group. Last week I gave them a bit of fish oil… then, a few hours later, I frantically scrambled to give them all more water. Calculating your measurements in tablespoons and then using a quarter cup to actually measure can get messy. :stuck_out_tongue: Luckily I got the measurements for the cal-mag right, since quadrupling that would probably kill them overnight. Of course, I also can’t use tablespoons for measurement on that; I can’t even use teaspoons for measurement, really, unless I started using totes to mix rather than 5g buckets. Oh, and this week I top-dressed a quarter cup of pelletized gypsum. Hopefully it’s somewhere around the right dose, or at least not enough to be toxic. The bag recommended what I think works out to about 4 cups per pot, but that seems crazy. I’m assuming that’s for a single application on a lawn per season, and that it’s probably a generous dose as well since nutrient companies love to inflate. If it seems to do nothing and they’re still calcium deficient in two weeks, I’ll put some more in. Anyway, on to the pictures! Here’s the group shot:

Ancestral Skunks seem to be doing pretty well. Some pistils are starting to go red, so I’m gonna hazard a guess that they’ve actually been flowering for about 5-6 weeks now. Not really sure. Definitely started earlier than the others, but I’m not sure whether they revegged or not, or maybe half of each plant revegged and half just kept flowering, or what. There’s a bit of a skunky smell to all of them now, but it’s definitely sweet skunk rather than roadkill.

Blueberry. I’m not entirely happy with the training job on this, but it’s too late now. Most of the top buds are at the same level as the light, but since this light is lower than the others they’re also getting it from the middle row and should develop decently still.

Silver Mountain F2 looks excellent. The tops aren’t actually at the light, that’s the light behind it in the other row. It’s an inconvenient setup, but that’s where the ductwork is. Starting to show some minor blemishes, between the occasional nitrogen deficiency, calcium deficiency and toxicity of other micros, but mostly healthy despite all that.

Original Skunks starting to show some distress. I think, again, it’s nitrogen deficiency and calcium deficiency combined with the occasional toxicity of other micros. I hope so, since I’ve been treating the whole room for that. Still looking quite uniform at 3 weeks into flower. :+1:

Neville’s Skunks are coming out looking like diametrically opposed phenos. The first is tall, branchy, long internodes and small buds; I assume that’s a Haze leaner, though I’ve never grown it to be sure. The second is probably the shortest plant in the room, tight nodes and larger buds. I guess that’s a Skunk leaner. Still not getting any smells that I can distinguish as being from them in particular.

Lots of Frankie. I missed the chance to cage one of them before stretch started, now she’s flopping all over the room like a diva and trying to get tangled in other plants. They already smell pretty good, and I’m starting to be able to distinguish her smell in particular despite not really being able to identify it. Kind of like spicy fruit, to the extent that makes any sense.

Port Wine Cheese. Ok, I might have been wrong about the Neville’s Skunk earlier; this might be shorter. Buds are starting to fill in, pretty decent size already. Not sure if I’m smelling anything other than the rest of the room, though.

GG4 RIL at week 3 and week 1, respectively. The second one is a bit unhappy; I gave her the same water as the others last week when she was just going into flower. Not sure it shows on these pictures, but the second set of leaves from the top are twisted and discolored from it. Cal-mag excess again, I’m sure… 1/6 teaspoon per gallon is way too much for veg. It might be too much for flower, still not sure.


Looks great as usual my friend

It’s going to be a major harvest


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