Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)

The only thing I’ll keep going is a few moms

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Yeah, of course, can’t just lose all these keepers. :wink: I’ll probably shut everything down except a single 200w light on one of the tracks in the basement, which should be enough coverage to let some moms veg out while at the same time I don’t have to run all the climate control nonsense. I can handle 85 degrees in the house, the plants don’t do quite so well since that 85 is a baseline and the rooms get 5-10 degrees hotter. With one light in that huge basement though, it’ll barely change the temperature at all.

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Same thoughts and easer to start up with moms the from seed

Hey Corm, good to see ya again.

The few buds ya handed me… Old Ass? Is that the OSA listed above?

Daughter liked it… i’m afraid of it… :wink:

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Yep, Old Silver Ass #3 specifically. I popped 3 of them, got 3 females and #3 is the standout after 12 weeks of flower, hits like a freight train. I’m hoping I didn’t jump the gun on culling #1 though, the ones at 16 weeks of flower seem much stickier than they did at 12 and that one’s a much better yielder than 3. Too late now though, and in the balance it might not be such a bad thing. A month less of flower means quicker turnover and the reduced yield isn’t as big a deal. The clones are basically ready to flower two weeks after rooting is the only problem, just grows too damn quick. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is that something widely available where i can purchase a pack, or something you acquired through somebody’s cross?

Search not giving me anything… PM if necessary.


Not at all widely available, pretty much only here on OG. It’s a cross by SkunkHunt101, and I’ll let him give the details. :slight_smile: James chimes in a few posts down to clarify what the Old Ass is a cross of, sounds like some pretty funky genetics mixed up in here.


OK… thank you.

@SkunkHunt101 and i did a trade awhile back… he sent me an assortment of beans. I wonder if i already hold it…

Thanks for the info dude…

EDIT: @SkunkHunt101 sent me a pack of those beans in the past. Daughter already claimed space to run a few…


Glad to hear I’m not the only one who thinks it’s amazing. :wink:


Still no pics, I’m too lazy and/or stoned to bother learning how to transfer them. Last time I tried it ended up freezing on me a few times, and then I couldn’t find the directory on the phone the pictures actually ended up to transfer them, so I’m not eager to go down that rabbithole again. Not sure whether I’m actually really lazy this early in the morning or just a slightly different quality of stoned; I’m testing the 2nd Romulan this morning. It’s kinda making me want to go back to sleep, but instead of actually napping I’ve mostly just been sitting here doing things very slowly. I managed to change the timers upstairs, and start the distillation for the RSO I’m making, and now I’m right back here sitting again. Still need to replace one of the fans downstairs, and switch all the timers in the flower room, and package up the fan I’m returning to Amazon, and a few other things, but I can’t be bothered with any of it right now. My hunch is this is because the Romulan was harvested at something like 14 or 15 weeks, clearly way past its time; I knew this would make the cannabinoids decay, but I didn’t think about the possibility that they might decay to CBN a lot quicker staying on the plant and under the lights than harvested and jarred. I’m guessing that’s what happened. Gonna try a reveg since this one had such great yield, and even if it’s kinda putting me to sleep this seems like it’s decently strong and has a nice smell. I wouldn’t mind trying it again, and harvested right this time.

All seven plants that were hanging are now jarred up. Ridiculous yields compared to last time, so I’m gonna be making RSO quicker and having more edibles I guess. I can’t smoke this much without more medication so I can take my medication - too much smoke makes my throat close up from asthma, unless I use an inhaler. Not big on the steroids, so I’ll just choke my smoke down the natural way and eat most of it instead. Anyway, since all those plants are now jarred, there was room to chop and hang the other eight plants that were also ready. :stuck_out_tongue: Once again, trim jail awaits…

Since I apparently don’t learn my lesson, I’ve replaced the Blueberry that came down yesterday with another Blueberry that was upstairs in the veg tent. Also transplanted everything out of 3g pots into 10g, they were all topped last week so another week to get their feet comfortable and they’ll be good to go into flower. I killed the remaining clone of whatever cross, self-pollination via hermie or whatever else it was that I was calling Spirit Train for simplicity, since I now have four plants worth of it jarred up, another one mid-flower and yet another getting ready to go into flower, and have some F3s of the real Spirit Train with no question marks in the lineage. Also excellent yield on all of them, but not amazing bud, just ok. More RSO, I guess.

I didn’t actually check the Frankenstein to see if they were ready for harvest, but they don’t look it yet from the pistils. Week 7 seems way too early anyway. I’ll take a look at the trichomes later to make sure, but they still seem to be bulking up. The Blueberry in the 3g is also getting close at 9 weeks, I guess. Otherwise, nothing too exciting going on down here in the foreseeable future.

Once again, using this as a notepad to keep track of how long everything’s been in flower:
Blueberries - week 9(3g), 7.5, 0
Frankenstein - week 7, 1
OSA3 - week 6
Spirit Train - week 4


Now that’s a Romulan for sure lol

Any rom I very had knocked me out :joy:

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Frankie I believe is a 8. / 9 week strain

Mine just sent into flower about a week now


Still dunno about the Romulan… I tried the other one a few hours later, after I was done feeling drowsy, and it was more like the high I get from other strains. Strong, but definitely THC. This felt like when I accidentally left a batch of RSO decarbing for four hours and made cookies with it anyway - all the THC decayed into CBN. I shouldn’t be feeling drowsy right after waking up, and no other strain’s ever made me feel that way. I’m at least ready to give it a try again, but if it comes out this way a second time I won’t be growing it again.


You just described my life. Unfortunately weed is not the culprit.

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If you want some weed you can blame, I have nearly a gallon jar full of this second Romulan… I can’t see myself smoking it any time other than when it’s already bedtime. This stuff is better than melatonin for sure, pretty hit or miss on whether that actually helps me sleep or not. :wink: As far as getting me high, though, not so much.

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Might not be a bad thing to have some tapout bud on hand for a quick escape into sleep. Melatonin generally works for me (to some degree) but I’ve relied on it too long continuously and am attempting to go without for the time being so the timing is perfect here for some lights out bud to make an appearance :thinking:


Bleh. Well, I appear to have spider mites downstairs. :frowning: I don’t think there’s any way they’re from the clones I took in, even though we were concerned they might have spider mites as well - even if the quarantine totally failed, I think it takes more than 4 days for a spider mite infestation to develop to the point there are visible webs and I can see mites with the naked eye. Either way, the OSA 3 downstairs has both. I moved it out of the flower room for now… I’ll probably kill it later today, when I’m ready to do some naked gardening. The other plants don’t seem to have any issues, yet anyway. I’ll probably be seeing webs in a few weeks, but for now I’m going to proceed as if the entire grow isn’t screwed and hope that this is somehow the only plant with pests, in the middle of the row with fans blowing on both sides… meh. I’m living in a fantasy world, huh? :frowning: At least the Frankenstein and several of the Blueberries are close to chop anyway. If I had room, I’d probably just chop them now, but there’s other plants hanging in my dry space already.


Well, that sucks. Sorry to hear about it. I can’t offer a solution, just sympathy.

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Pretty sure there is no solution for plants that are already flowering, just damage control. I’ll spray the ones that are only a week or two in with neem next time, and I’ve already taken the OSA 3 out of the room. Who knows, that might be enough… was just downstairs looking at it closely, and even now that I know what I’m looking for most of the plant looks healthy. The bottom half of one side of the plant has spider mites eating the leaves, and no obvious brown dots or speckled white marks on the leaves on any of the rest of the plant. That side of the plant has been struggling and dropping leaves unevenly and I haven’t been able to understand why for several weeks, since it got transplanted into the 10g pot nearly a month ago. Now I know why… and none of my other plants have been struggling the same way, so maybe I’ll end up dodging the bullet. Dunno, we’ll see. Worst case, even if I have to shut down entirely, the basement has cement floors and walls so I could literally go scorched-earth. :stuck_out_tongue: Napalm can kill spider mites, right?

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I hope so

Probably. I hear it sticks to kids

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