Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)

No lie here, that’s a male… looks like you got lots of other great plants growing on. :sunglasses: Thank you for joining the picture of the year contest awesome OG.

Have a great weekend.


Update time again. The move down to the basement was no fun, but it got done… the room still isn’t sealed all that well, so I can’t get the temperature above 71F without the RH dropping below 40%, which isn’t ideal. I’d like to have it up to 75 and 50%, but it still doesn’t get below 68 during the “night hours” - 11AM-5PM. Cords are still hanging all over the place rather than nicely suspended along the ceiling, but the plants are sturdy enough now to survive the occasional brush. Good enough for right now, and the work will continue… if at a less frenetic pace. Here’s the group shot of the basement ladies (and perhaps a gentleman or two):

The Gorilla Bubble went into the pot with a really bad hunchback, but has straightened up a little bit as she’s reached for the light. There’s still a bit of a weird curve, but it’ll be fine in a few weeks.

Tony Greenhand random fem, looking less mutated after topping herself. That’s weird enough in itself, I guess… no more triple-branching nodes though. For now.

The other random fem is mostly normal; one node has two leaves on one side of the stem and none on the opposite side, and one of the branches is coming in with triple leaves and branch sites at each node while the other branches grow normally. Weird stuff… this is where pollen-chucking leads, folks. It’s a gateway to even worse breeding practices!

The Durban Freeze… preflowers still aren’t visible enough to tell what’s going on, but it’s kinda short and squat considering the Durban Poison parent. Hopefully that means it’s a female? :crossed_fingers:

The smaller Blueberry, coming back from transplant and still re-vegging. Most of the leaves have straightened out, but a few are still coming in crinkly.

Here’s the weird bit. This is a clone of a mother grown from feminized seed, and she’s flowered once already with no issues… did I manage to get her to herm? @Nagel420, this is your baby, does this look normal based on what you’re seeing with your Blueberry clones?

The Foxtail Skunk. Some of the leaves are damaged from the fan up in the tent, since I don’t have an oscillating one for up there yet and there’s not enough room to keep it far from the plants. That’s a problem for the next grow though, so I’ll deal with it when that starts… well, probably in the next week or two I’ll have to. :stuck_out_tongue: She’s getting huge and seems stretchy, maybe a sativa? Hopefully it’s not a really long-flowering one, I’d rather have <3 months of flower for the whole group.

The Spirit Train F2 clone is doing fine, haven’t seen anything strange from her yet. Still getting plenty of pistils in preflower, hopefully it stays that way. :wink:

The Blueberry clone that didn’t get transplanted. It’s getting a bit tetchy about being in a 1g pot still, so I’ll have to get it transplanted soon, once I get more soil mixed up.

The runty, stunted Foxtail Skunk is growing much faster now… but still, considering that it started within a week of the other Foxtail Skunk, kinda sad that it’s under a foot and she’s nearly two feet by now. Throwing some mutations too, the top two nodes have triple leaves and branches. No preflowers showing yet. The Hawaiian Princess is on the right, also stunted now and very droopy. I think it somehow was underwatered, even though I’ve had water in the reservoir for two weeks it just hasn’t been wicking it up. I top-watered a pint or so earlier today since it seemed to be going downhill, and the surface of the soil was hydrophobic. :man_shrugging: Maybe the Foxtail’s been taking it all.

Broke a tiny branch off the Gorilla Bubble while transplanting it, so I figured I’d see if it roots. Not particularly stressed if it doesn’t, but if it does I was intending to take several clones eventually so it’ll be grown out. It came off the mother plant four days ago, just starting to yellow and still reaching for the light but there’s no roots showing yet. I put a little fish fertilizer into the water on the bottom of the tray, so that’ll either burn it or help keep it alive. Only two inches long or so, and either way there are other branches that’ll survive the process better.

Made up another pot of soil, I’m experimenting to see if my soil is too hot for seedlings. There’s one of @firehead’s Mango Smile x LRUV down there, I’m keeping the soil moist but not wet and there’s a pint of water in the bottom of the reservoir that should be wicking up. Hopefully in a few days there’s some sign of life; I put it in there two days ago. If this works, I’ll be popping 7 of the Black Cream S1s into other pots. If it doesn’t, I’ll go back to the old way with paper towels and it’ll be 8 Black Cream instead. The MS x LRUV is a reg, so if it’s a male this should work out decently with it flowering a week or two before the Black Cream fems so I can isolate it and paint a few branches for plenty of auto seeds. If it’s a female, even better. :wink:

Once I get them going, I’ll start up a separate journal. I might start a separate one for the basement too, I’m no longer even running the Valley GHash x Cake Fighter this one is named for.


Wow! nice update! Lots of work being done there, looking good man!

Yup, those blueberries look funky… Till they don’t! The knobby joints also seemed to make fatter bracts for pre-flowers. At about the size of your potted one, I would prune the left and right tops, maybe the back center one too. Then another 2-3 weeks and flip. I haven’t seen any herms on them, and I have stressed the crap outta em at times. Considering my outside grow is “set and forget” I wanna know what I am tossing out there can handle anything without much intervention from me. An unseen herm in the fields is a death sentence…

Yeah, just confused about what exactly those were in the picture. Are those actually the bracts themselves? Shouldn’t there be pistils coming from the ends? I dunno, maybe it’s the re-veg confusing me or maybe this one is just different from everything else I’ve seen like you said… the knobby joints are big but not unusual other than that, this seems unusual though. I’m thinking another month or two veg, but maybe I’ll just say screw it on the runt Hawaiian Princess and put her upstairs with the autos, since she’ll probably herm and end up being called Hawaiian Queen instead. :wink:

At least one more update on this thread before I pack things up and move to two new ones with more appropriate names - for now, the autos are boring enough not to need their own. Anyway, put up a bit more drywall and separated the track lighting in the basement - the growroom has its own switch now, and there’s even a hole in the drywall to be able to reach the switch! That was almost not the case for a minute… :wink: Anyway, on to the pictures. I’m dropping the resolution to make them easier for people to load, and in the unlikely event anyone actually wants to see something more clearly, I can re-upload a higher resolution shot. First up, as usual, the group shot:

The Gorilla Bubble was just starting to show deficiencies at picture time last week, mostly a phosphorus deficiency from the look of things - I gave the new transplants all some fish fertilizer when I first started noticing deficiencies, and they only got worse so clearly 5-1-1 wasn’t doing it. The compost tea did, at 8-6-3. There’s still a few signs on the lower sun leaves, though most of the really bad ones died and fell off already. Can still barely tell, overall she looks healthy.

Random fem 1 from Tony Greenhand. Everything’s going normally after the mutation where she topped herself, no more triple nodes showing yet. I’m up in the air about whether these are beneficial mutations or not… otherwise, she seems happy enough nutrient-wise. Had the same trouble as the Gorilla Bubble after transplant, just a few days slower so it was barely starting to show when I got around to feeding the compost tea. None of the badly damaged leaves fell off, so it looks like this one had it worse.

Again, nothing terribly exciting with random fem 2. The branch with triple nodes coming in went back to double, as inexplicably as it started. Visible nutrient deficiency just like random fem 1, same reason - these two just need less food than the Gorilla Bubble.

One of the Blueberry clones, though it seems I forgot to put a label on. Still, kind of an odd growth pattern… I’m unlikely to forget which one it is before I get around to writing one. She was the easiest one to put in a tomato cage, because all her branches just naturally wanted to go under the bottom bracket regardless of my plans for them. Luckily, that was my plan. :wink:

Rearranged the Durban Freeze to the end of the row, since I suspect it’ll be getting the chop soon. I’m giving it a little more time because I’d rather be wrong, but pretty sure it’s a male. In fact, I seem to have 3/4 males from my regs this run. :frowning: Not killing anyone yet though, there’s still plenty of time to see for sure.

The other Blueberry, also easy to cage… even easier, since this is (obviously) the one that started off with a few spider mites and has a lot less branching due to that early damage. It’s starting to fill in though, another few weeks and I might not even be able to tell the difference.

The Foxtail Skunk is still a beast… not easy to wrestle into that tomato cage, I left it for too long. If I manage to reverse the Gorilla Bubble and/or Blueberry to S1/2, she and the Spirit Train will be probably be top of the list for crosses… I’ll probably clone them all before going into flower just to have the option, anyway. Hopefully I actually end up with some STS supplies by then, but if I have to I’ll just buy them. Yeah, it’s pollen-chucking, but at least they’ll be feminized pollen-chucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Spirit Train F2, also a beast. She’s actually drinking more than the Foxtail already, which I hadn’t expected… probably be bigger than her by next week, as well. Another one for the cloner, once I actually get off my ass and build one with these spare 12g totes.

The other Foxtail Skunk is still a mutant, all the newer nodes are coming in triples. Doesn’t matter much, I guess - pretty sure it’s a male. I’ll wait for a while before chopping just like the other, since it’s a lot easier to chop down later than to change my mind and bring it back to life.

Whatever the hell this is - apparently everyone else who tried to germinate @Donnie’s seeds found they wouldn’t even pop. I’m now wondering if the “MWCB x C99” he sent me is actually anything more than stepped-on hemp seed from a few decades ago. It just refuses to grow. 6 months from now, I bet I’ll still be wondering if this thing will ever get to a foot tall. :stuck_out_tongue: And, of course, even if it is what he says it’s probably going to be a hermie. Maybe I should just kill it now… but, again, easier to kill it later than change my mind and bring it back to life.

Two of the autos are up. No more to say about them than that, till I get the others planted… probably early next week.

The Gorilla Bubble clone still isn’t rooted, and its leaves are a little bit more yellow. Very boring, and not worth posting a pic. I’ll be making that bubble cloner before seriously trying to clone anything.


Wow, NICE update! Definitely see progress happening and those ladies are looking good…

Its neat to notice growth patterns like that. I have a few now that I could identify here without a label and be 95% positive. That Blueberry is top of that list with those knobby nodes.

Definitely a nice garden coming along there!

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Mid-week update here; I’m having a gender reveal party :partying_face: for the Durban Freeze!
Since it’s a party and not a funeral, you may have already guessed the gender. :stuck_out_tongue:


With the New Year coming up, I’ve decided to make two resolutions. Well, three, but getting back into the habit of daily exercise has pretty much nothing to do with my growing… other than my using the forum as a distraction from it. :wink: Another one is to stop guessing the gender of plants before putting them into flower… this Durban Freeze is looking like a male again. Forgot to get a picture, but I’m pretty sure. Either way, leaving it until flower if I can. My final resolution is an easy one, I’m going to split the thread and change names to something that makes a bit more sense next year… “How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter” maybe? I’ll need to get Bob Sagat to narrate. Anyway, it’s starting to get crowded down here:

@Tonygreen’s Gorilla Bubble BX5S1, getting tall enough to top soon. Probably this weekend; the Spirit Train and Foxtail Skunk are already getting unruly, eventually I’m gonna have to tie them up against the wall and probably rig supports for the upper branches. After the first few weird branches, she’s had a nice even structure and her leaves are starting to get pretty huge. I’ll have to take a clone, probably before flowering just to be safe. Depends, I’ll see how my other clones go.

Random, mutant fem seed from Tony Greenhand. Already topped herself a month or so ago. No particular interest in keeping these genetics around; obviously I’ll keep her around long enough to smoke, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

The other random fem. Pretty normal structure other than a triple node here and there, but loose - and since I have no idea what the lineage is I won’t be keeping her around as a clone either. Also getting topped soon, probably should’ve been done early with that loose structure.

One of the Blueberry clones, shaking off the reveg and growing more normally now. Not sure if it’ll be worth topping her though, she’s already pretty bushy. Might need a little top-off on the nitrogen, some fish fertilizer should do it.

Durban Freeze. Meh. We’ll see…

Two new additions to the garden… well, at least three, actually. At least one ladybug also came with them. :wink: These are two Guerilla Fume clones from @GCBudz, who dealt with feeding them daily for longer than he probably should’ve had to in order to pass them on rather than killing them for lack of space/time. They came in solo cups, but they seem to have acclimated quite well to their new 3g fabric pots… only took about 3 hours despite breaking the roots up pretty roughly, which seems like a good sign for how they’ll do in general. I’ll be taking a clone of one for sure, @corey’s already said they’re worth keeping around and maybe doing a few pollen-chucks. Might move them upstairs to the veg/auto tent for a while first though…

The other Blueberry clone… also growing bushy from the start. I won’t be topping, just tying her back against the wall and around the cage. I suppose I have to clone, at least to try a reversal for S1’s if not to keep as a mother.

The little Hawaiian Princess, starting to pick up a little but still very unimpressive for 2 months old. I need to clear out the reservoir, let her dry out a little bit and then repot if I’m going to keep her around at all… meh. Not excited, but I might as well see what comes from this.

The Foxtail Skunk, showing some visible deficiencies again; I can’t seem to feed her enough. I gave her 1.5x normal and I’ll probably give supplemental nitrogen along with the Blueberry. Dunno about cloning, actually… very stretchy but kind of a loose structure and a picky eater to boot. I guess I’ll take one to keep until I see how the smoke cures out, if nothing else.

I think I overwatered the Spirit Train slightly, she’ll recover soon enough though. It might not hurt for her to slow down and stop growing so much anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll definitely be taking a clone or two. Those lowers are over a foot long each… even if it’s just larf, that’s gonna be decent. Might have to tie them up, but that’s what the cage is for. If you can grow tomatoes…

The second Foxtail Skunk. Looks like a male too, but it’s at least slightly more interesting because all the branches off the meristem are coming in triplets rather than pairs. The branches themselves are growing normally though, no triplets there. Might be an interesting structure to pass along, not sure if I should bother collecting some pollen.

Two GG4 RIL cuttings, also from @GCBudz, in my new bubble cloner - filled with willow water, thanks to a tip from @Nagel420. Still needs a little adjustment, but it works for right now. They were bent in an L-shape yesterday, and have already grown enough that they’ve straightened out and are reaching towards the light. Pretty damn impressive. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had roots in a week, at this rate… :crossed_fingers: :man_shrugging:

The auto tent. On the right we’ve got two Trizzlers F2 from @Mr.Sparkle, doing quite well. They’re about a week, maybe a week and a half ahead of the first Black Cream from @Nagel420 in the center back row. The other Black Cream in the center front row was planted two days ago, as was the Mango Smile x LRUV from @firehead on the left. Still need to label them, but at least now I have it written down here. Better than nothing.

The remains of another Cinderevil. No idea what happened to her, but it’s been almost a week and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Sorry @Mr.Sparkle, I might have to wait for these until I’m ready for the next auto run…

I thought it was four, but seems to be five Black Cream seeds, seemingly just fine except that they’ve been in there for 2-3 weeks already. That’s too long, obviously they’re not going anywhere right now. I’ll take them out and let them dry, doesn’t seem to be any point keeping them going. They’re not reacting to the willow water any more than regular water.

Is it just me, or is this posting format getting unbearably long? Maybe I’ll switch things up and just do a group shot + 2 plants every day… or just stop doing close-ups of the plants, at least the ones I have nothing much to say about. If you’ve actually read through my pointless rambling for this long, thanks for sticking with me… though I kinda think everyone’s just scrolling through to see the pictures anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: See you in a new year and a new thread!


definitely a worthy update! Looks like a LOT of progress has been made, and you aren’t overwatering as much :wink:

Really looks pretty good in there…

I wonder if those earlier BC seeds might not benefit a little from some time in the fridge, then try em on the worm castings…

And by all means, use those stem tip cuttings from trim jobs to practice your cloning techniques, at worst case you have plants to give away / cull, at best you have more plants than you know what to do with. But getting the practice down, length, cut, trim job, just reinforces things with success :slight_smile:

Nice update man!


Nice update for sure.

As @Nagel420 suggested, rooting unneeded plants can only help with cloning. Iv killed dozens of clones the past year but gained the experience I needed…

Your the 2nd OGer in NJ to get a cut of the Guerilla Fume, which coincidentally turns a year old tomorrow Jan 1st.

The RIL so far has been the most vigorous in terms of rooting iv experienced this far.

Thanks for tagging me…

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mix a bit of h202 into the water your using for your starts as it helps with keeping any bacteria at bay at least for a bit also having a bit of air around the seeds vs being fully saturated though no idea on what your specific protocol is for seed starts


The plan was to start a new thread, but plans change… checked the roots on the Foxtail Skunk and Spirit Train through the window in the pot, and they’re already getting jammed in pretty tight. The Foxtail Skunk is actually worse than the Spirit Train, but both tighter than I was expecting considering neither has even had two full months in the 10g pots. I wasn’t expecting them to grow like this in the first place, though. Whether it’s the lights, the VPD, the genetics or all three this is going much better than the Northern Lights at this point in the game. Hopefully the bud ends up at least as good. :wink: Anyway, I moved those two up to the tent to flower for two weeks and topped everyone else who’s already in their 10g pots except the Guerilla Fume. They’ll play musical chairs and move up to the tent in two weeks, get topped a week later and then go back down to the basement two weeks after that to join the others in flower. Since the Foxtail and Spirit Train seem to be the most sativa of the bunch, hopefully this should work out to get everyone finishing around the same time in early April. Here’s the Spirit Train, who decided to take a gap year before college to backpack across Europe but then ended up staying in her new old room at home and listening to Led Zeppelin for 12 hours a day instead:

Foxtail Skunk is with her, also two days into 12/12. Less bushy, just as leggy… hopefully this 4’ plant doesn’t decide to stretch to 8’ over the next two weeks. I’m not prepared for that.

Took some cuttings of the Spirit Train and Foxtail Skunk yesterday, popped them into the aero cloner. They perked up and all the new growth started reaching for the light overnight, which again seems like a good sign. The GG4 cuttings have been in there for a week and a day, and still seem happy as could be… no yellowing on the leaves or anything, but also no sign of roots. I’m not sure if it’s the willow water, or if aero cloners are just so much better than rooting cubes, but with the cubes a cutting would be showing some serious wear and tear by now. If anything, these seem happier than when I put them in the cloner:

Group shot of the ladies downstairs, just topped three days ago and starting to recover so they’ll be ready for flower in ~2 weeks. The Guerilla Fume weren’t topped and are on a slightly different schedule, as I mentioned earlier. The Hawaiian Princess is in a 3g pot, and is on a different schedule if it turns out to be female. I think I’m already seeing early signs of balls, though. For now, does no harm to keep it with the others.

The autos are downstairs too, for now. The Trizzlers F2s are both heading into flower at less than a foot tall; in this case, I’m hoping for quite a bit of stretch. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess they tend to be stocky though, I’m probably just gonna get a smaller harvest from them than I might from others. Either way, a small footprint and no maintenance makes auto fems nice, as always. Still remains to be seen whether that’s what the MSxLRUV is though, it might be male. Not sure whether to hope for that or not. :wink:

Individual shots are going in grid format, since I have nothing much to say about any of them and feel like these entries are getting too long for even me to scroll through.

Might not update for 2 weeks, unless plans change. There wouldn’t be much to say in a week. I can summarize; the plants will have continued to grow. The Trizzlers will still be starting to flower and won’t have much in the way of bud porn. The other autos will be getting closer to flowering, but not there yet. I’ll have continued to feed them and spray for IPM. :man_shrugging:


So, the flower room is finally a flower room! Well, kinda. I’m still not going to have room for a full set of totes in the veg tent, especially with autos in there too, so I’ll have to keep them here while they veg up, from right after up-potting until they hit 2-2.5 feet and then a few weeks after while they recover from fimming. Anyway, I moved the Foxtail Skunk and Spirit Train F2 down from the tent and set the room to 11/13 on Friday, 2.5 weeks after topping the rest of the room. They’re too big and will probably run out of root space, stressful if not actually “bound” because they’re in fabric pots, and that also makes it tougher to feed them so I’m gonna try to keep them slightly smaller in the future. Here’s a group shot to start:

The Foxtail Skunk male with triple branching, building up some pollen clusters. I’m going to try bagging it as @Budderton suggests, after about a week. There’s not much after only two days but it’s already turning into noticeable clusters. There’s only the one male, so it doesn’t need to stay bagged for long, I just don’t have anywhere good to isolate for more than a few hours right now.

I still can’t tell what the Durban Freeze is. I’ll be able to tell in a week. Next time, I might have to try putting early cuttings under 11/13 rather than growing them out like this… if it’s a male, and I kinda think it might be, it’s going to be damn near three months wasted vegging it. :frowning: I don’t usually have this much trouble telling. Maybe I’m just letting it go because I want to be wrong… meh. Pretty sure I dated that girl, but at least this won’t end up nearly as expensive for me.

Looks like the tag fell off, this is one of the Blueberry females. She’s branched out nicely after fimming, even though she was already growing kinda bushy from the re-veg in the first place.

Random fem from Tony Greenhand. Similar structure to the Blueberry, since she topped herself early; I still fimmed both tops again, so she branched out a bit more. Not as much as I was hoping, but this hasn’t been a vigorous strain from the start so I guess it’s not surprising.

The tag on the Gorilla Bubble also fell off. I think I kinda fumbled on the nutrients for her, rather than having to defoliate after fimming the leaves just fell right off. Maybe I need to specifically supplement cal/mag even though my fertilizer has it already, maybe I just need a higher concentration. I know this strain isn’t supposed to be a big yielder, but there just hasn’t been much secondary branch growth since topping, and I could barely find any tertiary branches to trim for clones.

The other Blueberry female. A few of the fan leaves are starting to get a very nice fade on them, but it’s only 2 days into flower. :stuck_out_tongue: Also getting too big for her pot, probably. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes…

Tony Greenhand’s other random fem, with a much more standard structure. Fimmed her two weeks ago as well, so hopefully the branches will level out a bit in another two weeks like the others.

The Spirit Train F2. This is two weeks into flower, so the next two months or so should be… interesting. :stuck_out_tongue: I might have bitten off more than I can chew here. Worst case, even if it ends up mildewed or covered in spider mites, I can make RSO. Isopropyl will kill anything dangerous long before it gets to me. Even those lowers, if they end up nothing but larf, will be a lot of larf.

The Foxtail Skunk female, not quite as dense as the Spirit Train but stretching more and budding up nicely already. I think this is a fast photo so the F2s from her and the triple-branch male should be 25% auto. Not entirely sure though, I should probably check with Mark to see what exactly the genetics are. He listed it as a 105-day auto, anyway, and I germinated them about 95 days ago - clearly it’s not almost finished, so I’m assuming it’s a fast photo and will take 3.5 months to fully flower.

That’s all for this room, folks! These posts are long enough without including the veg/auto tent, I’ll be starting a separate thread for that.


Right on @Cormoran ! I hold out as long as i can before I bag them. I trim the bottom half right off when they start forming clusters to help me keep track of the flower maturation. I aim for a couple days before the first flowers open to bag it up then leave it for 1-2 weeks. Additionally it’s easier to only bag the top half of the plant. Hope it goes well for you and you get lots of pollen to play with!:+1:

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So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted an update; seems like it’s about time, all the girls are flowering now and the Foxtail Skunk is starting to look like she’s getting close to the finish line. For now, I’m down to only 7 plants in here, but it’ll start getting crowded again soon. This weekend, I have two Guerilla Fume that’ve been hanging out in my veg room for the past month and they’ll be brought in for their flowering schedule. There might also be another, the little cutting I took of the Hawaiian Princess last week before transplanting still hasn’t shown sex so I’m not sure if it’s gonna be culled. Another 2-3 weeks later, I’ll be moving the three Foxtail Skunk clones down here to put into flower. Hopefully this way I’ll be able to see how they stretch when they’re not already rootbound, or the fabric pot equivalent of rootbound. Anyway, that’ll be somewhere between 11-13 plants, which should use the available space a bit better than 7. There’ll still be more room, of course, but I don’t have enough plants on the right schedule to fill the room right now. :wink: Anyway, first off the group shot:

Tony Greenhand’s random fem. Whatever stretching she was gonna do, it’s done; looks like it was more bushing out, but I guess that’s not too bad, it’s all reasonably well spread out. Buds are starting to form, no particular smell just yet.

Blueberry clones, filled out nicely and got a nice stretch in. I don’t understand why the first one is so much taller and seems denser than the first one, since they were treated exactly the same; on the other hand, one of them had spider mites when it first got to me and had most of its nodes eaten, and I still can’t remember which. Still no particular scent on them either.

Gorilla Bubble bx5s1, upper branches have stretched and evened things out reasonably well; the branches on the bottom have bushed out, inconveniently, but larf is still fine for extracts. Nice smell on her… not surprisingly, sour with hints of bubblegum. :stuck_out_tongue: Definitely not GG4, but still quite nice.

The second Tony Greenhand random fem, also a lackluster stretch… and I fucked up and missed my attempt to fuck up and miss my attempt to top, so I just clipped a few sun leaves and the structure is disappointing. Also no particular smell.

Spirit Train F2, filling out decently. I still haven’t seen any balls, but the original of this mother apparently hermed and then every clone taken of her also hermed in veg, so I’m trying to keep a close eye. I’m not doing any particularly important breeding down there anyway, so if there are a few balls I don’t catch it won’t be the end of the world, but of course I’d rather not have any. How visible were the balls on yours when they came, @Nagel420? Full-blown, or could it be overlooked even when I’m doing a close-up inspection every day or two? Very nice smell, kinda like incense. Sandalwood, maybe? Strange, but nice.

The Foxtail Skunk, buds stacking nicely after only ~6 weeks. I think it’s a fast photo, so two more weeks might actually do it. The smell’s a heavy sweet lemon, can’t pick up anything else. The actual name is Foxtail Lemon Skunk, so I guess that makes sense… just started out too lazy to write the full name, and then it kept going from there. I won’t be pollinating this one, since it’s a fast flowerer it seems like starting the male two weeks later is not a good plan. There are clones coming down though, hopefully I can make that work.

Durban Freeze and Foxtail Skunk males. In about two weeks I’m gonna bag the branches of the Durban Freeze and try to pollinate one of the lowers on the Gorilla Bubble, just for the hell of it - should be an interesting crazy cross. The Durban Freeze had a very distinct stem rub, sharp and acrid, and a great compact structure that might help to tame the Gorilla Bubble. Of course, I haven’t smoked any of the females, and male stem rubs don’t necessarily mean much, so who knows what’ll come of it. :wink: The Foxtail Skunk has already dropped a fair amount of balls, but with another ~4 weeks left I’m hoping I can collect some pollen, dry it and stick it in the fridge to pollinate the clones of the female that’re on their way down. I had the Foxtail bagged for a while, but then realized I had made an extremely stupid mistake and left no way to actually collect the pollen, so I moved the whole damn thing upstairs and took its body condom off. Next time I’ll try it with a bag that narrows down to the stem at the bottom so I can put a tray under, that should do the trick. I’m quite sure I remember you mentioning this, @Budderton, so I should’ve known - just stoner engineering at work, so it takes a few false starts.


It’s a bit of a process, gotta get off my ass and write out a thread on how I make small seed batches without screwing up my sensi (too much) using a bag to isolate pollen. For me the bag is the isolation and collection device, until I empty it out onto a big piece of bristol board, in the covered four seasons room outside.
Works best with smaller pollen donors. Sounds like you got some pollen to play with?


Nope, I screwed it up and the bag ended up just isolating instead. All the pollen ended up just lying on the soil… was so busy making sure it isolated that I forgot the point was to actually collect pollen, and that didn’t happen automatically. :stuck_out_tongue: It didn’t help that the plant is 4 feet tall or so with whorled phyllotaxy, pretty bushy too. Next time I’ll strip all the bottom branches first, then have the bag taper like you did it.

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Pretty visible, but it took a while to show in veg. On the mom, she was 5ft before I noticed a few balls but on the other two clones I killed, they weren’t 18" and had even more balls than mom.

The other Spirit Train F2 I grew out got nice and frosty and is curing now (sadly, no cuts from her but I have more seeds). I only made cuts of this one cause of its gnarly leaves, but it seemed to grow out of them (same with the cuts, gnarly at first, then normal later on).

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That’s bizarre. Mine has been flowering for 5.5 weeks now, and I’m still not seeing any sign of balls. I’ve been closely inspecting every few days, and even lifting up the buds to make sure there aren’t balls or nanners coming in under there… still no sign of anything but female flowers. Were the clones you killed cut at the same time mine was? How far into flower was the mother? I’d expect them to behave the same, but it doesn’t seem to have happened yet. I’m considering moving the Spirit Train up to the closet anyway after the males are dead, even if there still aren’t any flowers, but I guess I won’t worry too much just yet since I want to keep the Foxtail male alive to collect some pollen still.

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Update time, it’s been a week. Not much has changed, really. The lights keep moving, the timers keep timing, I keep filling the reservoirs and the water keeps wicking. At some point I need to make adjustments, a bit of the space isn’t being hit by the lights because the cords keep getting snagged, but for now I’m being lazy and letting it halfway-work. Here’s a group shot:

Tony Greenhand random fem #2 - nothing particularly impressive going on here. Small buds, moderate density but not exceptional, no smell to speak of. I don’t think I’m gonna be scrambling to keep clones, whether or not the cuts in the cloner survive and root. Still need the smoke test, I could end up kicking myself… meh.

Blueberry plants from clone, developing nicely. Decent size buds already, and they actually smell like blueberry, at least to me. One of the clones of these is rooted already, so that’s good. Part of the back end of the first plant isn’t developing as fast because the light mover stops short and leaves it underexposed; for now, I moved the plants rather than fixing the cords. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gorilla Bubble bx5s1, looking much more impressive in flower than it did in veg. In veg, it was decently vigorous but ended up being pretty similar growth to the others, maybe slightly faster… now, at 3.5 weeks in it’s clearly got bigger, denser, better-smelling buds with a layer of frost already starting to form. This seems like a Sour Bubble leaner, from the smell. I’ve pollinated two of the lowers, marked with twist-ties, with Durban Freeze pollen from the male upstairs.

Spirit Train F2. At 6 weeks into flower, it’s mostly cloudy trichomes already, and I still haven’t seen any hint of a herm. It’s still possible I’m just blind, but idk… none of the others seem to be pollinated besides the two branches of the Gorilla Bubble that I tagged. They should be, if there’s pollen flying all over the place, or even just a couple balls. Maybe it’s just self-pollinating? It’s also pretty small buds, but denser than the others.

Tony Greenhand random #1, also very unexceptional. The structure is even worse than #2, since it didn’t top itself early on and I fucked up my FIM attempt, missing and leaving it entirely untopped instead. :stuck_out_tongue: Technically, I guess that means it was a successful FIM either way, since either way I missed! Yay me.

Foxtail Skunk, also at 6 weeks. Bigger buds, but not quite as dense as the Spirit Train F2… probably better yield, if I had to guess. As I mentioned in my other thread, it’s pissing me off because it’s got 100% clear trichomes still; an average fast photo at 6 weeks should be all cloudy and starting to amber, I would think. The buds certainly seem pretty developed, and getting heavy enough to make the tops dip. I might run out and buy some stakes, easier than a hook in the ceiling to suspend them. Playing it by ear, still hoping it’ll magically be done in two more weeks but I don’t think so.