Corm's Grow Show: The Underground (or, How I Killed my Valley Ghash x Cake Fighter)

Another week, another update… nothing too exciting, just posting some pictures so I have it all logged. I don’t think I’ll be disappointing anyone. :wink: Here’s the group shot:

Tony Greenhand random fem #2. Buds are shaping up a little better, getting nice and frosty now but still smallish; also still no smell to speak of. I did a little trimming and took one of the branches that was going nowhere from the bottom, might as well see if it wants to root and re-veg just in case the smoke turns out amazing. :man_shrugging: Probably not, but it’s always the ones you don’t take clones of, right?

The two Blueberry clones. Odd that one is so much bigger than the other, since they went into soil at the same time, but it is what it is. Then again, I did think they had spider mites when they got to me, though I wasn’t sure because I only ever saw one web and then no sign after spraying neem… maybe that left one with a head start because it wasn’t as badly eaten. We’ll have to see if there ends up being a difference in yield, maybe it’s just that they’re in different shapes but growing the same.

@Tonygreen Gorilla Bubble, starting to stack up decently at 4.5 weeks. Still happy and praying, other than the few branches I hit with Durban Freeze pollen which are starting to show deficiencies. Makes sense, I think - they probably need more/different nutrients than they’re getting since they’re seeded, and the leaves are the easiest way to get them. It’s a pollen chuck, but we all start somewhere. In theory, the seeds should end up expressing mostly like the Gorilla Bubble with a few traits from the Durban Freeze scattered in, since the Gorilla Bubble is pretty heavily inbred. The Durban Freeze also has a nice tight structure and a decent funk in flower, maybe some of that will come through. Worst case, they’re birdseed. :slight_smile: I’ve got a few cuttings in the cloner as well, hopefully they root soon.

Tony Greenhand random fem #1. Even the main cola is sparse, still no smell… it’s still fairly early, I guess, and the smoke is still what matters. I’ve got a cutting just in case.

Spirit Train F2. 7 weeks and no signs of herm yet. Either it’s not going to, or this is a really slow burn… some of the trichomes are already starting to go amber, though still mostly cloudy. Might harvest it in the next two weeks, almost certainly within three. Dunno, I could be surprised. There’s still a pretty beat-up cutting alive, but with the herm issues I don’t think I’ll try to reveg if the cutting fails. Also fairly small buds, though it branched like crazy so it’ll still be decent yield, and hardly any smell… though it could come out in curing, who knows with F2s.

Foxtail Lemon Skunk is shaping up pretty nicely, also at 7 weeks. Some of the trichomes have started going cloudy, but still mostly clear. Hopefully this one’ll be done within 3 weeks too, who knows though. I may have already mentioned that it was marked as a 105-day auto, which is rather frustrating since it’s clearly not, and Mark isn’t particularly helpful about genetics, though the seeds were an excellent deal for 40 cents apiece. It looks like it’s gonna be a very nice yield, and an excellent growth rate - I’ve got several clones already up to a foot tall, so I guess I’m keeping it around for a little while by default.

Close-up on the Foxtail buds. Decent littla cola filling in there, and it’s starting to purple up. I guess that’s good for bag appeal, not that I plan for this to be going into any bags… some people might value that in a strain though, I suppose. The skunk smell is starting to develop, though it’s not real skunk of course… just a deeper, funkier undertone to the lemon.


Wish I had your kind of space… tents tend to suck…

All looks well bud…

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My tent makes a great sauna. :stuck_out_tongue: 83 and 60% humidity… it’s no fun to actually work in though, and mine is relatively huge at 6.5’x6.5’x6.7’. Trying to do any of this in a 2x2 or 3x3 would really, really suck. I’m not using space efficiently, but at least I’m able to stay sane without having to do that much ninja acrobatics just to feed or spray the plants…

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Update time again. All is not well; the heat’s out, and the basement is getting cold enough that I’ve had to put space heaters down here. It’s not a disaster, since they’re all on concrete and connected directly to the wall there should be no fire hazard, but of course I’m happier when everything works. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll get it fixed by next week, though. Since I was distilling RSO when this started anyway, it hasn’t been top priority, but that’ll be done by tomorrow and I’ll end up wasting a few bucks’ worth of gas a day after that. On top of that, it seems I have fungus gnats. I hadn’t seen many of them flying around before since I was spraying with neem, but I stopped that after buds started showing and it’s been a good few weeks. Now I’m seeing flyers. I guess it’s better to know they’re here than have them eating the roots as larvae and then dying as adults before I can see them, but it’s a pain in the ass to deal with. I’m not sure what the best way to deal with them organically is, but I’m thinking nematodes. These come in 50 individual packets of 1 million each, which will let me split them up equally between 18 pots and another bag of compost at 2 packets per pot, 3 for the bag, and then I guess I’ll split the other 11 in the flowering pots since the gnats will be more advanced there.

Anyway, on to the pictures! Here’s the group shot, to start:

Tony Greenhand random #2 is starting to get some very nice fall colors, and the buds are shaping up with a decent structure. Nice and dense, extremely frosty, and no smell to speak of while growing. I might have to take a few more revegging clones from more vigorous branches, or just try to reveg the plant from roots and stump while I wait to test the smoke. I may have underestimated this one at first - or it might just look good, we shall see.

The two Blueberry clones, still smelling like blueberries to me. It’s subtle and not that strong unless you’re up close, but it’s definitely there. Hopefully it stays there after harvest & cure.

Gorilla Bubble is starting to look stressed out; possibly because of dry soil, possibly because of the fungus gnats. I don’t think I’m gonna kill the fungus gnats by drying her out without making her as pissed off at me as the gnats, so I just put an extra quart of water in the bottom for now, while I brew some tea.

Spirit Train F2. Leaves are starting to fade, I think this is the last 2-3 weeks coming on. Hopefully, either that or the fungus gnats are killing her. The trichs were mostly cloudy with a hint of amber last I checked though, so it seems like a decent change that she’ll be done in 3 weeks. Still no sign of herming that I can see.

Foxtail Skunk is still going strong, appears not to be even slightly bothered by the fungus gnats or lower N levels in flower. The only thing bothering her is gravity. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m curious to see whether these will stay up without support; they’re dipping a lot, but don’t seem to be coming close to splitting or even under that much stress.

Those of you who were paying close attention may have wondered where the 7th plant, Tony Greenhand’s random #1, went to - he/she/it went to male jail. I noticed them last Thursday, moved the plant and then spent an hour or two over the last few days picking off flowers. Not sure how much longer I’m gonna keep bothering, I suspect it’s pointless - there’s too many of them, and most of them don’t even seem to be generating pollen anyway. Just in case, male jail; worst case, this plant ends up seeded and I turn it all into RSO.


Corm… if I can help…

Exhausting inside? With low humidity and plenty of airflow it will help with temps in a pinch.

I use the yellow stickys with each new container, it gets rid of them early.

I have Dr Zymes here too… that may help by spraying the top of medium.

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That’s not a bad idea; for the next few days, I could exhaust the tent into the house rather than outside, keeping the humidity up in here and cutting back on the need to heat on that floor. The basement would still need to be heated though, so either way I’m using space heaters for a few days. :frowning:

I can’t remember where I read it, but I think the yellow stickies are somewhat toxic and not meant to be used in homes. I’ll probably put up a different sort of flypaper for at least a few days though, I already have it and I used it for a full year so if it’s toxic the damage is already done. Dunno, I should probably read up before I do but there’s always next life to live healthy. I have neem oil too, but I’d rather not douse my soil with it; otherwise I’d be spraying during flower too, and they wouldn’t have gotten into the air for long in the first place.

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I tried putting up flypaper and left some chunks of potato on top of the soil; the flypaper is obvious, the potato is supposed to attract the larvae as it decays. I’m thinking I don’t actually have fungus gnats, though. I haven’t seen any larvae on the potato, or in the topsoil. I think they’re actually shoreflies. They look basically the same, but they lay their eggs in algae, which is a lot more likely to come into play in my grow than fungus on the topsoil. I use fabric pots and bottom-water, so the topsoil basically never gets wet except when I have to top-dress. That’s about a quart of compost tea on top, and since I use peat a lot of the water ends up carrying the amendments into the soil and then flows out the side of the bag, leaving the amendments there and settling in the bottom of the bin to be wicked up. In the meantime, there’s standing water in the bottom and the bacteria slowly start dying. That leaves food for algae, which gives the shoreflies a habitat. Luckily, shoreflies are harmless to plants. They occasionally poop on the leaves, that’s all. I spray with hydrogen peroxide weekly, so I’ll just ignore them. Anyway, that’s enough of that; here’s some pictures! First, the group shot:

The Gorilla Bubble’s fading slightly, losing some lower leaves and starting to show some signs of light stress on top. That’s partly my fault, for a few days I had the 4th light up and it was ending its path with a pause right next to the top spear - less than an inch away. I’m surprised it took that long to burn, really, now that I think about it. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s tougher to actually burn them with the lights moving, but it’s possible.

The two Blueberry clones, not growing much like clones at all… those spider mites really did a number on the one, I guess, unless I somehow stunted it by transplanting it to the 10g fabric pot a week earlier and leaving the other one rootbound in a 1g plastic pot. Logically, that should help it, not hurt, I would think… still much shorter, and only drinks 1g a week compared to 1.5g for the larger one.

Spirit Train F2, deep into fade at 9 weeks. Lots of small buds… might have something to do with the lack of training. I’m not 100% sure if cutting off lowers translates to more energy and bigger buds on top, or if cutting off lowers just leaves you with no lowers and correspondingly less yield - I’ve heard that it can help, but I’ve never seen an experiment and I want to verify it. Anyway, this obviously branched like crazy and wasn’t trained, and has small buds. It fits, but just because it’s grey doesn’t mean it’s an elephant. It could still be a cinderblock with a trunk.

Foxtail Skunk, so loaded with big chunky buds that she’s lost nearly a foot of height… I don’t mind. Like my great-grandmother, she’s shrunk by nearly 20% and didn’t know my name, but as long as she could still bake chocolate pudding pie she was cool. :wink: Also at 9 weeks… unlike my great-grandmother, I hope she’ll be done in two more weeks, so that I can chop her apart and stuff her into canning jars.

Two Guerilla Fume clones, flipped three days ago. I sprayed them with neem oil yesterday, so if there are any pests snacking on the leaves they should have a bad time of it with these. Since I’m curious and want to verify what happens when I strip lowers, I’ve stripped the first one of a bunch of branches which then went into the cloner and left the second one untouched. In about 2-3 weeks, I’ll be breaking the Lemints pollen from @corey out of the freezer and hitting some of the lowers with it as promised, so those of you who are still following him can look for these in his giveaways a few months from now.

Tony Greenhand’s 2/2! Both of the feminized seeds from him have now hermed on me. Meanwhile, the Spirit Train F2, cloned from a plant that hermed, is continuing to appear sexually stable. :man_shrugging: Like death, taxes, and the Fed… can’t fight genetics. They’re both in the male jail, and I picked the flowers off the best I could. Probably they’ll still end up seeded, but better than culled, since I have no landrace preservations or anything important like that going on. If some unidentified pollen ends up down in the flower room, doesn’t much matter.


Looks great corm! the sprite train structure is interesting too!

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It’s looking very empty in here at the moment; down to only 5 plants! I’ll be moving another one down this weekend, and then three more next weekend, but it’ll still be kinda empty. I was planning to have it empty by May, originally, then June and this next set of plants is just to clear out the clones that I went too far on. :wink: It’ll be July instead, I guess… assuming I don’t end up with another dozen 3-foot tall clones by then. Gotta remember, more plants is not always a good thing! Anyway, I’m gonna post the pictures before I talk myself into popping even more seeds. Here’s a group shot, though it’s not much of a group anymore:

The two Blueberries are coming along nicely, and at 7.5 weeks look like they have mostly cloudy and a few (~5%) amber trichomes. They might actually be done by 9 like Seedsman claims… probably not, though. We shall see.

The Gorilla Bubble isn’t showing any amber, and still has some clear trichs. Of course, she was pollinated for the last time about 3.5 weeks ago so I’ll still be waiting at least 2.5 more weeks. Works out well that the other buds aren’t ready yet, I guess. I’ll be moving her to pure water, so she’s gonna get even more pissed off than she already is soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

The two Guerilla Fume are apparently almost done with stretch, since it’s been a week and a half? Dunno, it doesn’t look like they grew that much to me but it’s tough to tell when I’m looking at them frequently. I gave them a top-up on nitrogen for the last time today, and I’ll be moving to full flower nutrients next week. I’ll also be breaking the Lemints pollen out of the freezer to pollinate a few lowers… or maybe that’ll be two weeks from now, gotta see how the buds look next week.

The Foxtail Skunk and Spirit Train are chopped and hanging.

Two of Tony Greenhand’s hermies, upstairs in the male jail. I haven’t even bothered picking balls off after the first time, haven’t even looked. We’ll see how bad they are at harvest.


Things are happening again. I guess I skipped last week’s update, partly because not much had changed and partly because I was just lazy and didn’t feel like it. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, in the meantime I’ve moved the GG4 RIL and 3 more Foxtail Skunk clones down here; the Foxtail mother and Spirit Train F2 hung for ~2 weeks before they got trimmed this weekend. I tried trimming at 1 week, and 10 days, and they were too early both times. I took some small early samples of each at 10 days, and they’re much worse off for it. Low-tech as it is, this setup seems to work. They’re both overdried, but I gave them a preliminary weighing anyway. The Foxtail yielded ~64 grams, +10 or so for what I trimmed early and haven’t bothered weighing; the Spirit Train yielded ~90 grams, and only a few trimmed early. Rather surprising considering the Spirit Train was all popcorn buds and the Foxtail was bent so much under its heavy buds that it had lost 1/3 of its height, but there ya go. I would’ve been better off cloning the Spirit Train, though it wasn’t entirely by choice since they just didn’t root; I didn’t try too hard to keep it around though, with the strong potential for herm issues. It tastes better and is a stronger high than the Foxtail Skunk too. Bodhi’s F2 wins in 3/5 categories vs Mark’s F1, and probably the more important categories, but I still don’t want to be looking over my shoulder for herms that intently every grow unless it’s for GG4. :wink: Anyway, enough rambling, here’s a group shot of the ladies:

The Foxtail clones, still looking a lot like clones. These are going into flower shorter than the others, so they shouldn’t get quite so tall. On the plus side, I’ll probably be able to support them on the cage more easily, and they seem bushier than last time since I started them out in their final pots. They got some pretty rough training yesterday, so they’re still a little beat up, and a little droopy since they need to be watered. I’ve got compost tea brewing and it’ll be ready tomorrow.

Both Blueberry clones. They grew differently from the start, needed different amounts of water and the larger one got a bit more nitrogen top-dressed as well. This is probably a good reason for me to standardize my top-dressing regardless of the water needed. I’d been top-dressing as if the amendments were immediately available, and they aren’t; in fact, what I top-dressed during the last few weeks of veg and into stretch is just now becoming available. I was hoping they’d be ready by now, since they’ve been in flower for 9 weeks, but still no dice. Probably 2 more weeks, trichs are still around 10% amber.

Gorilla Bubble’s closer to 15-20% amber trichs, probably next week.

GG4 also got some rather rough training, but recovered much faster, aside from the one branch that ended up twisting in a weird direction and refused to stay upright afterwards. The tips are turning back up towards the light, it’s clearly fine, just off-balance even before it starts to get weighed down with buds. This is gonna be interesting. :slight_smile: She’s already 6-8 inches taller since I moved her down last week, I’m guessing; haven’t actually been measuring.

The Guerilla Fume are indeed almost done, or done, with stretch. They grew about 4 inches since last update, I’d guess. Buds are just starting to take shape at 3 weeks; I’ll be pollinating them over the next week with Lemints and Durban Freeze pollen, as well as GG4 RIL if it gets here in time.

The two Tony Greenhand hermies, in their male jail. They don’t seem to have hermed very hard, only those few nanners, but they might be hiding in the buds; easier to isolate them than try to find and trim them all. If these end up seeded, c’est la vie. The shorter one looks like it should be closer to harvest, but the trichs say the taller one is. Hopefully I don’t end up with 5 plants to chop over the next 2 weeks, since I don’t really have room to hang them, at least not with a controlled climate. I can fit 3, maybe 4 at a time and it takes ~2 weeks, so this should be interesting.


Over the weekend I chopped one of the Blueberry clones and the Gorilla Bubble; both Blueberries could’ve gone, but I decided to chop one a week later to see if there’s any noticeable difference in the smoke. The room’s a bit emptier, and there’s only one more Blueberry in veg, so it’s gonna stay this way for a while. Hopefully these give enough to last through a one- or two-month shutdown. Anyway, here’s the group shot:

GG4 RIL, 17 days after flip. Everything looks good, though I might have to clip a lower or two since my clones got in a minor accident and went 12 hours without water. Even if I’m getting seeds, I’d like to keep a clone until I run a few of those seeds to test side-by-side against the mother.

The second Blueberry, coming down in another few days.

The two Guerilla Fume at week 4; starting to fill in nicely. I pollinated them each over the weekend, though it was somewhat anticlimactic. Only managed to get one branch with Lemints pollen on the left plant, and one branch with Durban Freeze on the right. It looked like there was enough for a few branches, but apparently not - maybe I just need practice. I didn’t use any of the RIL pollen, saving it for the RIL female after the results I got from these two.

The three Foxtail Skunk clones, still looking very much like clones. If I hadn’t labeled them for my test and been keeping very close track, I wouldn’t know which was which. The yield will tell the final story, though, not the looks. I’m assuming there’ll be no difference in the smoke.

The two Tony Greenhand fems which both hermed on me, in male jail. The left one showed earlier and doesn’t seem to have regrown the nanners it threw at week 3-4 or whenever it was; the right one waited that crucial extra two weeks and I only saw two clusters of nanners on tiny lower buds. I plucked them, but the others were probably hidden in the bigger buds up top. Certainly there’s more seeds on this one, though I guess it’ll still smoke just fine if I break it up a bit better. No more popping whole buds into the bowl. :stuck_out_tongue: Probably chopping them this weekend as well, it’ll depend on how much room I have.


The last Blueberry is down and hanging, as are both the hermies. Maybe not really the last, there’s another in veg that’s gonna be ready to start flowering in a few weeks, maybe a month; I’ll start flowering it down here, but I’ll move it once everything else is chopped. Not worth keeping the whole room going for one plant. Anyway, here’s the group shot:

GG4 RIL, week 3. I took a few little lowers for the cloner, since there’s only one left of the ones I took originally. This was a reveg in the first place, so hopefully its clones will be up for another reveg. :wink: If not, hopefully there’ll be seeds coming. Since it’s gonna go 11 weeks as Tony recommends, I’ll wait until week 5 to pollinate the lowers. That still gives 6 weeks for seeds to mature, which should be enough.

The two Guerilla Fume are starting to fill out, enough that some of the branches are starting to dip. Sounds like I’ll be taking them to 11 weeks as well, despite the 8 weeks they’re listed as taking. Maybe he’s fudging it by pretending flower starts when he thinks they’re big enough to count as flowers, rather than when the photoperiod flips. Why use an objective standard when a subjective one can sell better? Meh.

The Foxtail Skunks, two weeks into flower - or just starting flower, I guess? Either way, should be about 7-8 weeks left, based on the last grow. I’ve got one more clone rooted, so I guess I’ll be growing it once more despite being underwhelmed by the smoke. It’s not bad, just not amazing. If I weren’t growing my own, I’d be pretty happy with it, but now I should be able to be more picky. :slight_smile: I’m also running an experiment on them, though, so this is a useful grow regardless. In theory, by the end I’ll be able to tell the difference between them without looking at the labels…


Time for an update, though nothing much happened this week. The second Blueberry clone and the two Tony Greenhand hermies hung for a week at 60% and they already seem plenty dry; the two herms actually are overdried, probably since they’re pretty loose buds anyway. Haven’t checked the weight yet, but it’s only two jars each. The Blueberry’s probably the best of the three. Still got a few going, though it’s really only three plants:

GG4 RIL at 4 weeks, starting to frost up nicely and putting on a little more bulk. The pistils on the top buds are starting to go red, and this weekend will be 6 weeks to harvest anyway, so I’m planning to pollinate a lower or two at the end of the week.

The two Guerilla Fume are at week 6 and starting to look pretty good already; they still don’t smell like much of anything, not that I’m complaining about less stink to manage. If they smell and taste like nothing after harvest and cure, that’s another story. :wink: It’s basically a Chem 91 bx, so I’m expecting it’ll cure out nicely.

Three Foxtail Skunk clones, at week 3. I still can’t tell much of a difference between them, but there’s still 8 weeks to go. The yield will tell the final story.


Got lazy and skipped a week, but nothing much happened. The flowers continued to flower. I gave them a compost tea, and adjusted the lights a bit so they’d stop burning the tallest one. Etc. There’s still not much happening, but it’s probably time for some pictures just so I have a record. A little empty still, the last Blueberry is getting moved down here on Friday before a compost tea. Here’s a group shot for now:

GG4 RIL at 6.5 weeks, starting to smell like real gorilla glue now. I kinda want to chop it 6 weeks early, it smells so good. :wink: Already had to tie up the stems to the cage so they wouldn’t fall over, otherwise half the branches would be dragging along the floor. Here’s the full plant, and a close-up of one of the tops:

Still on the GG4; I can’t really tell on most of them, but it sure looks like these tiny buds in the first picture are seeded. The second picture should be seeded too, but if it is it’s not showing as clearly.

Guerilla Fume at 8 weeks, bulking up nicely. They’re tied up to the cages and still falling over, which is always a good sign. :slight_smile: Starting to fade kinda hard; I gave them little bit of extra nitrogen this week to keep them going a bit longer, 3 more weeks should do it.

Looks like the pollination from the Lemints that @corey sent me was a success after all. I didn’t do it as well as I could’ve with a paintbrush, I think, but this sure seems like it’s full of seeds. With a paintbrush I probably could’ve hit more than one lower branch. Hopefully this gives 100+ at least, though.

The three Foxtail Skunk clones at 5.5 weeks; between the ones getting normal food and the one getting double, it’s clearly no competition. They’re both going into fade, BBP-treated and control; the one with double food isn’t starting to fade, but it’s not clear whether that’s because of the BBP or the extra food. Here’s the pictures; first is the mother plant at 6 weeks, which at that point was getting pretty close to double food too and wasn’t burned or in distress because of it. Then BBP-treated with double, then BBP-treated with a normal mix and control. So far, it sure seems like they’re doing exactly the same.

Accidental reveg project; this is a Blueberry that I thought had been fully chopped, but turns out to have this tiny little bud at the base of the stem. I gave it another two quarts of compost tea when I noticed, stuck it in an extra bathroom under a bare 15w LED bulb and then forgot to water it for 6 weeks. At that point the bud was upright; now it’s leaning at a 45 degree angle to reach towards the light, so I guess that means it’s growing again. I’ll probably end up taking clones of the one in veg anyway, just in case, but it’s always nice to know I have insurance if all else fails. If the clones of the GG4/Fume don’t work out I’ll probably try to reveg them too, I’ll have lots of extra soil and not much actual grow space while the basement’s shut down for renovations anyway.


Looks like I’m getting lazier. I took pictures two weeks ago but didn’t get around to actually updating, then just entirely skipped last week. Haven’t really done any defoliation on any of the girls, though the GG4 hasn’t needed any and the Blueberry is just starting to flower so she’s still looking happy. Mostly, anyway; more on that later. I’m getting close to done with this run, only about a week left on the GG4 and 2-3 on the Foxtail Skunk. The Blueberry will have to go upstairs, since I’m closing the room down for a month or two after that. Anyway, here’s what will probably be the last group shot:

GG4 RIL in what should be her last week, finally starting to fade. I don’t think she’s lost more than one or two leaves the whole grow. At this point, even the branches that I tied up are starting to sag. Should be a pretty decent yield, though I didn’t give as much veg time as I should’ve.

Blueberry is looking pretty healthy. I guess this is week three or four of flower now? Decent buds starting to form, and it smells great as usual.

About two weeks ago, the overhead lights were turned on for about a minute. Not the grow lights, just the 15w ones from Lowes that were already installed; apparently it doesn’t matter that much though. A minute of light was enough to interrupt the dark cycle and it made the Blueberry herm a bit. I’m not even gonna pick the balls off, since I don’t have any other seeds for this and it’s only barely herming. These are the only balls I can see on the whole plant. If I get a few feminized seeds with mild herm tendencies out of it, great; if not, oh well, a whole plant full of bud. :frowning:

The three Foxtail Skunk are getting close to the end and fading; the one treated with BBP seems like it might be slightly further from done, since it’s less purple. I guess they’re at week 9. Looks like a decent yield, it’s a shame I don’t even want to smoke it. Of all 6 strains from last grow, it’s the worst high and doesn’t taste particularly good, though it’s not terrible. If it were a better high I’d smoke it, but it’s just not worth it. It’ll still make perfectly good RSO, though. :slight_smile:


That RIL has been kicking my ass for the past month… it doesn’t seem like I’m building a tolerance to it.


I’m fighting the good fight, but my laziness is winning. I’ve managed to keep the lights on schedule and the plants growing though, mostly because it involves absolutely no work whatsoever. :slight_smile: I may have watered them once or twice in the past three weeks, and I think last week I gave the Blueberry some supplemental nitrogen since it was starting to fade. I’ve also started adding epsom salt to the foliar sprays and will soon be adding some to the water, at a much smaller dose than the 2tbsp/gallon I was recommended to use before. Surprise surprise, that burned the plants, but they seem happy enough with 1 tsp/gallon foliar and half that for the roots. Unless I redo the whole-house filter and set up a faucet in the grow room that gives me unfiltered water, I’ll be continuing to use it. One seems much easier than the other, so I think I know which I’ll be doing for now. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, here’s the group shot:

The two Ghost Rose are at about 13 weeks, though they’re still pushing white pistils so I guess they’re still bulking up. I’ll check out the trichs this weekend probably, last I checked they were mostly milky with almost no amber. The one that went in the male jail under the blurple is way smaller than the other, now that they’re right next to each other it’s clear. It’s also got a lot more deficiency, which fits with the idea that those LEDs have the plants asking for a lot more magnesium. I’m already giving them plenty of calcium through top-dressing, but the magnesium was missing from my fertilizer mix for some reason.

Blueberry at about 7 weeks. It seems to be finishing quicker than the other ones, probably because it hermed and self-pollinated a bit - apparently seeded bud finishes quicker, so that would fit. No new nanners popping up that I can see, and none of the others seem to be getting pollinated - we’ll see what happened when I finally harvest the OST crosses.

Speaking of which, here they are - 3 OST x ASS from @SkunkHunt101, now a week into the transition to flower. There are at least two phenos here based on the veg growth, we’ll see what happens in flower to see if the two compact ones are the same pheno or not. I’ve got clones of 2 and 3 rooted already, but 1 is being a bit stubborn. I think at least one clone will end up rooting though, pretty sure they’ve all got bumps and it’s only been ~2 weeks since I cut them.


Hi there just got caught up on this thread
You did an amazing job
I really like the blueberry and the spirit train
The blueberry topped nicely :+1:

Thanks for sharing

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Trying to update more. Only a week and a half since the last one, so I guess that could be worse… though I’m slacking on updates for the veg tent now. Then again, this gives me journal info on when the plants are being put into flower just as well… and I’m pretty sure I don’t have any adoring fans to disappoint by not posting, so that’s fine. Meh, oh well. Eventually I’ll feel like updating that thread too, for now it’ll lie fallow. Anyway, chopped the Ghost Rose at 13 weeks (from seed) and the Blueberry at 8 weeks (from flower) the other day. I’m still dubious about whether the Blueberry will come out decently this early, seeded or not, but I’ll see. The trichs looked ready, at any rate. I also moved the final two Foxtail Skunk down here, without bothering to take clones, and the Spirit Train cross that I manifolded from seed as well. The three clones of her were just topped, transplanted into 10g pots and are recovering before they get caged and moved down here too. For now, here’s the group shot:

Two Foxtail Skunk - pictures are from yesterday, this morning I decided they needed training too and bent the tops down to tie them to their cages. Same deal as the Blueberry, and that one went quite well as far as structure, so I’ll see how well I can duplicate it off the cuff.

The aforementioned Spirit Train cross, manifolded to 8 tops. It’s a nice structure, but just not sure it’s really worth it for the yield considering it takes an extra month of cutting, bending, tying and training. Maybe if my space were more limited and I had to flower in the tent - but it’s not, so this seems not to be the technique for me.

The three OST x ASS look like they’re through stretching, or at least I hope they are… since the last update they stretched enough to end up inches from the lights, so I bent and tied the tops down to near-horizontal. Snapped the trunk where I originally topped OST x ASS 3, the stretchier one from the get-go, so I put a little honey on the wound and then taped it up. I’ll be taking it easy on training her from now on. Probably should’ve done all this last week or when they were first starting flower, since now they’re taking up too much of a footprint, but it shouldn’t be a dealbreaker this run and now I know for the future - and knowing is half the battle, or something. Go Joe? I feel like there should be an educational blurb here… but there just isn’t. :man_shrugging:


Keep updating… I’m mostly silent but you know I’m following!

How long have you been running full… I need a break from it every now and then to keep interested and not fall into a rut.