Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

That’s probably even better, the chart notes that the filter retains >77% of the electrostatic charge. In the hot water vapor row. Handle used filters with care of course, you don’t want to dislodge anything although small particles should be tightly bound to the substrate.


Much easier idea , I Like it a lot Thanks
My masks will only be used in stores and keep the suggested distances , should be fine.


Thanks, Waht do you think about Shadey’s idea ?
I think it is even better, the wet napkin will create steam inside the ziploc and should cook them Nasty cells


Sound like a fine idea but I haven’t found any data on whether microwave energy might affect the electrostatic charge. Could be improved, reduced, neutral. I don’t know.

The charge is essential for filtering particles (virii) of this size. An N95 mask is not really rated for virii but they do work quite well (according to OEM tests) for these very small particles due to diffusive effect and the charge on the material.

Other option, of course, is if you have a suitable supply is that you quarantine the used mask for many days (whatever the guidance is, maybe > 7 days) in a sunny spot (in a ziplock).



I live beside a major hospital happened to walk past.

The fencing, the tent, and the security guards are not usually there. Sorry for the crap pic. I got as close as I was going to get.

Also the view from one side of my balcony overlooks the hospital parking lot. Far busier than normal.

Completely full.

I wouldn’t want to have to go in there.


Now you make my mind wonder how can the charge be re-obtained to masks


Just heard from a friend who’s 98yr old Aunt is leaving the hospital today after recovering from Corona. They have her the malaria/ lupus/ rhumatoid arthritis drug cocktail. Said she has a 102* fever for 5 days before the drugs and walked out the hospital 6 days after the start of the cocktail. Looking very promising as a valid treatment. I think the govts of the world should be asking for these drugs production be ramped up regardless of who owns the patent let them all make and distribute them. I’m glad to see it works for the very old as it’s comforting to know my friend’s/ family here has hope for treatment if they get it. Y’all stay healthy and try and not stress to much as stress weakens the body.


Just found this. If it’s this successful they need to be using it wide spread and now.


At no point did I say all day - it isn’t, but it is running daily - not just every 2-3 days. And the owner is saying he’s the busiest he’s ever been.

There’s no confirmed covid here still. Lot of people asking for testing but nobody seems to qualify for testing


For a study that tested using a microwave (probably just the microwave without moisture), haven’t had time to read it yet:


Don’t forget cilantro, talk about terps…


We are part of a lobbing group for small family farms, here is some of the info we are receiving…

I took out the names because, well, google search engines.

Dear Alliance Directors and Advisory Committee Members:

********** and his team at ******** report that, just before midnight on March 25th, the Senate passed a $2 trillion emergency package intended to stave off total economic collapse in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. The final vote was 96-0. The bill is expected to pass the House on Friday and the President has signaled he will sign the bill soon thereafter.

The measure, which comes after hours of delays over a dispute on jobless benefits, is the biggest economic rescue package in US history.

In addition to the details provided in the detailed attached summary prepared by ****, below are highlights of some specific policies and programs of particular interest to you.

  • State stabilization fund: The bill includes $150 billion for a Coronavirus Relief Fund, which is essentially serving as a state stabilization fund. $11 billion is directed to the District of Columbia, territories, and tribal governments. Of the remaining $139 billion, local governments with populations over 500,000 or more can apply for their own direct funding, and smaller local governments must go through their states. The funds will be distributed to states using a population-based formula to determine the amount each state receives. No state will receive less than $1.25 billion, including the direct funds sent to the larger local governments. The funds can only cover costs directly related to COVID-19 responses from March to the end of the 2020. The restrictions on spending mean the bill can help states with their additional costs but doesn’t address the overall revenue losses they use to fund regular operations.

This fund had the full support of the National Governors Association, but the National League of Cities, National Association of Counties, US Conference of Mayors, and others fought to decrease the 500,000 population limit or eliminate it altogether so more local governments could receive direct aid. One thing that is unclear is if communities that receive a direct allocation (i.e., those with > 500k population) will be able to double-dip and apply to states for more money. This is an issue we will continue to monitor and advocate to ensure as many communities as possible have access to stabilization funds.

NOTE- the bill stipulates that within 30 days of enactment the Treasury secretary shall distribute funds to state and local governments .

  • Paid emergency and family leave reimbursement: A fix to allow public agencies to receive the tax credit designed to offset the cost of the additional required leave was NOT included in the bill. We have spoken to White House Intergovernmental Affairs, many national organizations, members, staff, and committees about this issue and are developing an alternative strategy for the fourth stimulus package and/or another mechanism to achieve our goals.

  • Start date of the family medical leave requirements: There is no clarification on the start date of the emergency leave. We may be able to find a resolution on this item outside of the legislative process. If not, we’ll add it to our list for the fourth package.

Other notable provisions:

  • Cash payments: Lawmakers settled on a $1,200 payout in tax rebate checks per individual, or $2,400 per married couple filing jointly, with an additional $500 per child. Benefits would start to phase down at $75,000 adjusted gross income for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers.
  • Small businesses: The bill would provide about $377 billion in loans, much of which would be forgiven if workers are kept on the payroll .
  • Hospital funds: Aid to hospitals increased in the final measure to about $100 billion.
  • FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund : FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund will receive $45 billion. The funds will help state and local efforts with medical response, protective equipment, shelter, food, and services.
  • Airport and industry aid: $10 billion is directed to assist airports – commercial and general aviation. The airline industry ended up with $32 billion in direct cash grants, in addition to $29 billion in loans in the bill, after airline unions argued the companies would need to lay off employees without grants. Other struggling industries, such as hotels, would also receive aid. And $17 billion in loans would go to “businesses critical to national security,” including Boeing.
  • Elections: States would receive $400 million to help them prepare to hold elections during the pandemic.

Congress is expected to recess after the final vote until April 20. That will give us time to work on a fourth package that addresses flaws in the CARES Act and directs funds to infrastructure and other essential programs that will help our local economies recover.

**** has done a nice job in the past several weeks monitoring this issue. ****** always tries to balance sharing the most prudent information with us and not bombarding our already full inboxes.

On the water front, the Alliance continues its efforts to set the stage for Western Members of Congress to have water infrastructure on their screens when the next stimulus package (or packages) is negotiated. We also continue to work with the Trump Administration to clarify that agricultural water delivery be considered “essential”. Which it is.

The “virtual” nature of the Family Farm Alliance modus operandi suits us well at this time. We’ve been operating “remotely” for over two decades!

I’m working on a “Monthly Briefing” that will more specifically focus on water and agricultural implications associated with the coronavirus breakout and response. If you have proactive examples of things you or your organization are doing, please do not hesitate to share those with me.


Folks that are now flooding the stores are NOT preppers.


Dubai issued strict lockdown for this weekend (absolutely no coming out from your residence) and sent drones to disinfect the city… :space_invader:

You can fill out form on the web to get permission to go out… (probably to prevent interference with drones)


PMC takeaway:
“In light of these results, the microwave oven irradiation and bleach decontamination methods investigated in this study were determined to be the least desirable among the five methods tested for consideration in future studies. UVGI, EtO, and VHP were found to be the most promising decontamination methods; however, concerns remain about the throughput capabilities for EtO and VHP. Further research is needed before any specific decontamination methods can be recommended.”

30 min of UVC for the win.




Bill Gates and his company, won’t like the Pres telling the public, they WON’T be using vaccines for it, unless it’s proven safe. And by the looks of this mix, it will work just fine. Mainstream media was vilifying this drug as well?



What about Southern Florida USA? Hot and humid even now; yet Corona is flourishing.
My sister lives there and is pretty scared.