What are y'all up to in california?!?

i just read about an illegal lab in a warehouse in fresno. they found 20 infectious agents, a host of unknown chemicals, and a roomful of mice. sars-2, herpes, and hiv. not sure what they were doing with it but it don’t look good. wtf is going on out there with you guys?


Nice. Let the conspiracy theories commence!



Substitute Aliens for China…


are they called conspiracy theories after the evidence is exposed? or something like ‘failed plan’ or ‘good police work’ instead of blind luck. maybe ‘divine intervention’ had something to do with it. or it could be aliens. conspiracy theory is one thing i would rule out at this point however.

@GCBudz well, the presient’s name was Xiuquin Yao according to the article, so…


They’re called conspiracy theories just to make the thinkers look crazy. After the past three years, my feelings about conspiracy theories and our alphabet agencies has done a 180°.


i’ve been on the fringes of them before, been investigated by the fbi, had a clearance, had friends with high clearances that may or may not have said some things they shouldn’t have, and my dad worked for some in vietnam. had some tla folks come to his work to try to get him to go to egypt in the early '80s but mom wouldn’t let him. i have no false assumptions about them and what they are capable of. it’s a damned good thing i don’t know anything worth losing my life for, and they all know it which is why i’m still around. i had illusions once of what the military would be like and it took about two years to lose that. it took my son about three months to find it out. and then you find out shit like this. we’re all doomed. may as well just concentrate on local communities and how to take care of one another. piss on the government.


Wow, I just read the article :man_facepalming:t2:

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no shit, right? i mean, to give the benefit of the doubt, chinese company that lost it’s lease could actually be using the mice to infect and test drugs to cure those diseases and not be trying to cause them…


Same. WTF is going on there?


Sure, I guess that’s a possibility, just hard to assume good things these days. Seems like some really abnormal conditions and materials, especially to be undocumented without permits!


that’s because california. hell, they would have been given a tax break in wv if they had just gave old jj a few mil. happens all the time here.

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Fresno? FRESNO!!! Maybe Chinese Aliens are recruiting crackheads. I wouldn’t put much value into any “news” out of Fresno, beyond SSDD, not the strain either.


I’m not part of the conspiracy that decides when things are conspiracy theories and when they’re the truth, so idk. :stuck_out_tongue: Personally, I’m mildly entertained by the drama and will continue to find it funny… until the day they infect me with their mind-control virus that makes me into their slave, at which point I assume I’ll be firmly on one side or another depending on the overlords’ whim. Either laugh or cry, we don’t have the power to do anything else about it.



Nihao m’fer :rofl:

Completely plausible, IMO.



@cannabissequoia set up the lab before he went away as a form of sick revenge.

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This is scheduled for next Thursday.


The article made it sound horrifying. They don’t say much about the Chinese guy. If he’s part of their military or who he is. What if Americans were doing this in China what would happen to them? My cat eats a lot of mice. I wonder which death is worse. At least the cat’s got to eat. What’s the scientist’s excuse?


Scientists need to eat too and mice are a good form of protein.


Peking Foie Gras Roof Rabbit :ramen:

Get back to trimming or no rocks! Chop-chop! :martial_arts_uniform:



I don’t get much sleep on Wednesday nights - got an appointment to try and take over the world - so my mind usually doesn’t work at all on Thursday. Gonna be tough to tell the difference unless they’re willing to work with my schedule a bit. I need to have a mind to control. :stuck_out_tongue: