Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Whoever wrote this needs to define what they mean by “hoarding”. Because, frankly, the healthcare PPE shortage is not due to them but rather it is due to the poor and inept planning by the “pros”. They, the MBAs doing the profit over risk planning, had plenty of time to prepare for this microcosm of events. Let’s not forget that they supposedly have developed contingency plans for stuff like this.

If a bunch of preppers and “hoarders” are able to predict a pandemic and, as a result, bring down the entire national health care system because they bought masks, what does that say about those experts and their contingency planning? Recall, these are the same folks telling you that using a masks could be dangerous to you, so give them to us. Your families safety is not their primary concern. The preppers and hoarders have no need to answer to anyone trying to shame them into compliance.

With that said, we’ve donated about half of our families supply to local front line workers (yes, we’d purchased several boxes well over a month ago from the big box stores). Not a lot but enough to get a couple of front line folk set-up for a short period. We’ve “hoarded” enough to keep our family safe until supply becomes available again (this is called planning ahead health care professionals).

I agree that the nations infrastructure and corporation can do more but, for the love of God, please stop trying to shame Joe on the street for their own administrative failings and their failure to plan ahead.

If this individual truly wants us to come together as a nation, then an honest discussion, a plea, and a call to action without the intellectual shaming and false narratives would be a much more convincing and an entirely better strategy.


Both well thought out posts, both viewpoints deserving of consideration.
Loki hits upon the crux of the matter for me, who and what decides hoarding.
What one may call supply another calls hoarding.
And the wording implies confiscation.
The appeal is so genuine and sincere the letter could stand to lose it.


Calculated needed pieces per amount of time is supply, piling up stock just because is hoarding.


After this is over I’ll definetly be rethinking my emergency supplies. I always have food and protection. But I will be buying a supply of gloves, sanitizer, and masks in the future 100%


Is this hoarding? How do we know?

No, that’s not me :laughing:


I know that Buddy. But, it does not change the fact…They refuse to tell the public what killed him. If it was Corona, they would have zero problems blasting it in the media. If it turned out to not be Corona virus, do you think they would update everyone in the same fashion?



I know two people, who I trust 100% that have direct family that are infected.


If sanity was shared among people they could come together and agree as to what actions to take in your example.
Of course the date that was taken has to figure in,
January and February of this year our govt should have begun limiting sales and putting wartime effort into building up stocks of med equipment.

But “nobody could have saw it coming” … 'cept folks here … for one.


Do you have any details you would like to share? I’m curious what symptoms are? How fast things progress? What kind of actions are taking place? etc. I’m interested in first hand accounts vs. media. :pray:


No, I only have a business relationship with these people. In my situation, it would be inappropriate for me to bring it up if they aren’t offering the info.


Everything is owned by Council Of Foreign Relations actually…Including the media…

Who’s on the council?


Systems already stressed, not going to autopsy if they don’t really need to… Don’t know if they ran the blood work before/after.

Then you have those privacy rights and if the family says no - well we live in the dark.

I’m in a small town, 2 funeral homes, one is down the street - normal for the last 3 years 2-3 cremations a week (can see the radiating heat from the exhaust out my window). For the last month it’s been every day. Owner says he’s never been this busy. Nobody in our area has confirmed covid…


Right now that information belongs to the companies like Facebook, Twitter etc. It’s unlikely the world governments have access to anything other than the public data. They could feasibly scrape a portion of the public data and apply AI to sort it and report on it.

Even if the government forced the ISPs, they couldn’t see what people were saying, just what sites they were going to (thanks to https).

The government would have to make a deal with Facebook or Twitter etc. directly. Those guys are the only ones that for sure have the data from users of their site.

However the companies themselves probably store everything you can think of, including comments you never posted but typed out, anything you deleted etc.

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Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.


If they are insinuating he died from it for front page news…They sure as hell better test him. Not to mention in the article said they were going to do tests… There was also something already posted on here, where the media did the same thing and got called out from the family for it.

Believe what you want…I do. :slight_smile: Your “Theory” of the crematorium is weak though…A small town with the oven going non stop eh? How many people have died in your small town?

What is the population of your small town?


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And right now there has been multiple attacks on computer encryption going on…People seem to care less about it, than I thought they would…I guess it will somehow help with the Corona Virus…



my daughter has 2 close friends who have the corona virus
one is a nurse and the other caught it in Madrid which is the hardest hit area in Spain
my family for now is safe - we live in the country


Some information regarding the reuse of N95 masks. Note that the suggested method is heating to 70C for 30 minutes. Do not use alcohol or bleach since that will affect the ability of the mask to filter the small virus.

With the oven method the material retains most of it’s electrostatic charge. You’d want to try to not use an oven that is used for daily cooking if possible.

The original PDF: mask-ppe-EBM-v1.2-3-25-2020.pdf (884.3 KB)


I wonder if a double boiler veggie steamer would work , or suspend the filter in a large pasta pot a few inches over boiling water in the steam for at least the 10 mins?

Microwave with a bowl of water next to it?


Large freezer zip lock bag, place moist paper towel in the bag with mask and nuke for 5 minutes or if the bag pops open re seal and repeat.

I do this with the mail as well but use a Lysol wipe instead of damp paper towel.