Coronavirus Facts and Fiction - January - May 2020 [Closed]

Plus 20


The Don says we can use a scarf… :crazy_face: :scream:


That right there, is a blatant indictment of an incompetence that borders on criminal, the wrong side of that border.


They can’t ever be truthful about anything. Ever.


Saw this ten seconds after I posted. :slight_smile:
To my defense, once I saw that line I stopped reading right there and my one finger started typing,


My area


Seriously, if that is all I had, that is what I’d use.
In some ways, a scarf could provide a more complete protection.
Especially if you use it over a mask.
Would make the limited supply stretch, esp. for nurses.
Extra long too.

Something like this:


Not this:



What the hell Mongo?
Add that to the list next to the stories EVERY death is being attributed to nWuhan19.
NLoki has it right, can’t any of these freaks tell the truth?


Yeah… After throwing out 55million n95 masks that were 10+ years expired from the SARS stockpile… What was that October/November?

:rofl: “Trust us we learned from SARS”

Fricken billions on epidemic planning and they’re 100% winging it. We need an inquiry into where these agencies spent this money.


That fact that India is handing masks out in the streets and we can’t get one in the USA is pathetic. Any of you got a giant stockpile, how much ass do I have to kiss to get 3 disposables lol , harder to come by then Water in the desert. Hard to imagine it’s not intentional, how hard are they to make there blown in a dam mold, start cranking em out dammit



LOL, this is apparent. How true.


Talking with one of my connectors his grand parents live in Italy and they were telling him that it’s not as bad as the media is saying there. Yes there are a lot of deaths there but most of them had at least 2 underlying conditions and the majority of the deaths were in northern Italy where there are a lot of Chinese factories. Only 16% of the deaths were directly from c19

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I have been saying this since the very beginning Screw The Cihnese and their lying regime
I feel sorry for the People of China who are tormented daily.
There I said it.


I don’t feel sorry for them at all. They are savages. Was sent a series of videos of them skinning dogs alive, thing them in huge vats of boiling water while still alive. They are disgusting vile humans


Gamer Nexus had a vid on youtube about the impact on pc manufacturing. Obviously this is affecting supplies and suppliers. With China ramping up for post virus production look who benefits economically from this mess.


Blarney in all it’s forms has been around for millennia. Nothing new here.

Enlightening to read all this 3 months back.

I see this every where…though some are still unsure there is no aerosol transmission.

I heard about all this crap and in the last 2 moths I have gotten both a flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine.

what Fox News?

Good advice! Hope some read and followed it. I only had 28 roll TP tho :frowning_man:

@Northern_Loki that link is now broken?!

@Heritagefarms Had not sunk in at that point. Conflicting messaging in the press and from leaders… just as effective as conflicting messaging is from parents.

yup. I might be disabled but I am also caregiver for my disabled wife (would be in a nursing home).

Finally someone who understands the necessities.

Mixed messaging… hopefully people have chosen the right ones to listen to.

:thinking: can we re-purpose the paper shredder and make TP?

It is.

@Northern_Loki would think that med workers would know a painting contractor or two.

been that way 3 weeks now. wiping down anything comes in.

Stay safe everyone.


While not all workloads can be assigned to COVID-19, currently most computing power is used for the coronavirus project.An important part of the research is simulating proteins, for which GPUs are ideal. The whole decentralized system is used to make a protein that will function as an antibody, able to fight the virus. The first protein that will help fight against Covid-19 has already been simulated. Let’s hope that will help out the science and health communities.


Trying to upload video of wuhan market sent me couple of weeks ago. Says to large or wrong format.
Old phone any one know what to do?

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The paper was retracted, from my understanding, due to political pressure along with controversy in the scientific circles that’s been going around and around. I cannot judge whether the research has merit at this time.

Here’s an updated link: