Could anyone identify these eggs

Exactly. Very similar in nature to BT.

Spinosad is a organic pesticide… I only use that sparingly in veg for aphids or mites etc… read it can kill bees so I don’t spray my whole garden with it.

I sprinkle bt like rain though. Pillars are gnarly.


Can you please explain to me why you consider spinosad a pesticide and BT you do not?

pesticide pĕs′tĭ-sīd″

  • n. A substance or agent used to kill pests, such as unwanted or harmful insects, rodents, or weeds.

  • n. A substance, usually synthetic although sometimes biological, used to kill or contain the activities of pests

  • n. a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects)

Bt is the bacteria itself, spinosad is derived from a bacterium.

Spinosad is low in toxicity to people and other mammals. However, if it gets on your skin or in your eyes it can cause irritation and redness. › spinosadgen

It’s banned because it kills honey bees really easily

Spinosyns occur in over 20 natural forms, and over 200 synthetic forms (spinosoids) have been produced in the lab.[4] Spinosad contains a mix of two spinosoids, spinosyn A, the major component, and spinosyn D (the minor component), in a roughly 17:3 ratio.

So spinosad is a mix of 2 synthetic versions of a natural family of chemicals


I just don’t. I don’t think either of them are systemic. If I were really desperate in bud which never happens and had a crazy mite infestation I would probably spray spinosad too as long as it were 10 days before harvest. I do wash all my outdoor bud before drying and curing.

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Imo It’s (Edit: spinosad) banned in cannabis because it causes lung tissue damage.


Bt is? Never heard of that

Spinosad is translaminar aka locally systemic.

Edit: I’ll add that if you use it in flower, chances are you will test positive for it. At least in my state.

I’m talking about BT for his pillars, I posted the wrong link. Spinosad is irrelevant for pillars

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I don’t. Like I said. Only sparingly in veg and rarely cuz it kills my bees

Don’t use spinosad in flower. I’m being really clear about that. I would also be very careful about smoking any kind of bacterium derived pesticide.


Nature takes care of the other creepy crawlers outdoors, but not the pillars. I built a 10 foot ag net enclosure this year just to keep those worms out. That’s how bad they are. They will eat holes in all your bud then bud rot gets in and you are done.


You can see the ag net enclosure I built on my thread somewhere around post 500. That’s how much of a problem they are. I built it specifically to keep moth out and keep caterpillars off my cannabis


Sounds like you need some guinea hens lol! I’m kinda teasin and kinda not lmao.


Not sure how you keep them off yours. If you have a secret none of us other outdoor growers don’t, please share


How would they get them on your buds? Even chickens, you would have to pick them all off by hand and feed them. I have 9 plants and a million leaves. You can’t sift through all of them daily unless you spent 12 hours per day like gramps lol


I live in a pretty arid environment. Caterpillars are generally not a big problem. I do sometimes spray for them in veg, but most of the plants live their lives in greenhouses.


In California the only month we don’t have moths is in December. They are a major problem. If he has eggs then he will too. Lucky on the dry environment, wish I could say that here.

AFAIK Spinosad is banned in Canada altogether so I would be leery about using it in veg much less flower. I have no qualms at all about using BTK in flower tho. It remains on the surface of the plant and as I plan to budwash at harvest so even the harmless traces of it will be gone.

I use Safer’s End All insecticidal soap concentrate with 10ml/L canola oil added for mites or thrips. Gnatrol for fungus gnats or other larvae in the pots. It also remains on the surface but if sprayed on buds they will taste of soap when you smoke them so get rid of the bugs before flowering.

No need to go all chemical warfare on your plants to get rid of most common pot plant pests. I can usually wipe out thrips by hand with a big old 5X magnifying glass that has an 8X tiny lens at the bottom. Takes persistent hunting for a week or two but no sprays involved. Not going to work for a lot of plants tho.



Hardly relative to BTK/i tho. Gonorrhea is a bacterium too but I’ve never heard of cannabis coming down with the clap. :wink:

BTI is what cities use to control mosquitoes and gets sprayed right over our heads as it so so harmless to all other living things and specific to larvae like those. Will kill fungus gnats as well as other of that type.
