Could anyone identify these eggs

So you’re ok with spraying your plants with Gonorrhea while in flower then? :speak_no_evil: :joy:

And DDT is what they used in the past to kill mosquitoes. Like I said, it’s good for you until it’s not.


Now you’re comparing apples to oranges to sour grapes.

All 3 are totally unrelated in toxicity and chemistry.

BTK - Bacteria that only effect targeted species. 100% organic and in it’s natural form. Almost zero toxicity.

Spinosad - mildly toxic but nothing serious. Many families of insects affected but not mammals like us or pets so it’s going to kill the good with the bad if widely used but not a problem in contained grows. Regarded as organic. Derived from bacteria found in the rum mill as stated above but not the actual bacteria itself.

DDT - Where do I begin? Totally man made demon from hell complex organochloride that kills almost everything it touches. Considered so safe when I was a kid we would have a truck come thru our neighbourhoods fogging the ditches to kill the mosquitoes but it killed all insects but we didn’t know at the time. We would ride our bikes behind the truck chasing each other thru the thick fog laughing and goofing off.

If you don’t know much about it you should read about the horrors that shit caused and is still causing as it’s still made and used all over the world but most western countries have banned it for 40 years or more.

You see now how none of these is quite like the others?

That’s just a couple of the insecticides then there’s the herbicides and fungicides, growth regulators and a whole chem lab full of goodies to grow our foods and medicines with. About 10,000 new chemicals for all sorts of uses developed every year and people wonder why there is so much cancer, chronic disease and obesity these days.

We are living in a chemical broth of our own making and everyone, no matter how clean living is full of toxic chemicals that combine inside us to make . . . Your guess is as good as mine.

Have a great weekend!



You’re missing the point. We were originally told DDT was fine for us. Until it wasn’t. Spinosad is the omri ‘organic’ solution. It’s gotta be safe for ya.

Nothing serious except damaging human lung cells.

Spinosad is one of the most extensively used bio-pesticide in the world. The effects of pesticide in human health are mainly associated with its residue in food or occupational exposure in agricultural production. The lung is the direct target of pesticides exposure, although the study of inhalation damage caused by Spinosad remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of the Spinosad in human lung cells. We demonstrated that Spinosad could inhibite the proliferation of human lung epithelial A549 cells, induce the DNA damage and enhance the programmed cell death. Intracellular biochemical assay indicated that DNA double strand breaks, cleaved of PARP, release of cytochrome c, decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), activation of caspase-3/9, increase of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, LC3-II conversion, accumulation of Beclin-1, degradation of p62 and the changes in the phosphorylation of AMPK, mTOR are contributed to the toxic effects of Spinosad in A549 cells. The results showed that the cytotoxicity of Spinosad may be associated with the activity of mitochondrial apoptotic pathways or AMPK/mTOR-mediated autophagy. Meanwhile, the DNA stand breaks caused by the Spinosad suggest it has a potential genotoxic effects on human lung cells. We conclude that Spinosad has a potential risk to human health by inducing the cytotoxic effects.


Another reason Canada banned it and I never wanted to use it ever anyway.

I try not to use anything and haven’t in flower yet. Just the soap sprays in veg once in a while when mites or thrips show up.



JWA! now till the end of flower!


When hand picking starts to be a lost cause I switch to Doctor Zymes all the way to harvest . Excellent results but that’s just me .


I have a sample bottle of it I’m going use it as well

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More problems now… leaves are starting to get copper spot on them… really don’t think it’s cal mag


Looks like Phosphorus deficiency to me … :sunglasses:


Appreciate you @George going to dive a little into it and try to figure out some organic solutions


Saved mefor sure!

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So this is something similar I’m guessing ?


Yes, I guess so, looks like these ones …


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The brown blotches are moth poop. Just smudges right? Moth shit. The eggs look like little honeycombs like your first pic.


Are you sure they are just moth poop???idk it seems every time it rains the the spots turn a gold color now… I’ll take a pic in the AM… it looks pretty cool too me

Yeah, it dissolves the leaves eventually. Probably acidic or something.

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whole lotta moth :poop:

Damn dude those look rough,

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I came inside to ask about the same eggs! I just happen to see the title this morning and din’t look at the thread. Then I found the eggs today.

I found a leaf on 2 Purple Poison Cookies. The other plants weren’t affected. I thought it was only the heat and sun that fried my leaves because I missed a day of watering and they were bone dry. But they also looked as if it could be bugs.

I picked a lot of dead leaves yesterday and couldn’t see anything but I saw these today by a stoke of luck. I could tell something had been munching pretty hard on both plants today. Weird how they only hit the one strain. It could be because they’re a little farther along on flower and they really smell good. 39 eggs.

They must have died off when it went bone dry and hot or the last rain.

I guess I’ll be racing to nip these in the bud(egg) pronto.


@Gman I think what you have there is a alien invasion it looks as if they have one eye a cycloptic alien