Couple questions.

Well, I had to turn off the exhust fan to get the humidity to start coming up, but its up to about 73.4% at 86F right now. I still have the intake running plus the fan inside the tent guess it goes higher than i thought

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I swear tho, if i get bud rot or PWD i am gonna haunt yall when i die lmao

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If you do get bud rot you will see it on one bud first and you will have a tent full of big fat buds so you’ll forgive me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Roflmao ya most likely

Ok so I got the new 400w light today(my girl is awesome even tho she does not consume) And It brings up another question. The light is all the way as high as it will go in the tent, and the Photone App is saying its at 968 PPFD Which is great, right in the Bloom/flower range(that is with the light at 100% no dimming) The problem, is when I flip photone app over to measure DLI its saying the DLI is 57.6! So do I just ignore the DLI and go By the PPFD? I dont really have an effective way to push co2, my lil DIY surgar wash isnt gonna push the CO2 level super high in the tent.

The dli app is probably set for veg. The new light has a dimmer?

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Yes it has a Dimmer but if I drop it back to 75% it drops me to 605 PPFD, is that enough for flowering?

My 2 cents as i pertains to light levels n such:

Generally speaking, unless you’re trying to grow to win a Cannabis Cup or something, there’s no real need to constantly bother with measuring light levels. Also, unless you experience plant stress you can’t otherwise pinpoint, then download a free app, put your phone at canopy level & make sure the PPFD isn’t way over 1200, for example.

Other than that, do what the light manufacturer says to in terms of height & brightness & at which stage of growth. They built the damn thing, listen to them :wink::+1:


What do the instructions say?

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Dont you know men dont read the instructions? LOL Jokes aside it says nothing about how high to hang it or the dimming setting for the stages.

Do you have a link to the light?

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This should tell you what you need to know.

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I’d bet a lot of the cheap Chinese LED Light companies do not know where you should have the light and at what brightness. I’m sure they take the specs from a similar wattage led from someone else and copy and paste their directions. No way these companies are doing R&D on stuff that cheap.

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My thoughts exactly but the damn thing is BRIGHT AS HELL, I will give them that. does tend to run a but warm but i have a bigger intake fan on the way to deal with that.

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Might be a starting point but I wouldn’t trust them as advanced growers that know their equipment.

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I can say their numbers are off as far as the readings im getting for PPFD. They are fairly close but not quite there.

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I found I use less than it says. But what are your growing in?

:green_heart: :seedling:

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50% Peat
50% Vermiculite
Dolomitic Lime 40g per cubic foot
Gypsum 10 grams per cubic foot
2 bricks of Triple Buffered Coco Coir added to 30 gallons of the mix above.