Name that deficiency

Last ones to compare it to others

Thinking k&p

Thanks for the input in advance


Just my input i have multiple plants in 1 tent all same size, 2 that were light green i keep scratching my head .
I’m in coco all my numbers were good
Ph , ppm, temp ,humidity so I put those two plants 2 inches lower an end of light cycle they were greener then had been the whole time in flower. I never had the problem with hps or mh so it had me stumped. It was the led to much light intensity.


The tops look like a pk deficiency but the leaves them self look healthy. Lowers are dark green. I have to agree with Osogreen, light is starting to bleach them. Raise your light height and see if she doesn’t get darker on the tops.


It could be your strain. Sometimes pictures don’t show what you want them to. If you’re having problems I hope you figure it out. That one definitely looks dry. I’ll see the dirt crack from the side of the container. I’ll give them a good bump up , some juice all 3. 0-0-0. I would jump up on the last two. Just mop.


Although I see no brown spots it could be Magnesium, very common deficiency under leds:


the non-spotted version would be Manganese … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Good stuff. Whenever I see stuff. I start adding. Lol. It comes back and gets me in the end. Good eye.


Thanks beer3|nullxnull , I’ve got my computer connected to my 55 inches TV, that helps a lot … :sweat_smile:

marijuana-deficiency-chart-jorge-cervantes.pdf (2.5 MB)


Thought I recognized those pics


I just watered her last night!!!


Don’t get mad I’m chop at your picture and show you what I’m talking about

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They were praying really hard when I got home I’m gonna try and move light higher it’s at 20 inches at 75 percent rn it’s a marshydro fce3000

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I know what you mean sir !

In person standing here I can tell you they r not thirsty lol

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image looks dry.


Okay now let’s say I haven’t fed them anything beside the nutrients the seed soil mix had in it

Yeah the top does but I stick my pinky in the holes and it’s moist :crazy_face:

This isn’t a watering topic !

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Maybe I need to stay to myself. Lol

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No your fine brother like I said I appretiate the input !

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Would epsoms salts help if so much per gallon !?

Throw some Cal-Mag if you’ve got some, Manganese is unusual and affects more the younger leaves … beer3|nullxnull

This would work faster:

For a foliar spray, you’ll want to use an Epsom salt for plants dosage of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt dissolved in a gallon of water