Couple questions.

Ok I am in the pre flower stage, and I asked in my other thread but i think its buried so ill ask here in a new thread lol.

What PPFD/PAR/DLI should I be aiming for in preflower/flower?

I am using megacrop 1 part, How many grams should I be using in preflower/flower? It says 6 grams but at this rate its got light green at the stem coming into the leaves, looking like it needs more nutes. The question is how far can I go up without burning the plant?


for me:

veg = 300 PPFD
flip week = 300 ramping each day up to 1050.
Flower = 1050 ppfd


Rough chart for par below, always important to make small adjustments over time so not to stress the plants. I usually max out at 75% feed strength, so you might want to shoot for 50%, but it all depends on the size of your plants and how powerful your lights are. You’re better off under feeding than over feeding.


Do you have any pics bud? Strain, grow medium, lights, temps?

Maybe it’s not best to push the plant, you want it as healthy and lush as possible and the rest should take care of itself. Slightly higher in the pH can help P-K uptake during bud growth

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I would do it differently, but, if I were you I would follow manufacturers nute directions and shoot for 800 ppfd.

That should do fine.

You can push harder when you have a little more experience.


I agree somewhat with @Pigeonman’s PPFD chart up there… but I like to push shit. Though the more you push the more you should definitely be supplementing co2 especially anything over 1k PPFD in my experience.

In the picture below at the highest points of the spears I was pushing around 1200 PPFD and around the rest of the cola’s about 800-900 ppfd. I had some pretty excellent results this round considering it was untopped and I let the plants grow out naturally to see the results of these tester beans. Side note I did have fox tailing on ONE of the cultivars but it was the only one that looked to suffer from the higher than normal PPFD(mind you it was under the 8 bar and not the 6 bar mammoth light more light intensity). So if we are playing it safe… I’d find myself between @Pigeonman and @Foreigner’s imput! :wink:


Strain : Mexican Red Hair Sativa Auto Fem from Blimburn By way of NASC 2 dollar menu.
Grow Medium : Dr Bugbee’s Lab media Blend.50% Peat 50% Vermiculite Dolomitic Lime 40g per cubic foot Gypsum 10 grams per cubic foot 30 Gallon batch added 2 bricks of triple buffered Coco Coir.
Light: Mars Hydro TS 1000 150w Led (now set to 800 PPFD checked with photone app)
Temps average between 79 at durning lights off to about 84 durning lights on.
Humidity 41.6%


It’s not a sativa auto. It might be a sativa x ruderalis hybrid.

Don’t mean to be pedantic, it’s just a bit of a oxymoron.


LOL no worries just wrote what they had it listed as. Err Mostly Sativa lol

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You might want to take a look at this


I have that chart, But I was also told that you dont want high humidity during pre flower/flower due to the risk of bud rot? And since at this point I have no way to really drop the temp other than sitting a frozen gallon of water in the tent, I am not sure what to do if im bein honest.

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It’s probably easier to raise humidity, this will likely improve results more than messing with lights and C02
I find something simple like using a watering can to water and letting the water fall all through the tent helps a lot :slight_smile:
Multiple light waterings with a fine rose head would be best
More advanced methods like a humidifier can be used
Unlikely you are at ANY risk of bud rot with those conditions :stuck_out_tongue:
At 84°F and 41.6% humidity evaporation with be fairly rapid :slight_smile:

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I have a Humidifer in the tent, I just turned it off because I was told that once you start flowering you want lower humidity. I can just turn it back on lol

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Oh, you’re all sorted then :+1:
As long as you’re in the green it’s all good, you can aim for the low edge near the yellow but preferably not the red. I was told recently a low pH spray will stop mold forming, might be worth looking into but I wouldn’t worry until the buds are looking dense :slight_smile:


Ok turned it back on we shall see, since the media is mostly peat it does tend to be on the acidic side. I also pH my feedings between 5.8-6.2pH. I did a Heavy feed when I got up this morning, 10g Megacrop Part 1 because I have been told the lime green in the center of the leaves near the stem can either be from new growth or Nitrogen defeiceny, so i figured i would give it a heavy feed and see if it darkens up.

Do you think I should be feeding/watering more than once a day at this point? I have heard that flowering plants tend to need more than one watering per day.

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I’m probably not the right person to ask but once a day/ every 2 days is my usual go to. I changed to all coco hempy grows because it takes away all that guesswork/calculations :stuck_out_tongue:
Pot size V plant size I would guess water daily, max, as long as it’s not over drying, I only suggested multiple light waterings if you were limited to that method for increasing humidity

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True if you’re not matching TEMP. Low temps/high RH = bud rot / PM. I was running 85-86F and 80% RH with no issue so far. Right now I am drying at 60F at 59-61% RH for DRY.


Well I turned the humidifier on high so ill give it an hour or so and check the sensor.


If you have good air circulation and no dead spots rot is not really a risk, stay in the green :smiley:

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Well I have a 6in exhust fan, a 4in intake fan, and at oscillating tower fan inside the tent, so I have a lot of air movement.

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