Crank dealers next door.. potential problem

I’d leave em be. But You should fuck with them occasional though, no?. Walk around out front with a stuffed animal dog on a leash wearing only underwear, picking up after it when it pretend poops. Do the hole digging thing from breaking bad. Maybe leave barbies with out heads on their porch a few nights… then a few weeks later fill their mailbox with the heads… Stuff like that will get the tweekers tweeking but you should probably just leave em alone HahHa :rofl::rofl:

Id be more concerned about them robbing you as they see you leave your home.


Congratulations man. That’s definitely something to be proud of.

Almost 3 years off booze.


I hate to see someone get in trouble being an addict. Normally dealers are just trying to pay for their habit. I always try to look for the greater good. It sucks having to look at it as them or me, but sometimes you have to.


We all got things we aren’t proud of in our past. Hell I was an undocumented pharmacist for years. Even let a guy trade his wife for dope. The important thing is you walked through hell and came back with a smile, not many can do that. It was hard for me walking away from getting paid to get high. When I found out I was going to have a kid I walked away from it all. That’s hard to do for an 18 yr old kid making $40k a week. Hardest thing I’ve ever done but knowing no one can come take my baby girl away makes all the struggles and going to work with broken bones worth it.


Dude that would have tweakers flipping out, but most tweakers have cameras everywhere so could come back in a bad way


Good stuff. Good job man. This community is great. Talk about a support system eh

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I hear you there making about 60K a week in Miami back 1982

was the nuts

but life is so much easier now :slight_smile: and cheaper

not having watch for DEA, OCTF, BCI, FBI etc.

and paying lawyers a shit ton of money to stay on the bricks

but sadly I would do it all over again if I was 20 :frowning:

stay free



Mongo never disappoints! Haha, I would be FREAKING terrified they saw me and then it would be ON. I stopped tweaking a LONG time ago, but that doesn’t mean I escaped the whole debacle without damage done. My brain can go WILD! But it goes both ways, I am TOTALLY envisioning myself actually DOING all those things! What a riot!


Ugh, I got BOOZE, aka vodka, kicked just recently but I still need to get rid of beer. I got the aftermath of.a life full of DEBAUCHERY and got liver disease in the process, so drinking is a stupid thing for me to do, but its a tough one, man! So CONGRATULATIONS cuz thats no easy task!


That was exactly my feelings, too! I HATE that our world is so US AND THEM. I can go on and on about who’s to blame but REALLY I should be thinking HOW CAN I HELP FIX THIS? I want us (the WORLD POPULATION) to be like a GREAT soil food web in a soil setup, ya know? There’s a lot of us, and so we ALL have to make compromises so that we ALL can olay our part and GET our part…i don’t think its by accident that MOST communities or organisms or what have you, are designed to be symbiotic and work in cohesion with each other and are the successful ones. I think this model the base of our structure of society. QUIT TEACHING CHILDREN FROM BIRTH THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR THEM IS TO COMPETE AND EXCEL IN SCHOOL AND THEN IN THE WORKPLACE SO THAT YOU CAN EARN A GOOD SALARY AND FEED THE CONSUMER LOGIC OF THE WORLD. THIS ONLY MAKES IT SO THAT THERE ARE SELECT FEW ON TOP AND LOTS ON BOTTOM. Its a lie we have…

Ok…sorry, I smoked a joint and got on a POLITICAL bent…

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Thanks for your kind words, I DO appreciate them

Back when I was in it there was a dea agent by the name of Bruno, he’d bust you, but you wouldn’t go to jail or make any more money if ya catch my drift lol when he came to my door at 3am trying to buy dope it was a sign but the money kept me from giving it up just yet, my daughter on the other hand was more than enough. Growing up without a dad I promised that kid she would never know what that felt like.


Its funny that this came up as a post, just a few weeks ago I was talking with another member on here about best way to deal with the tweakers that were squatting a house across street from us. Knew they used and shit but was worried they were cooking alot of shake n bake. Shitty part was the main dude is a known snitch like even while he was in the joint. I refuse to call LEO period wont call 911 even unless someone is dying etc, but other neighbors have numerous times and it did no good. About 2 weeks ago I was sitting inside doing a few dabs and neighbor popped his head in side door and scared the shit outta me then told me about that T.N.T. (the undercover/drug squad out here) had shown up and kicked in the door over there looking for them. Thankfully the town had a meeting and they got removed from town. Its been pretty nice and quiet since.


Smart choice my friend.


One thing to remember if you’re in the US that first responders can enter your property without a warrant if they need to for an emergency, such as your neighbor’s meth lab burning down. While they’re in there any and all evidence of crime is fair game.

“An explosion or fire in private premises is an obvious example of an emergency which permits police and firefighters to
take action necessary to protect the premises and persons endangered by the fire or explosion … While legitimately on the
premises to extinguish a blaze, these officials may discover evidence of arson or evidence of other criminality” - pg. 494

So uh, just have a plan to tear the grow down/move it if the PoPo or Fire arrive and want in, I guess.


they can I remember a grower on the first OG had a chimney fire

he had it out when the firemen showed up

the fire chief said they had to check to be sure it was all good

and he got rapped

good heads up



Yeah, fires are just about the only thing that worry me because of this reason, especially if I’m not around when it happens.


They can only enter the house that is on fire. If his house isn’t burning or any other emergency and they go in all evidence is inadmissable


Fires spread like crazy though, worth having a contingency plan regardless.

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Agreed with what have been said, I was thinking about the old rule for the entrance of homosexuals in the U.S. Army: “Don’t ask, don’t tell” … icon8|nullxnull