Crazy Mishaps and Discoveries that made the Day

Fellow Overgrowers I have wanted to do a Bit of a write up on some things that have come to mind in the recently past weeks of reflection.What little wierd things have you used to your advantage with your environment to make your plants go the extra mile.Could be total accident that led to eureka.Mine was the CO2 exhaust off my propane pool heater thats always on just far enough away to not cause problems .It blows right into my Weed patch behind the shed.I always noticed the plants around the pool heater exhaust always grew way faster more greener grew exponentially faster never got bugs as bad if ever were always healthy.What have you used in your natural habitats to help plant grow?


I do this with my farts. :+1:

Some say that @Foreigner does this too.


I trap my farts in Grove bags to preserve terps and then auction them off to the highest bidder.

I can get you in on the auction action but you need to supply your own paddle.


Is this for stirring the farts or slapping them out?


Dealer’s choice.

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Wow no wonder your guys weed taste like Shit :unamused::exploding_head::rofl::rofl:

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There was a Breeder that had a Strain and they named it Poopene the Logo for it was a giant disgusting toilet like in Trainspotting that was packed with shit and had flies all over it.They had another strain named Gassy Eddy wonder who that guy was??

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Terpfi3nd genetics

Haha I’ve been wanting to grab a pack of the poopene for awhile now, first I’ve heard of the gassy eddy.

Digging that free co2 source sounds and looks like the plants are loving it :raised_hands:


That Poopene does look tempting


I grew out a mendo cross a couple years back she had super yummy Terps till about week 7-8 ish then turned hardcore green baby poopenes like just Nasty haha. Stuff would knock your head off your shoulders though, to this day one of my favorite smokes.

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Terpfi3nd comes across as a great guy. His seeds are fairly priced and his $100 mystery bags are bang on. Plus he takes card payment and ships to the motherland no aggro. I grew out a pack of his 24k x white cherry truffle. Fuck my stump it was good. For 70 dollars a pack I think you could do far worse.

No doubt about it terpfi3nd for me is highly regarded as an amazing steward of the plant if you enjoy loud, unusual Terps and upper echelon highs then that guys got you covered. Highly suggest if you like nag champa incense or floral/fruity gassy terps to snag a pack of his nag champa f2s absolutely phenomenal genetics to play with super vigorous plants loud af and cloud 9 highs.

Heres a pic of a Nag Champa x double banana berry freak I made. Shes just starting to flower in the greenhouse. Pushing 11’ now and expecting her to out grow the space in the next 2 weeks or so.


I had a bubba years ago that smelled like nag champa that came in that blue and white pack.Thats such a wierd terp it was delicious and the smell hung around for hours


Man that sounds divine, love it when the stank lingers.
Always enjoyed a good bubba when grow proper wish I could have found one like that back in the day

That heater exhuasts carbon monoxide. Not co2.

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How do you explain a Natural gas Co2 generator?Pretty sure its a byproduct of burning natural gas my exhaust blows right at them but i guess Google could be wrong

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Not being a Smart ass i swear that came out wrong sorry i was always inder the assumption since my older brother used to have a gas C02 generator that burned and pushed the exhaust into his plant room on a timer

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Hmm. Nah your good dude. I hope i didnt come across as an ass either. Does a pool heater burn the propane 100 efficient like a c02 generator does though? Im not certain. I guess i assumed it was a Natural Gas engine producing the heat. Which in that case i believe it would produce carbon monoxide. (C0) either way carbon monoxide does turn into c02 i believe under the right circumstances.

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Oh no all good in the hood homie I dont think it is as efficient as a generator that was made for that purpose but i think it produces facets of it to some extent for something that was running anyway and was a byproduct something is clearly happening the plants in that spot look like the forest from the last unicorn That pool heater is very efficient and really cranks a steady warm stream of air doesn’t seem to be causing any harm and plants are super clean and growing well so ???Maybe ??maybe not might just be the warmer air wishful thinking i guess


Lets just say i wish i knew how to clone back then.Just getting the stuff to do it properly back them were in grow stores that undercovers used to case and follow people home and watch them.I let a lot of stuff slip through my fingers

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