CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread


@CrunchBerries Happy Birthday, bud-ee :slight_smile:


Happiest of birthdays to you @CrunchBerries hope you have a wonderful Stoney day :tada::grin:


Happy birthday @CrunchBerries!!!
Hope you soar to the proverbial heavens tonight aboard the canna-train. Go hard! We ain’t getting any younger :laughing:


Thank you all for the birthday wishes yesterday! Happy Friday y’all!


Holy nugget meat budman!

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Day 56f
Turned QB’s down this morning to about 100w. Everyone’s starting to slow down their water consumption. I finally figured out the overwhelming smell coming from the tent. Honeysuckle! I was out for a run this morning and ran past a honeysuckle bush and was smacked in the face by the similarities. I think the Soul Mate Pinesoul pheno is the main culprit, the LWv2 is no slouch, but probably it’s everyone’s combined fragrance. Damn is it hypnotic!

Lemon Wookie v2

Dream Beaver f2

Soul Mate

Genius Thai x Appalachia f4- Copa


Hi there,
I finally started my first SIPS grow. Thank you for the inspiration!!


Nice! @PakaBoi ! Welcome to the club! Whattcha growing? Keep us updated on your progress!


Wow another stellar update! Curious to hear what the EC levels are in all of these SIPS. Do you generally take PPFD readings and adjust through the season, or follow VPD? The reason I ask is because I havent seen bud formations quite like this in my garden for about 2 years now, Ive got calyx envy!

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Those are Puna Buddah clones @crunchberries


Hey @CrunchBerries! Dropped some plants into the SIPs.

Re-amended with more Gaia green bloom, worm castings, compost, rice hulls, blended two row, homemade bokashi bran. 2 x Sugar Belts.


Thanks @Varuna !!

Never taken EC levels, so I’m not sure. I have been meaning to get a soil test done….

I don’t take PPFD or follow VPD. I probably should though. I think what you are referring to is gold old foxtailin’ Heat is an issue in my garden that I thought I had addressed with a window ac unit, but I think that it has crapped out which totally sucks.


Hell yeah @Loggershands Let the good times roll!!!


Nice job, PakaBoi. Exciting to see the Puna Buddah…my gf did a work trade at Cinderland for a year or so down there and smoked a lot of this.

I suggest covering those extra holes in the earthbox shower caps with duct tape. SIPs perform better when there’s less air coming through the shower cap. Doesn’t have to be perfect, but closing the biggest holes makes a difference. It also keeps out gnats, which can be an issue. If yours get out of hand, try two or three light top waterings with the recommended doses of Gnatrol, one week apart. That and sticky traps will get most of them, and then if you have predators in your EWC or compost, that’ll keep the populations manageable.

In other news, my Lavender Jack started flopping out of control the last week or so. End of week 6 beginning of week 7 of flower. It’s hard to see in pics just how much she flopped, but she went in every direction

So I wrangled her with a cage, which was pretty much a horrible experience. I’ll be shocked if I get any intact trichomes after this.

But she looks pretty!

So does Irene. I’m getting serious Vampire vibes.

Here’s Church next to Irene. Church smells incredible. Hard to say which smells better - Church or Lavender Jack.

Legend is just crushing:

Everything that had emergency surgery is looking good. Church even has a few feeder roots up top. However, they all look about 2+ weeks behind the other plants in flower development. I guess we’re running long this go around.

:green_heart: :rainbow:


Yes and no, I have plenty of foxtailing in the high heat and some genetic variations as well over the years, theres just a certain robustness, your flowers look like they go to Golds Gym, where as in mine look like they do yoga once a month :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks for the tip @nube
Can I top water with compost teas?


You can top water, but SIPs don’t really need it. They’re a closed ecosystem that’s bottom-watered.

Once the plants in there start to show growth up top, usually 1-2 weeks after transplant, I only bottom water thereafter except when topdressing. Personally, I think you get a lot more bang for your buck when you topdress rather than put those amendments into a compost tea, but that’s just me.

Please keep us updated on your progress!



Space Monkey F2, day 40. 7.5gallon gang :sunglasses: