CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

I love it when they grow in prerolls.


Hooooweeee, looks like all of them foxtailed a little bit. I love that look, not criticizing at all. Do you think it was genetic or did it just get hot over there? I thought it’d been raining a lot in the NE this summer?


I think it was part genetics, but mainly it was heat. Summer started out moderate, but Aug and Early Sept were hot as usual in Va. My room is on the second floor and I believe my window unit crapped out. Doesn’t seem to push much cool air like it did last year. It’s only a two year old unit.


Dude these window ac units are trash these days. I had a portable unit that only ran for a season, called a tech in to look at it this year and the dude basically said all these closed loop ac systems are designed to fail fast, and they can’t even refill em with Freon the way they’re designed, you gotta put whole new guts in em which costs as much or more than the cost of a new one. Dude said that’s why those old refrigerators from the 70s and 80s are still kicking. Better designs and you can refill the systems. Crying shame the way shit gets made these days


It’s by design. Why make stuff that’ll last and last when you can make shit that’s gonna break in a year and force people to buy again and again? That’s how you make the money! Haha (bitterly… haha).


Sorry for the late response. Ha! No, but my wife and I were talking about that movie recently. Now, I’m going to have to watch it, whenever I can watch an adult movie again.

I’ll have to check it out.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, these were from clone. The more spear shaped hermed the worst. The shorter, bushier more foxtailing pheno might be salvageable, but will definitely need to be watched closely .

No real story there. I was probably eating Crunch Berries cereal and had a username epiphany. I guess I can be abrasive like a Crunch Berry on the roof of your mouth, before the milk (coffee/weed) softens my tough exterior.

Go for an hour long walk every day and you’ll lose those extra pounds quicker than shit. The best part is your mental state will also greatly improve.

Hell yeah @PakaBoi

Ha! Ha! Right! I mainly smoke Js, so this was by design.


Ah Bummer. Hope they’re at least interesting to toke on!


Agree with CB, 1 hour of walking per day (if you can do it) will keep the weight off. If you cut the sodas/deserts/anything with sugar along with walking you can lose 20+lbs a year.


It’s okay. I wasn’t sitting here wondering,”Why hasn’t CrunchBerries responded to my Harold and Kumar post yet???” haha. That does suck that you have to devote so much time to children and their needs that you can’t just sit down and watch something like that, though. I mean, it’s admirable that you do, it kind of has to be done, but still… Just another in a long line of reasons why I’m super-glad I never had any haha.

I know how to lose the weight: quit drinking eighteen White Claws a day haha.

I’ve lost the weight before. We’ve got a gym at home, weight rack, a fucking Peloton haha, all kinds of shit. It’s just a matter of using it. And a matter of quitting drinking eighteen White Claws a day haha!


Hey @minitiger look into Kava-Kava root. Lot of my friends used it to replace the White Claws & beers. It depresses the CNS similarly to alcohol, gives you a nice relaxing buzz. No hangover, helps sleep, good for anxiety (naturally upregulates GABA transmission). Plus you can use it at work. No calories :wink:

Its cheap & comes in candy form, just let it dissolve in your cheek.

Sorry for all the suggestions, I just love converting people to natural drugs, feels like my mission in life :laughing:


Okay, thanks. You’re not the first person who’s suggested that to me and if I remember that in the morning, I’ll for sure check it out. Thanks!


Note to self:
5 Space Monkey started 9/18
5 Good Medicine f3 @LegsMahoney 9/20
3 DLA 5 f2 @Rosinallday 9/20
3 Black Triangle 9/20


Mornin’ Y’all,

Space Monkey: 5 seeds popped and planted in a mix of SPM, EWC, and Rice Hulls. 3 were vigorous, 2 needed a bit more love so I scuffed them again. That did the trick for one, but the other needed the nut cracker treatment. 2 already above soil.

Black Triangle: 3 seeds popped and planted. Vigorous.

Good Medicine F3: 3 popped and planted. Fairly vigorous growth. 2 manually cracked this morning and back to floating.

DLA 5 F2: 3 popped and planted. Fairly vigorous.

Last harvest brown bagged and tubbed. Trimming and making sauce for a lasagna are today’s rainy day activities. Hope everyone is well ~ Crunchy


I haven’t run the DLA5 f2s I got from @Rosinallday yet but the couple Mac x DLA5 I ran from him were real good. The DLA5 leaner was short squat dark and smelled like a broken vacuum cleaner belt and a junkyard. Very interesting


A man after my own heart :pinched_fingers:t2::pinched_fingers:t2::pinched_fingers:t2:


but did he make the Lasagna???


Oh, I made the lasagna and it was better the second night than it was the first. Gonna be even better for lunch tomorrow before my body gives out from lasagna OD.


Always better for leftovers. That cheese needs to congeal overnight


I’ve been known to bake a lasagna one day and not eat it till the next


Yes! When I really plan ahead, I’ll assemble the lasagna and let it sit overnight until the next day when it’s time to bake. Gives everything time to really meld.

Lil tip I learned from @BeagleZ was to double the middle noodle layer to give the ‘sagna better structure.