CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Happy Sunday Y’all,
Day 26V
My first Dead show anniversary! Fuck! 31years ago today! Enjoy!

Still in veg., but all that changes tonight. Going to set my light schedule to 11/13 and hold on for ludicrous speed. I’ve let everyone veg a bit longer, so the smaller ones could catch up a bit. I hacked the Space Monkey tops as it was the largest of the bunch. Cleaned up the suckers and lowers pretty good a few days ago on everyone else. LJ and GM have been set on crates to try to even out the canopy. Will probably add another topdress and maybe a soluble feed after stretch to ensure they cross the finish line.

Black Triangle F1


Sunshine4 7&8


Good Medicine F3






Lavender Jack (NN)


Dragon Hammer


Space Monkey


Edit: forgot the whole tent picture

Hope y’all are well~ Crunch


Ha, I remember that show! I’m not a real Deadhead, so I didn’t go, but it seemed like every road into town had at least 5 VW vans pulled over at the city limits :rofl:

Your garden is looking great. That tent is gonna be crammed!


Tent is looking awesome brother !
Here’s to your Dead anniversary !


Ha! Yeah, Chapel Hill didn’t know what hit em’!



Day 21 of a total of 74…

Black African Magic x 2, Malawi x Panama and a Cafe Racer !

5 gallon pails, GroBuckets, ProMix HP and feeding Mega Crop one part…

Stretch/height for the day is…

Black African Magic > 1/2" / 35 1/2"
Black African Magic #2 > 2 1/2" / 48 1/2" > no training or topping and 11 days younger.
Malawi x Panama > 1 1/2" / 39 1/2"
Cafe Racer > 3" / 47"



Crazy how that happens, isn’t it? I remember “old timers” I knew talking about,”It goes by so fast…” and I’d be like,”Pssshhhh, whatever, dude!” and now I wake up in the middle of the night having intense existential crises, just like,”Holy fuck, I’m gonna be 50 next December…”

Plants look good! Haha…


Boner alert! I mistakenly mixed up my 11/13 light schedule for 13/11. Day one of flower begins today! Ha! Just what I needed was a couple more days of veg. Ha!


Lol note to self. Don’t set timer after 3rd joint of the day. :joy: Hope you and the family are doing well!


I took down the Nigerian Rafiki #8 last weekend at day 84F.

She got no water the last 5 or 6 days and was a little droopy by the end. I think she could have kept going for another week or two if I kept her watered.

She’s slim thick.

Billions of nanners, but can’t find any seeds. Hmmm?

Great smell of Jack Herer + dank carrots, some pine, and onions at the end. It’s like a woodsy stew!

Gonna take the summer off and hopefully be back in the fall/winter.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Just the way I like em’!! Enjoy your well deserved time off homie!!


Is that a Jack Herer thing? When I first started indoors, I was given some clones, and one was “Jack Herer.” I don’t get out much, so I had no idea, but it smelled just like freshly dug carrots I remember smelling in the carrot fields of California. Never smelled it with any other weed, it was very nice :yum:


Oh, that blows. She looks super-intriguing, though. Did the nanners show up near the end or were they a constant?

Jack to me has always smelled very anise/black licorice, never noticed any “carrot” elements. There may have been some fruity notes, but no vegetables at all haha.


I don’t think that’s a Jack Herer thing, but the carrot smell is supposedly fairly common in addition to the Jack Herer smell in the modern haze hybrids. Or so I’ve read. It’s really obvious on this one.

They were there from week 7/8 onward. But what do I care if a plant has nanners but makes no seeds? The small allergic annoyance isn’t a big deal. I’m sure I could have done better growing her too. The smoke is what matters, and I don’t think that’ll be impacted much by a nanner here or there. Hell, don’t some breeders smoke their males to get an idea of their potency and terp profile?



Yeah, the carrot smell is a marker for haze. Not saying it’s what you want to look out for, but that’s where it’s coming from ^^

:100:%. Gotta do that or reverse the male with ethephon if you wanna know what he’s got. I do this.


For sure. I just don’t like the way they look on my nugs haha. Even if the smoke is good, it feels like a reminder of… I dunno. Something haha… Like somehow I fucked up and sitting there wondering if it was my fault somehow, even though it probably wasn’t.

I dunno haha.


i recall hearing carrot being prominent in some africans like malawi and zamal


Hey Now Kids! Hope everyone is well!
Quick Day 6F Update. Not much going on at the moment. Been doing a lot of sucker clean up and some top bending to keep height fairly even. Smaller plants are on milk crates and I will probably begin staking up the larger plants in the next day or so

Black Triangle


Good Medicine



Lavender Jack

Dragon Hammer

Space Monkey


Wow, man, there are a LOT of trifoliates on that Black Triangle. That’s gotta be a good sign, right? Right?!? Haha. That one’s from seed, correct? Pretty cool…

Plants look good!


Not really sure, maybe someone with more experience can chime in. I popped seeds in like November and am running clones from those.
Thanks, man!


Been awhile since ive updated on the SIP bed in this thread! Currently on my third run in this bed. and were about 7 weeks since the flip. recently added a worm tower into the back center of the bed and worms have been doing there thing in there. system is still running solid in the cabinet and lot of the times im just sitting around watching them grow lol.
Currently running ssome cuts of Grease Monkey (purple pheno on left) and Kush Mints (right)
