CrunchBerries’Probiotic SIP Thread

Yyeeeewwww!! Got a new light for the flower tent!




Looking sweet @CrunchBerries! Nothing like that new light feeling :grinning:


What ya get?? The Jones’s want to know!


@BeagleZ Hey, I got the Apache ATV 800. Super excited!


Score! My Apache has been kickin’ ass so far. Plants seem to like it. One cool thing I’ve found is that you can buy this:
If you have the AC Infinity Controller 69 (which it looks like you do), it allows you to control the light with the AC Infinity Controller… you can setup on/off schedules, and one thing i really like is the ability to dim the light. You can even use 90% dimming or 70% dimming, you’re not limited to the 100/80/60/40 with the manual dial. I haven’t really gone that deep with mine, but i am using it for on/off timing and the dimming function.

Plants are looking great! You may have to drop some of those crates depending on what stretches the most, but looks like you’re on top of it. Do you normally stake, or use netting for supports? Nice, clean setup :star_struck: :+1:t4: :100:


Oh, suh-weeeeeeet! I dunno what the ATV series is haha, but I LOOOOOVE my AT200’s and the AT600. Great lights, for sure. I’m stoked for you.

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Schwing!! Plants have responded well so far!!
That IS super cool!! Definitely going to pick one of those up and take readings with my kill-a-watt to determine specifics.

I’ve been staking and really need to get in there and start. I do have a netting that I’ve contemplated using, but will probably stake again. I actually create a little cage with stakes and gardening wire. Whichever route I choose I need to get on with it already.

Thanks, man! Feels good to have a cleaner, more efficient set up!

Thanks, man! Plants seem to be responding well!! Yeww!!


Hi guys!

5 gallon organic grobuckets. Day 100 from sprout day 61f. Getting close. Probably crop next Day or 2


Hey @BudLarfy, looking good! Whattcha growing?


hi Crunch! your guess is as good as mine! last year i had 2 giant mephisto forum stompers outside and they bore 10 seeds each. i figured they were herm seeds. grew 4 and after 39 days they were massive and not auto-ing. So i went 12/12 and got 2 full blown males and these two that you see. im thinking maybe i have a mystery neighbor growing some outdoor sativas. anyway when life gives you lemons…


Day 22f
Dang, it’s been 16 days since an update and a whole lot has happened in that time. Got a bitchn’ new light and found aphids in my flower tent while cleaning up the lowers, all in like a couple days time. Strikes and gutters, dude! Aphid populations are low, but present. I’ve hit them with everything I’ve got thats appropriate for their age. Staked them the other day and gave them all a shower with the dog washer attachment. I’m keeping a keen eye on things and will give them another shower if populations rebound. Lessons learned!
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Smells are starting to develop. Lavender Jack and Space Monkey are the loudest of the tent, with Irene not far behind. DLA5 has a bit of a twang, but nothing major.

Got the AC infinity light controller, so I’m able to be more incremental when making adjustments. Bumped the light up to 70%. I still need to get in there an take readings with my Kill-a-Watt to determine accuracy with and without the controller.

Been keeping temperatures between 80-85 and humidity between 70-75. Going to start tapering down both temps and humidity in the next couple weeks.

Sunshine 4 7&8

Good Medicine F3


DLA 5 F2

Dragon Hammer

Space Monkey

Black Triangle

Lavender Jack

In other news, I finished building the second raised bed for veggie gardening. Looking forward to the freshness! :seedling::eggplant::hot_pepper::potato::green_salad::broccoli::cucumber::carrot::corn::tomato::leafy_green::onion::garlic::sweet_potato::bell_pepper: Going to put some tomatoes in two City Pickers and some cannabis clones in the two others. I haven’t grown cannabis outdoors since my old PNW days. Thinking back on those times growing, we were doomed from the start. Bud rot city!! Not sure what clones I’ll run OD, but am thinking Space Monkey and Sunshine4.

Hope y’all are well,


Interested to hear how your outdoor plants turn out, hope you document that here!

Your plants look healthy as always. See some curling on your Irene that reminds me of what I saw on mine - I put it outside because I thought it was related to soil I mixed up. Do you know if that just something that happens on her? Cool DIY bamboo tomato cages too haha.


Hahaha… Have you watched You’re Welcome, America? That Will Ferrell one-man show he did on Broadway after Dubya was gone? It’s so funny.

That sucks about the aphids, but the plants really look fine right now. Maybe look into OG Biowar’s “Foliar” pack if you want. You can drench with it, don’t have to actually foliar with it. It’s supposed to be systemic or whatever. I used to use it religiously, but I had to stop once I got super-poor haha.


Thanks, man! Not sure about the curling leaves. I seem to always get curling leaves on some plants and not others. Thought it may have been a fulvic mishap, but determined it’s probably just genetic weirdness.


I just leave the lights plugged into a power strip and the strip plugged into the kill a watt. I use that to adjust the dimmer. I can see the killa watt from the tent flap

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Mornin’ Y’all,
Welp, it’s day 29f and its about time for an update. Not too much to report. Things are stacking up nicely and smells are developing. Aphids populations seem low to non existent. I’m about to get in there for a deep defoliation and am thinking about another topdress with a soluble goodie sidecar.

Hope y’all are well!

Sunshine4 7&8

Black Triangle

Good Medicine F3


DLA 5 F2

Lavender Jack

Dragon Hammer

Space Monkey


Couple other pictures I grabbed while defoliating and checking for assholes.


Hey @CrunchBerries and all my SIP people!

I’ve just pulled down some girls from my SIPs and they were so pretty at the end that I had to share.

This is Famous Aimless and OGKB 2.1 x Mendo breath on chop day 67



I’ve now dropped some Stand Up Guy - LAPK x (GMO x (Grape Ape x Tres Haze)) in for the third round in this SIP. The parents of these ones look crazy so should be a good run.


Giving this another go!


Looking great @Loggershands !! Thanks for the update!!

You got this @Slurreme-i-am!! You look set up for success!!